Male | 42
¿Por qué tengo hinchazón severa y un tratamiento ineficaz?
Tengo mucha hinchazón en el estómago y el intestino se revuelve, no funcionan los medicamentos.

Gastroenterólogo Quirúrgico
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Probablemente esté lidiando con una situación de hinchazón en el estómago con gorgoteos en los intestinos. La hinchazón es cuando hay exceso de gas en el abdomen. La agitación del intestino puede deberse a que los alimentos pasan por su sistema. Comer despacio y evitar los alimentos que te provocan gases podría ser la solución. Beber té de menta también puede aliviar el estómago. Si esto no funciona, lo mejor es hablar con ungastroenterólogo.
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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)
After taking the stool morning i have to one more time immediately sometimes more than 1 time.. Its been 6 months and i consulted a doctor and took blood test but there was no problem in result. Is there any problem. And also i have internal hemorrhoids which is not painful but yesterday a little came and going back it is a bit painful and irritating.
Male | 20
Your symptoms could be related to your internal hemorrhoids or another gastrointestinal issue. Even though your blood tests were normal, it’s important to follow up with a gastroenterologist for a detailed evaluation and proper treatment.
Answered on 14th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain
Female | 18
Vomiting, diarrhea, and belly aches are never fun! These can be caused by infections, bad food, or even stress. Drink plenty of fluids, and stick to plain foods like crackers or rice. Get some rest. If the symptoms last more than a day or two, it's best to see a gastroenterologist to be safe.
Answered on 27th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
How to cure Diarrhea ? I am having loose motions about 4 times a day.
Male | 30
Your body is trying to get rid of something bothering it, like a virus, bacteria, or food that didn't agree with you. To help, drink lots of liquids so you don't get dehydrated. Stick to bland stuff like toast or rice. If it doesn't improve after a couple of days, check with a gastroenterologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Sir I am a 37 years old female I was having Anal fissure last year so I went to 2 to 3 doctor The last doctor I don't why without any reason he gave me escitolpram nexito 5mg after taking medicine I got tingling sensation in my both hand severely for 3 hrs and from that day till now no medicine is giving me peaceful sleep I tried restil Ventab melatonin zolpidem Amitone Amitryn clonafit Atonil mirtaz Gabapentin dayvigo and finally I am taking calmtra 10 mg and whole day there is continuously sleep on my eyes kindly someone help
Female | 37
The issues could be connected to the medicine you were given. In truth, sometimes Escitalopram, also called Nexito, is capable of causing side effects such as tingling sensation and sleeping disorders to the patients who take it. Inform the doctor and be involved in the treatment process.
Answered on 27th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Good morning I have on and off diarrhea and severe abdominal pain m weak no appetite its been 7 daes
Male | 38
You're dealing with diarrhea, intense belly pain, feeling weak, and no appetite for a week. That's rough! It might be a stomach bug or food poisoning causing these issues. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids. Stick to plain foods like toast and rice. But if it persists, consult your gastroenterologist right away.
Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Having a inflammation while passing stool , i had a loos motion like 2-3 weeks back and since than facing inflammation nd burning sensation near anus area now while passing stool .
Male | 30
An anal fissure means there's a tear near your anus. It happens when you have hard, difficult bowel movements. Or it can occur with diarrhea. This will cause pain and burning when you use the bathroom. Eating foods with fiber helps make your stool softer and easier to pass. Drinking lots of water is good too. Warm baths can soothe the irritated area around your anus. If symptoms don't improve soon, see your gastroenterologist.
Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Took omeprazole 40mg at 5pm and accidently took another at 5am should I be worried?
Male | 28
The side effects of overdose omeprazole are, for instance headache, nausea and stomach pain. If you have any of these symptoms, seek advice from your doctor as soon as possible.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am suffering from gastric and sometimes loose motion and stomachache. As whole of the time i feels fullness in my upper stomach.
Female | 24
Your symptoms of gastric discomfort, loose motions, stomachache, and feeling of fullness in your upper stomach could be caused by gastrointestinal conditions such as GERD, IBS, food intolerance or allergy, Consult a gastroenterologist for treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I am 25year old male and I have constant muscle tension, lack of concentration and unable to take deep breaths as well as loss of appetite from past 1 year, I have tried Brahmi and Ashwagandha tablets but these tablets are causing stomach discomfort(acid reflux), please guide me
Male | 25
These signs may be caused by stress, anxiety, or a medical issue. It’s good that you’ve tried Brahmi and Ashwagandha but stomach problems are worrisome. I advise seeing a gastroenterologist to consider other solutions that could make you feel better. Techniques for managing stress as well as relaxation exercises might also help.
Answered on 24th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hello, I am a 34 year male, noticed some itching and bulging near anus opening from last week. seems like initial stage of piles. but the pain is unbearable now during excretion. Please suggest should i go for ayurveda, homeopathy or MBBS doc.
