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Female | 19

¿La hinchazón y el estómago duro podrían ser signos de problemas estomacales?

Mi hija está teniendo algunos problemas estomacales durante la semana pasada. La parte superior del estómago ha estado dura, aunque come, se siente hinchada y su estómago funciona.

Answered on 11th July '24

Esto ocurre cuando la comida en su abdomen no se digiere bien. La sensación de dureza en la parte superior y la hinchazón del estómago son signos comunes. Comer demasiado rápido o ciertos tipos de alimentos puede provocar esto. Aconséjele que se tome las cosas con calma mientras come y que evite alimentos que puedan provocar indigestión, como platos picantes o grasosos. Beber muchos líquidos también puede ayudar a aliviar el malestar. Sin embargo, si estos síntomas persisten, sería aconsejable que busque asesoramiento médico adicional de ungastroenterólogo.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1130)

Bloated stomach causing sickness

Male | 28

Bloated stomach causes sickness when GAS builds up in your digestive system.. This can cause DISCOMFORT, pain and nausea.. Bloating can be caused by EXCESS air intake, eating too MUCH or certain medical conditions.. To reduce bloating, avoid carbonated drinks, chewing gum and certain FOODS.. Eating slowly and staying hydrated can also help.. If bloating persists or is accompanied by other SYMPTOMS, seek medical advice..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My dad is suffering from gastric problem. He took medicines. But he didn't get relief.

Male | 45

Your dad's gastric issue is conce­rning. The meds don't see­m effective. Stomach proble­ms bring pain, bloating, and discomfort. Medications may fail if diet or stress cause­ the issue. Spicy foods, large me­als, and stress worsen symptoms. Smaller portions, stress manage­ment, and avoiding trigger foods may improve his condition.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

So after having dinner i suddenly felt vomiting so while vomiting there was little blood what to do

Female | 24

As soon as you can, go to a gastroenterologist. The symptom of hematemesis – vomiting blood is a serious sign that must not be overlooked. It may refer to various diseases, including gastric ulcers, inflammation of the stomach lining or even cancer. Only an expert can identify the underlying condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel

Dr. Himali Patel

My stomach is empty and upset and I'm unable to drink water without feeling nauseous. I've taken pepto bismol and I've been eating bread yet nothing's helping. What do I do?

Female | 21

It seems like you might have gastritis. This occurs when the lining of your stomach becomes inflamed and can result in feelings of queasiness as well as an upset stomach. Consuming bread or using Pepto-Bismol may not help alleviate these symptoms. To keep hydrated, try drinking clear fluids such as broth or ginger tea. Additionally, you should avoid eating spicy foods that could further irritate it since they tend to be acidic too while fatty ones take longer to digest besides causing discomfort hence worsening the situation even more should this happen. For proper treatment seek medical attention if they persist beyond what is expected.

Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

i’ve had light constipation this past week, i’ve been passing a little bit of stool at least once each day and i want to get an idea of how i can fix it?

Female | 17

You have mild constipation. This is when stool moves slowly in your inte­stines, making pooping difficult. Common reasons are not drinking e­nough water, not consuming enough fiber, or not be­ing active. To fix this, drink more water. Eat fruits and ve­getables. Move your body by walking or e­xercising regularly. Constipation makes bowe­l movements difficult. Mild cases can be­ alleviated with simple life­style changes.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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