Male | 39
Kann Mumps-bedingter Tinnitus trotz Hörverlust wirksam behandelt werden?
Mein Bruder hatte im Februar Mumpsprobleme. Am zweiten Tag verlor er sein Gehör auf dem linken Ohr vollständig. Mit viel Lärm im Ohr. Wir konsultierten viele Ärzte und hatten eine langwierige Behandlung über etwa 6 Monate. Aber null Ergebnis. Die Ärzte erklärten, dass das Gehör nie wiederkommen werde. Aber wir wollen, dass der Tinnitus verschwindet. Es schadet auch seinem Leben. Bitte helfen Sie

Answered on 22nd Aug '24
Das Gefühl von Ohrgeräuschen, Tinnitus genannt, kann sehr belastend sein. Bei Tinnitus handelt es sich in solchen Fällen meist um eine Nervenschädigung, die durch die Mumps-Infektion verursacht wird. Leider ist der Hörverlust in manchen Fällen möglicherweise nicht reversibel. Um die Symptome in den Griff zu bekommen, kann Ihr Bruder versuchen, beruhigende Musik zu hören, Geräte mit weißem Rauschen zu verwenden und laute Geräusche zu vermeiden. Auch eine Beratung oder Therapie kann für die Patienten hilfreich sein.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (235)
I'm having nasal congestion, and there is swelling on septum wall deep in nose become of allergy
Male | 24
You appear to be coping with nasal congestion and your nose is swollen due to allergies. A situation when your body reacts to things like pollen and dust may cause your nose to feel stuffy, while the inside of your nose may get swollen. This may block the airways, thus making it difficult to breathe. You can try saline nasal spray to clear your nose and avoid things that trigger your allergies. If it continues, you should visit an allergist who will assist you in finding a suitable treatment for your allergies.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
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Pain in my throat an left ear
Male | 35
You may be experiencing an issue related to the ears, nose, or throat. The discomfort in your left ear and throat could signify a throat or ear infection. You may develop ear pain when you have a sore throat. Gargling with warm salt water can relieve the pain caused by a sore throat. Taking enough fluids and having sufficient rest is essential. If the pain persists, make sure you see an ENT specialist immediately so that you can be given the right medication.
Answered on 25th May '24
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I need help from ent,othology surgeon i have been diagnosed with discrete chronic mastoiditis. I have pain around ear and it spreads even to the temporal bone and artery. Can i send you my ct and mri photos so you can tell me more?
Male | 30
Answered on 13th June '24
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i am facing pain in my ear by using headphones from last 1 day when i feel very little pqin i take it off and for 1 day i was not using it but now i again use it and i feel more pain than yesterday and it is 2 hour now i am send this chat i am feel pain not too much but not little it is noticeable pain in inner side of ear which is near to my jaw and ear intersection point
Male | 24
You may have developed an ear infection from wearing headphones too often. The pain near your jaw and ear could signal this issue. Prolonged headphone use can sometimes trap bacteria, leading to infections. Take a break from using headphones, and try applying a warm cloth to the affected ear area. However, if the discomfort persists, it would be wise to consult an ENT specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sore throat, severe pain when swallowing, the pain is constant, started 4 days ago with a headache, a fever and sore throat, the fever and headache went away but the throat pain got progressively worse i would describe it as sharp pain, i am on 5 types of medicine including ibuprofen but nothing works, i also tried gargles and all sorts of remedies and the do not work as well
Male | 18
You may have an acute tonsillitis infection. When the tonsils become infected with viruses or bacteria this frequently occurs. The fever and headache you experienced are common symptoms of this condition. Since taking medication has not helped, it is necessary to get a proper diagnosis from an ENT specialist. This will enable them to prescribe stronger antibiotics which should make you feel well. Do not forget to drink plenty of water and have enough bed rest.
Answered on 7th June '24
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I am 30 year old, my TMJ disk was displace without reduction, having TMJ pain,face pain, upper palate pain, neck pain, dr suggested TMJ arthroplasty, what should I do now.. please suggest
Female | 30
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Having pain in right side of lymph node under jaw from couple of days, the pain increases while chewing and swallowing food. I can feel the lymph node with my fingers it also has an aching feeling and the pain and uneasiness remains constant, have not taken any medicines yet.
Male | 40
It's important to get evaluated by an ENT specialist for the pain in your right lymph node under the jaw, especially if it worsens with chewing and swallowing. This could indicate an infection or inflammation that needs prompt attention. Avoid delaying and seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your symptoms.
Answered on 10th July '24
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Ear infection and vertigo in head
Male | 36
Ear infections may give you vertigo, making you dizzy and feel like the room is spinning. Since infections impact your inner ear's balance mechanism, this happens. Ear infection symptoms are ear pain, hearing issues, and drainage. Your ENT specialist might prescribe antibiotics and recommend resting to treat the infection and vertigo.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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My body hurts a lot, fever is special. Or the inner world of the eyes, when I look at the other side Then I feel pain.Along with this there is also headache. And there is pain in the stomach too
Male | 20
You may have a sinus infection. This will include pain in the eyes and face, plus a fever, headache, and stomach pain. Sinus infections are typically treated by resting, drinking a lot of water, and antibiotics if it is severe. Visit an ENT specialist for this. Remember to take care and also rest as much as you can.