Male | 34
You might have hemorrhoids. This condition causes itching and bulging around the anus area. Feeling pain when using the toilet is common. An MBBS doctor can help you with this issue. They will guide you on suitable treatments. Different options exist, like medicines, lifestyle changes, or procedures. The treatment depends on how severe your condition is.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Mucus and blood in stool Vomiting if eating anything
Female | 25
If you have bloody stools with mucus or nausea after meals, it might mean that all is not well with your digestive system. The reasons for this could be infections, inflammation, or something else. Drinking water and eating plain food in small amounts as important. I would advise you to go to a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
How to reduce High ggd levels
Male | 47
To lower the elevated GGT levels, it is vital that the cause is found and treated. GGT level may be enhanced by specific factors such as alcohol use, liver disease and certain medicines. You should go and see a gastroenterologist for further examination and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Hi, I believe I am suffering from IBS for several years. No blood in stools,.no weight loss so don't think it's IBD. Would being tested for intolerance or sensitivity to certain foods help alleviate my symptoms. Thank you
Female | 56
Consider testing for food intolerances or sensitivities might be helpful. While IBS doesn't cause structural damage like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), it can still lead to uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Recently now i am taking rifaximin 1100 mg two times a day for 14 days i feel dioreha in morning two times or may be three times but in evening i dont feel much diareha I dont know what to do i am so much fed up from all this Before i took mabrin itopride vonoprazole omeprazole but now i am taking rifaximin but no relief in my symptoms I still have diareha may be three times in morning They did my colonscopy in september 2023 but my symptoms got more severe in december And my colonscopy was clear and i dont feel like Still i have severe diareha and cramps in morning
Female | 24
Infections or certain medical conditions are the possible causes of diarrhea. When you are already taking rifaximin and still not feeling better, it is crucial to communicate again with your doctor. They can go for more examinations or try other methods to cope with your situation.
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Stomach pain after eating anything
Male | 32
Stomach aches after eating could signal various issues. Perhaps gastritis - inflamed stomach lining. Or acid reflux, ulcers, food intolerances. Look for bloating, nausea, and heartburn too. Eat smaller meals frequently. Avoid spicy, fatty foods. Drink plenty of fluids. If pain continues, see a gastroenterologist. They'll examine you thoroughly.
Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I have acne from 5 years now I have heard about isotretinoin and I want to know if I can use it
Female | 19
Chronic stomach problems can have various causes, you need to get it diagnosed properly by a gastroenterologist. To address these issues, consider dietary adjustments, stress management, regular exercise, and maintaining a food diary to identify triggers.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I had a gastric bypassand have both stomachs. Since then I have kept off the 220 lbs, but have had malabsorption, anemia, Iron defecencies ( needing several infusions over the years) I take cholesterol and B12 injections monthly. I can't do straight milk and have been using lactose milk for years. I have had kidney issues( stage3rd 3) IPMN, bleeding ulsers and other issues. The main thing is this nagging pain on my upper left side that they can never discover the cause and then brush off when tests come back neg. Recently had an MRI that showed a narrowing in my bile duct,( which has come up in past cat scans and Previous MRI) and they brush off and say it's stable... The pain mood swings, non sleep bowel change, weight up and down,non sleep and list can go on without mentioning my lab numbers.iwas scheduled for an EUC/ECRP then he canceled it as" he realized I was a gastric patient.. The pain is there and I am at a loss.. Something is wrong, I don't want anything serious to happen to me as I have a9 yr old to raise I'm only 60 What should I do?? Help me
Female | 60
The left upper side hurt may relate to bile duct narrowing. This tube carries bile from liver to intestines. Narrowing can block bile, causing pain, issues. Seek your gastroenterologist's advice. Perhaps get a specialist review, familiar with your gastric bypass surgery effects. They can recommend actions to ease symptoms, prevent complications.
Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I feel nausea and full...and irritated to food ..what could be the problem?
Male | 21
Experiencing nausea, fullness, and food aversion could be due to indigestion, GERD, gastritis, food intolerances, infections, stress, pregnancy, ulcers, gallbladder issues, or other medical conditions. Consult a professional doctor for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
Iam suffering from typhoid last 20 days
Male | 24
Typhoid is an infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella. It contains such common symptoms as a high fever, stomach ache, headache, and becoming extremely weak. Your body can combat the bacteria by drinking a lot of fluids and taking antibiotics. Also, get enough rest, as this will help your body heal.
Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
I will be having gall bladder operation but because of high blood sugar my operation is being general physician gave me insulin...thus my blood sugar level decreased however my sugar level again please can you recommend me a diet chart and other measures to be taken.
Male | 52
My advice would be to see a registered dietician, who could develop an individualized nutrition plan based on your needs and high blood sugar levels. Moreover, you should adhere to the doctor's directions about insulin dosage and timing as well as accurately measure your blood sugar level. In case of any doubts concerning your gall bladder surgery, consult a gastroenterologist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar
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