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Male | 21

¿El sobreesfuerzo podría causar dolor en la articulación del pie?

Caminé demasiado hoy y ahora me duele la articulación del pie

1 Answer
El dr Chakraborty profundo

Cirugía ortopédica

Answered on 5th Sept '24

El dolor en las articulaciones del pie después de caminar mucho es bastante común. Las articulaciones pueden doler por la presión y el movimiento. Para aliviar el dolor, descanse el pie, aplique hielo y estire suavemente los músculos del pie y la pantorrilla. Asegúrate de usar zapatos cómodos y evita caminar largas distancias por ahora.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Orthopedic" (1042)

growth plates checking by x ray

Male | 19

Growth plates are­ special areas in children's bone­s. They allow the bones to grow longe­r. An X-ray can show if a child's growth plates are still open. This me­ans the child is still growing taller. Some signs of proble­ms with growth plates are pain, swelling, or one­ limb being longer than the othe­r. Growth plate issues can happen afte­r injuries. They can also be cause­d by certain medical conditions. Treatme­nt depends on what is wrong. It may involve re­sting the area, doing physical therapy e­xercises, or sometime­s surgery.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Male | 35

Avascular necrosis (AVN) is a condition in which the blood supply to the bone is disrupted causing the bone tissue to die. Treatment for AVN depends on the stage of the condition and the location of the affected bone. Its advisable to consult with an orthopedic surgeon for treatment options. The doctor may recommend physical therapy, medication, or surgery depending on the severity of the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I met with an major accident last 2 months back and my right leg was opened and after surgery doctor had put k wire but today while gng to washroom I fell down and my kwire is bit moved and it bleeding what to so

Male | 30

you should get medical help immediately. Contact your orthopedic surgeon and follow medical advice given. Indeed, delaying treatment causes only more problems.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Good Morning Sir, My mother is suffering from knee pain since 5/6 years and doctors are advising for knee replacement. So i want to know the how much cost to both knee replacement. Thanks & Regards Narinder Kumar 9780221919

Female | 55

Good evening. The cost of one knee ranges from 1.4Lakh -3 lakh depending on the type of hospital and implant. You can consult with me at 8639947097 to discuss all options. Thanks

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I felt a pop in my chest and it took my breath away and now I have swelling under my arm

Male | 32

You might have had a pneumothorax, which happens when air gets into the space between your lung and chest wall. This can occur with a sudden chest injury or the rupture of a tiny air sac. The swelling in your armpit could be connected to this. To receive appropriate care which may include releasing pressurized air by draining it out to facilitate lung expansion.

Answered on 10th June '24

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I am 36 years old and I'm suffering from lower left side pain. I've been suffering since 2014 and the hospital state doctors have failed to diagnose my illness.

Male | 36

Dp mri and send 7389676363

Answered on 4th July '24

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Tibia and fibila frecture

Male | 29

Tibia and fibula fractures involve­ broken lower leg bone­s. Pain, swelling, and inability to move the le­g characterize symptoms. Falls or accidents commonly cause­ these injuries. Tre­atment involves casts or surgical repair of bone­s. Ice, rest, and leg e­levation help relie­ve pain and swelling. Recove­ring full strength and mobility often require­s physical therapy.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Mere hath me dard ho rha hai kuch din pehle accident hua tha

Male | 42

The accident you expe­rienced days ago could cause this pain. Some­times, injuries make tissue­s in our hands get hurt, leading to discomfort. You must rest your hand and apply ice­ to minimize swelling - raise it too. Give­ your hand a break so it can properly recove­r.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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No relief in pain at all in hand even after frozen shoulder process/operation

Male | 72

If the pain does not go away and is not responding to pain management techniques, you should see a doctor. An orthopedic surgeon could further evaluate the problem and suggest the most effective treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why does skin peel after gout

Female | 39

When acute effect of gout subsides because of decreasing inflammation skins peels off.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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