Dr. Soham Datta
Conservative Dentist
26 years of experience
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About Dr.Soham
Hello I am Dr Soham Datta , I am a dentist. I am specialist in Conservative Demtistry & Endodontics.
Dr.Soham Specializations
- Conservative Dentist
- Endodontist
Dr.Soham Education
- BDS - Dentistry Gurunanak Institute Of Dental Sciences & Research
- MDS - Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics Haldia Institute Of Dental Sciences & Research
Dr.Soham Experience
House SurgeonNilratan Sarkar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata.2019 - 2019
MDS in Conservative Dentistry & EndodonticsHaldia Institute of Dental Sciences & Research2019 - 2022
Dr.Soham Registration
- 5586-A N/A
- Endodontic Treatments
- Prosthetic Care And Rehabilitation
- Aesthetic And Restorative Fillings
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for Dr. Soham Datta
What are Dr. Soham Datta's qualifications?
What are the areas of expertise of Dr. Soham Datta?
What types of treatment does Dr. Soham Datta provide?
How many years of experience does Dr. Soham Datta have?
Questions answered By Dr. Soham Datta (7)
Asked for Male, 19 Years
Asked for Female, 46 Years
Load more Hi, My name is Shohan, my problem is "Bad breath". So i want to know, which doctor can cure my problem and who is experienced for this problem. Can you help me!!
Answered on 23rd May '24
bad breath occur because of the gas formed due to the fermentation of food particles by bacteria.
which will not solve with your regular brushing.
visit a near by specialist like periodontist to check your oral hyegene and accordingly decide the treatment planning. (Scaling and root planing).
What are the treatments available for chronic apical periodontitis?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Three treatments are available.
1st one, Nonsurgical root canal treatment.
pros: can save the tooth.
cons: mutiple time visit to clinic at 7-10 days interval / 1-2 months interval (depending which kind of medication is given to resolve the infection by the dentist).so needs a lots of patience to save the tooth.
If responding and infection start healing via radiograph then congratulations. if not responding after giving medication also (can happened) then Apicoectomy ( cutting the apical root part along with cleaning of the infection) is the option.
pros: can able to save the tooth still.
cons: cant able to done in all tooth specailly posterior due to accessibility issue. so the third option is Extraction and replacement.
Can a hyperthyroid patient ever get a Dental Implant?
Answered on 23rd May '24
Obviously a hyperthyroid patient can get dental impant. provided the thyroid level is under control after medication which one the doctor prescribe for your thyroid.
Allthought other parameter are also important but maily the T3,T4, TSH levels, blood pressure and heart rate (increased in uncontrolled hyperthyroid patient) and bone density made your implantologist happy then obviously he or she will agree to do an implant.