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Male | 20

¿Podría la mordedura de gato provocar síntomas de rabia después de 3 meses?

Me ha mordido mi gato (uno de sus colmillos me arañó la piel), y desde entonces han sido tres bocas, y en los últimos días tengo algunos dolores de cabeza, malestar estomacal y algunas presiones en el pecho, es posible que sea rabia. ? El gato parece no mostrar síntomas y todavía puedo beber agua pero luego siento algo en el cuello.

Answered on 6th Sept '24

La rabia no es muy frecuente en gatos y si tu gato no ha mostrado ningún signo de comportamiento extraño, entonces no debes preocuparte. Es más probable que los síntomas que mencionó, como dolores de cabeza, dolor abdominal y presión en el pecho, sean causados ​​por otras razones. Quizás ansiedad o una enfermedad menor dando vueltas. Por favor preste atención a cómo se siente; Si empeora, puedes acudir a un médico para que lo revise. 

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1156)

Mujhay bohat ziada cough hai or galey mein bhi kafi dard hai kindly koi effective medicine batA dain

Female | 50

Persistent cough along with throat pain could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. I advise you to visit an ENT specialist for proper examination and diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Smoker addictive for few years

Male | 17

Cigarette addiction is strong because of the nicotine that smokes contain. You may be irritable, anxious, and have strong urges to smoke when you try to quit smoking. This is quite natural as your body is used to nicotine. The best strategy for smoking cessation is the aid of family, friends, or even a support group. You could also consult a healthcare provider who would be able to provide you with techniques you could use to quit successfully. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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How many times albendazole and lvermicin can I take in a year

Male | 50

Using albendazole­ or ivermectin improperly can harm your he­alth. A doctor prescribes albendazole­ one or two times yearly to tre­at intestinal worms. Meanwhile, ive­rmectin treats stubborn parasites like­ scabies or strongyloidiasis once annually. These­ medicines eliminate­ parasites causing stomach discomfort, itching, and tiredness. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My fsh level is 27.27 and Lh hormones level is 22.59 and my age is 45 unmarried and also I have thyroid problems can there is any medicine to decrease fsh level

Female | 45

From your FSH and LH values, it seems that you are going through menopause.I recommend you to see a gynecologist to do a full check-up and decide what is the right treatment for your case. Regarding medication to reduce the levels of FSH, there may be some solutions; however, it is recommended that you consult with a specialist before undertaking such treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it possible to catch genital herpes from someone with no symptoms of oral herpes. But has had previous outbreaks in the past ? I have been diagnosed with HPV but not sure which one yet. Ivd never had a coldsore or STD,/STI. I slept with someone 11 days ago and now have the symptoms of herpes

Female | 47

Yes, one can contract genital herpes. Even without symptoms. Get yourself checked for any unusual symptoms

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can I increase my height I am 14 currently going to be 15 in june

Female | 14

During your teenage years, you can support healthy growth by following a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, maintaining good posture, and avoiding unhealthy habits. However your ultimate height is largely determined by genetics. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am having severe dry cough last one month but not reducing it.chest pain, dizzy, shortness of breath. Already took antibiotics, injection and currently on meditation also but same here.

Female | 28

These symptoms indicates several respiratory desease. It is highly recommended that you visit a pulmonologist at the earliest to get yourself evaluated for any underlying respiratory condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I'm 25 yrs old male. Going to the gym three to four time a week. I would like to know if I can take Zinc capsule, Magnesium capsule, Fish oil capsule, Biotin B7 capsule and B complex

Male | 25

Zinc, Magnesium, Fish oil, Biotin B7, and B complex are­ good supplements. But try getting the­m from food first. If you feel sluggish, can't snooze we­ll, or notice skin/hair changes, these­ might assist. Just don't overdo the dosage amounts. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I have had a sore throat for 9 days my nose and mouth have been sore also, I have been on antibiotics for 5 days . It hurts me to swollow anything.

Female | 61

Maybe the antibiotics you have been taking for the last 5 days are not effective in controlling the infection resulting in your sore throat. I advice you to get an ENT consultation in order to get the correct diagnosis. They may recommend another antibiotic or to explore other treatment options and manage symptoms for you. Do not delay getting treatment of your problems with swallowing as this may aggravate matters.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What medicine should I take for alcoholic uneasiness and for sleep

Male | 40

Over-the-counter remedies like antacids can help with stomach discomfort while staying hydrated with water or electrolyte solutions is crucial. For sleep, consider using natural aids like melatonin or chamomile tea. However, it's best to consult a doctor for personalized advice and to ensure safe and effective treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Boobs enlargment problems

Female | 24

BREAST ENLARGEMENT can be due to weight gain or hormonal changes.. . Breastfeeding, menopause or PUBITY can also cause it.. However, if you observe sudden enlargement or PAIN in breast, you should consult a doctor.. Sometimes, BREAST ENLARGEMENT can be a sign of breast CANCER..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My 10 year old son, has a very chesty cough. He had this cough 4 weeks ago it subsided and now he has woken up today with it. Dry cough no tightness in the chest, a bit breathless. He suffers with Chronic Migraines he takes Sumatriptan upon bad migraines. He also suffers with asthma

Male | 10

You should first take your son to a paediatrician whose diagnosis might be more accurate and efficient because your son also suffers from asthma. Besides, the pediatrician can refer a pulmonologist in you have to. The patient shouldn't take drugs on his own, but should only use medications prescribed by a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I would like to ask which medication can help with my fatigue,concentration and memory.As I am a student struggling with those very badly.

Female | 20

You se­em to experie­nce tiredness, difficulty focusing and struggle­s with memory. Various factors contribute, like pre­ssure, insufficient rest, and unhe­althy nutrition. Modafinil, a medication, sometimes he­lps these issues, e­specially for narcolepsy or slee­p apnea patients. It increase­s alertness, potentially improving conce­ntration and recall. You can visit a sleep specialist or general physician to get medications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why have i been feeling nauseous for 3 days

Female | 16

Nausea lasting thre­e days could signal different he­alth issues. A stomach infection or contaminated food may trigge­r nausea. Stress, migraines pre­sent valid causes too. Vomiting, loss of appetite­, dizziness sometimes accompany nause­a. Try ingesting bland meals, staying hydrated with wate­r. Persisting nausea require­s consulting someone who provides re­lief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 20 years old, female. I have been having high fever that comes and goes since 4 days with no other symptoms other than sharp headache and weakness. Fever goes up to 102.5. I took dolo650 only for fever

Female | 20

It sounds like you may be dealing with a viral infection that’s given you a high fever, headache, and weakness. Viruses can really knock you out. Keep in mind to drink lots of water and get some rest. Taking dolo650 for fever is good. If your fever doesn’t go down or if it becomes hard to breathe or you feel pain in your chest, then it’s time to see a doctor or go to the hospital. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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