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Male | 21

¿Por qué mi amígdala derecha está más grande y duele?

Mi lado derecho de la amígdala es más grande que el lado izquierdo desde el año pasado, pero desde el año pasado no me dolía, pero desde la semana pasada me duele al comer y tragar y también aparece una mancha blanca.

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Es posible que tenga amigdalitis, donde las amígdalas (los dos bultos en la parte posterior de la garganta) se hinchan e inflaman. Esto puede ser causado por bacterias o virus. La inflamación podría ser la razón por la que siente dolor al comer y tragar, y las manchas blancas indican una infección. Es importante ver unotorrinolaringólogo, ya que pueden recomendar antibióticos para tratar la infección. Mientras tanto, beba muchos líquidos y evite las comidas muy picantes o picantes.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (235)

I have pain while swallowing

Female | 25

This could happe­n because of a sore throat or infe­ction. Other possibilities are acid re­flux or swallowing something sharp accidentally. If it continues for se­veral days, getting it checke­d is wise. Warm drinks or soft foods might provide relie­f. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is crucial too. Take­ a break from spicy or rough textures until it passe­s.

Answered on 25th July '24

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My mother aged 43 is getting blood from her throat sometimes during nights when she sleep with AC and good night machine

Female | 43

Experiencing occasional blood from throat during sleep needs proper evaluation by a specialist. It could be due to dryness, nasal congestion, or throat irritation. In the meantime, keeping the air humidified and avoiding throat irritants may offer some relief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Having some things inside the throat

Female | 20

Feeling like something is stuck in your throat can happen for several reasons. You might have eaten too quickly or didn’t chew your food well enough. Acid reflux or stress can also cause this sensation. To help relieve it, try drinking plenty of water, eating slowly, and not rushing your bites. Managing stress can also help reduce this feeling. Following these tips may provide some relief.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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