Answered on 1st July '24
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My 6 year old son has complaining about something is stuck in his throat, I just checked a swollen elevation at the end of his tounge . I think it is visible like epiglottis
Male | 6.5
You should immediately contact a pediatrician or an ENT specialist to check out the symptoms of your child. Many conditions can cause swelling or pain in the throat, particularly around the epiglottis. It is essential to seek timely medical attention to prevent any complications and ensure the health of your child.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir namskar I am 27 year old. I have a problem in my nose when I ct scan that it comes polypoidal mucosal thickening noted in bilateral maxillary sinuses. Is it a cancer simtom.because it was bleeding max days 10 to 15 years
Female | 27
At your age, polypoidal mucosal thickening in the maxillary sinuses is usually not a sign of cancer. It often indicates chronic sinusitis or nasal polyps. However, because you mentioned bleeding for many years, it's important to consult an ENT specialist for a thorough evaluation and proper treatment.
Answered on 1st July '24
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For a few days I feel pain in the upper part of the right ear, means on the right side of the head. Then swelling just above the ear. Pain in the ear, pain behind the ear, pain in the jaw and neck. Now the right ear are blocked . There is swelling of the right side of head.
Female | 23
You may be dealing with an ear infection. The germs, whether they are bacteria or viruses, infect your ear and cause a lot of pain, swelling, and even a sensation of blockage in your ear. Sometimes the pain may also radiate to your jaw and neck. Consulting an ENT specialist will enable you to obtain the correct treatment, primarily antibiotics for the infection.
Answered on 29th July '24
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i hve back of throat in orange bumps
Female | 19
Tonsil stones are small items in your throat. They are made of food, mucus, and bacteria. You might have bad breath, a sore throat, or trouble swallowing. Gargle with warm salt water to remove them. Also, drink lots of water. Keep your mouth clean. This can stop tonsil stones from forming.
Answered on 23rd July '24
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Tinnitus and continue headache
Male | 37
Tinnitus makes you hear noises when there isn't one nearby. A constant headache combined with buzzing sounds could signal stress or loud noise exposure. High blood pressure could also cause it. Relax, avoid loud noises, get plenty of rest. If it persists, see an ENT specialist to identify any other reasons.
Answered on 2nd Aug '24
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My boy is of 12 years and he is having tonsils in his neck… there is normal tonsils Madicine has finished
Male | 12
Your son has enlarged tonsils, he slows down when sick. These can make the throat hurt, make it hard to swallow, or even block some air. Helping him stay comfortable might include giving him lots of things to drink and soft things to eat. Make a doctor’s appointment if he seems very uncomfortable or it’s hard for him to breathe.
Answered on 21st June '24
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Gle se aavaj ki problem hai jukam bhi hai 3 din se hai bukhar bhi tha
Female | 24
Your voice might have been affected and you’ve had a cold for three days. You also had a fever. These are the typical symptoms of a common cold. These are mainly caused by viruses. The best thing to do is to take a rest, drink plenty of fluids, and use over-the-counter drugs to relieve the symptoms. If it doesn’t get better, visit an ENT specialist.
Answered on 27th May '24
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sir i have problem in cough for long time 1 yr all my cough come from nasal cavity or nose not from my thort how can i cure this can you tell me
Male | 16
Your coughs might be from postnasal drip. Mucus flows down your throat from your nose. Allergies, sinus infections, or acid reflux could cause it. Drink lots of fluids. Use a humidifier. Avoid smoke and other irritants. Try decongestants or saline sprays for relief. But if it doesn't improve, see an ENT doctor. They'll examine you and give proper treatment.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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Since 2 weeks, I have persistently sound is coming in my ears what is the issue possible? Im 55 years old Since 10 days im taking augmentan antibiotic 625 mg twice a day After this issue arises or due to this sound is coming, there is also little pain arises in my right ear and right side of my jaw teeth Problem is the same, the sound is still coming with the pain
Male | 55
A buildup behind your eardrum might cause the noise. Your ear and jaw ache may relate to this otitis media (middle ear infection). Antibiotics aid, but seeing an ENT specialist for assessment and care is wise. They'll determine if fluid accumulates, resulting in the symptoms you describe.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Suggestive of left maxillary sinusitis with right maxillary antral polyp and rhinitis
Female | 18
The symptoms indicate an inflammation of the left maxillary sinus and the presence of a polyp in the right maxillary antrum, and sinusitis symptoms such as rhinitis as well. As a result, the person may experience a stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, and a discharging nose. In case of sinusitis nasal discharge, accompanied by facial pressure or pain sometimes by a fever, can be either due to germs or from the immune system. Nasal pips are whenever the tissues of the virtual with a nasal or similar cavity show the presence of small swellings. The treatment of disease includes some of the most common allergy medicines, antibiotics, and in some cases, surgery.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello doc, I’m fahmi from Ethiopia. I have sinus since when I was 10 and from the last 2 years it becomes so hard to breathe through my nose. I tried to change environment, the weather and different things but my nose still stuffy and closed. MRI shows I have infection on my top nose. Doctors just always gave me nasal drops for temporary relief. Now I have been using nasal drops for 2 years and sometimes it start adopting didn’t work by 2-3 drops and also some times it wants the stronger one like Oxymetazol to stay for longer like 8-10 hours. Please I need your help , thank you ????????
Male | 24
You may have chronic sinusitis. This is when your sinuses become swollen or inflamed. Breathing through your nose could become difficult because of this. Using nose drops gives temporary relief; however, they might not be helpful in the long run as the body would be used to them. It’s important to find out what causes these before suggesting remedies for them. Visit an ENT Specialist for more insight into the matter.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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