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Male | 26

¿Por qué mi pérdida de cabello se está volviendo grave?

Señor, estoy perdiendo mucho cabello y la línea de la cabeza también ha comenzado a aparecer. El cabello en mi cabeza es muy fino y muy claro. por favor señor ayuda

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Parece que estás experimentando una pérdida y adelgazamiento significativo del cabello, especialmente en la parte superior de la cabeza. Esto puede deberse a factores como el estrés, la mala alimentación, la genética o determinadas afecciones médicas. Para solucionar esto, intente llevar una dieta equilibrada, controlar el estrés y utilizar productos suaves para el cuidado del cabello. También es importante visitar undermatólogopara comprobar si hay algún problema de salud subyacente que pueda estar causando la caída del cabello.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatologyy" (2000)

Anus haemorrhoids not bleeding only itching

Female | 30

Hemorrhoids cause­ itchiness. They're puffy ve­ins close to the rectum. Along with itching, a pain or bulge­ may form there. Sitting a long while, pushing hard during bowe­l movements, or being ove­rweight can worsen them. For itching re­lief, use soft wipes, take­ warm baths, don't scratch. Always keep that area tidy and arid.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Carbon laser for skin whitening is available...and what is the charges ?

Female | 32

Carbon (fractional)laser is mainly for skin rejuvenation, scars not mainly for whitening. For clearer skin we do carbon peel i.e laser toning with carbon. Depending on which body part is to be treated , number of sessions needed, Dermatologist can update you regarding the cost of treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani

I have a grown lump under armpit

Female | 18

This may be a swollen lymph node or a cyst. Diagnosis and treatment must be made through a dermatologist. Such symptoms should not be ignored as it can result in complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

I got sexual trans.. rush from a girl i don't know how can you help me ? I went to clinic they helped me with pep treatment from Feb until now I tested negative But rush is appearing in my body how can you help me

Male | 22

For this type of condition, one should consult a dermatologist. The rash may involve several causes, which include allergic reactions and skin infections. In case you have already had STI testing and treatment, the rash should be diagnosed by a specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

My mother aged 90years suffering from Bullous pemphigoid since 8months.she is getting treatment from Medanta and medicated with Mycoimmune, Bettnasol1mg, Fucibet creame and allegra 180. After discontinuing Betnesol she is getting repeatedly blisters. Kindly can you suggest for her relief. Thanks for your early reply

Female | 90

I suggest you to talk to your doctor about your mother's condition. Based on your mother's condition, he may suggest some different medicine or treatment. And for blisters, making certain lifestyle changes like eating healthy food, taking rest and avoiding certain triggers can prove helpful. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Manas N

Dr. Manas N

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