Female | 26
Vómitos dolor de cabeza dolor corporal fiebre Y este mes mis períodos duran solo 2 días.

Obstetricia Social Y Ginecología
Answered on 23rd May '24
Tus síntomas de vómitos, dolor de cabeza, dolor corporal, fiebre y cambios en tu ciclo menstrual podrían deberse a diversas causas. Hágalo revisar porque puede estar relacionado con infecciones, cambios hormonales, deshidratación,migrañasu otros problemas médicos.
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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1154)
i am 15 years old and 've experienced shortness of breathe and sometimes not feeling air trhouch my nose for about a year now. I also feel a lot of pressure in my ears, and earwax. I have also a tight chest. My breathing only gets worse when im on my period. I cant listen to music because then my ears hurts so bad and i feel like it gets even harder to breathe
Female | 15
Could be allergies or asthma causing breathing issues. . Periods might worsen symptoms too. Ear pain from music could mean sensitivity. Best to visit a doctor, get checked properly. They might prescribe allergy meds or inhalers for asthma to help manage condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir iam Yesu anjuri neme Iam bike accident to 6 months no smell and no tatye sir unbalanced
Male | 31
You must go to an ENT specialist immediately if you find yourself suffering from the loss of smelling or tasting scents after a bike crash. Such symptoms may indicate nerve damage or other severe injuries demanding immediate medical treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can I do 40 days fasting having hypothyroidism and schizophrenia. I'm 71kg and 161.5 CM height
Female | 32
Fasting for an extended period of40 days can be challenging and may not be advisable for those with certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism and schizophrenia..Both of these conditions may require specific dietary considerations, medications, and careful management. Fasting for an extended period could potentially impact your health negatively, especially if you have any medical conditions.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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breathing difficulty, chest pain and fever
Male | 44
It can be symptoms of common cold or if it persist it may be something serious. See a specialist if persists for long
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a 19 year old female, I have noticed some discoloration in my hand finger nails the tip is red rest of the nail is white, I searched on google and it says that it might be an indication of heart Or kidney disease, in the past I have suffered from kidney infection and nothing more though I have heard from other doctors that I have less blood in my body, I feel perfectly healthy, but I'm worried about what may be going on, what should I do? What could it be?
Female | 19
It doesn't necessarily mean you have a specific condition. The red tip and white base on your fingernails may be caused by factors such as trauma, nail biting, or even normal variation in nail pigmentation. Regarding your past kidney infection and having less blood in your body, its best to discuss these concerns with your doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi, I'm currently getting regular indigestion/wind, even when I have woken up and not eaten anything. I have tried indigestion tablets and liquids but they have not helped. And I also, get a pain under my left ribs after burping
Male | 19
Digestion and wind can result from a number of causes, including overeating; fatty or spicy food intake; stress. constant complaints of pain under the left ribs should be treated. Consult a gastroenterologist for evaluation and management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Does one mmr suffer because bmi is too high?
Female | 29
One MMR (Maximal Metabolic Rate) may be negatively affected by BMI (Body Mass Index) being high. Keeping a good weight balance will help to ensuring you achieve the maximum MMR. A nutritionist or an endocrinologist will be advised to consult a qualified expert to deal with your good BMI effectively.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have back pain, groin pain and abdominal pain
Male | 29
I would recommend you to visit a doctor as soon as possible because these symptoms seem to indicate a serious health condition. A urologist or a general surgeon would be the right specialist to consult for your back pain, groin pain and abdominal pain. It is important to have a good diagnosis and treatment plan to avoid any more trouble.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Dry cough at night severe morning time general cough sore throat i mean throat irritation
Male | 32
These can be symptoms of various respiratory conditions like allergies, asthma, or post-nasal drip. Talk to your doctor to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment process.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I was wondering if you could help me with my curiosities of questions I have about what's going on with my body. No treatment needed, just need a professionals point of view of what I might have going on
Female | 20
In this regard, it is crucial to note that medical conditions diagnosis entails comprehensive examination and accurate determination of the same by a certified physician. If we do not have a thorough analysis, it is rather difficult to say what can be happening in your body. I recommend that you seek advice and medical help from a specialist in the related area.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Pet dard 7 weak medicine
Female | 25
Stomach aches for a week can be unpleasant. Finding the cause is crucial. Perhaps you consumed contaminated food? Or, it could be a viral gastroenteritis. Staying hydrated and consuming bland meals is advisable. Getting adequate rest may alleviate symptoms too. However, if discomfort persists or intensifies, seeking medical attention from a gastroenterologist is recommended.
Answered on 25th June '24
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My mother age 53 yrs she suffering chills,and feaver last 2 hours how to take precaution that cure's
Male | 35
Infections are fought by the body when it has chills and a fever. Let her know to keep warm by drinking lots of water and resting with blankets while taking acetaminophen if she has a temperature. If more than 24 hours pass without relief or other symptoms show up, make sure that she gets checked out by someone who works in healthcare.
Answered on 22nd June '24
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Diet plan for weight gain
Female | 20
Regularly eating full, nutritious meals will help you gain weight healthily. Nuts, seeds, avocados, and healthy fats provide calorie-rich nutrients. Yogurt and nut butter make great snacks. Aim for three meals daily, plus snacks in between. Increasing daily calorie intake this way supports weight gain. Don't forget to drink lots of water too.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Fever related problems more than 45 days
Female | 45
Having a fever for over 45 days isn't good. This needs medical help. A fever lasting so long could mean a serious health issue. Maybe it's infections like tuberculosis or bacterial endocarditis. It's crucial to see a doctor right away for diagnosis and treatment. Long fevers can harm the body.
Answered on 24th June '24
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I have symptoms numbness, weight gain, breathing problem
Female | 18
Considering your symptoms, you need a medical checkup and it should be done right away. These symptoms may be a sign of different diseases from the neurological, endocrine, and respiratory system disorders. Book a meeting with your primary care physician or another qualified person such as a neurologist, endocrinologist, or pulmonary physician.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Can I use skin lightening cream during my pregnancy
Female | 25
It is not advisable to use a whitening cream during pregnancy as it maybe contained with chemicals that may be harmful to the baby's health. One should speak to a dermatologist for advice on safe and effective remedies which can be beneficial.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have flu and a runny nose
Male | 16
If you have flu symptoms with a runny nose, you may need to consult with a general physician. They will be expert enough to instruct you on the best technics of care and medicines to aid in your condition improvement hopefully.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Pain in the top back of both legs for a whole day and now fever/ cold like symptoms
Male | 40
Experiencing upper leg pain followed by fever and cold-like symptoms could be due to muscle strain, viral infection (such as the flu or common cold), or other potential causes like dehydration or infections.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I fainted on Sunday and believe I hit my head on the concrete. Ever since then I’ve had a headache and sensitivity to light. I tried to make an appointment with the doctor but they are booked until Friday. What precautious should I take
Female | 19
In case you notice any worsening symptoms, including loss of consciousness; blurred vision, or vomiting seek medical help immediately. Because you hurt the head, this could be a symptom of concussion and will need going to see doctor as soon. It is advisable that you visit a neurologist for additional assessment and treatment alternatives.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have a cat and he bit me in April after that for the prevention I got Rabies vaccines 4 does, now tonight she bit me again should I take the vaccination again or not, also my cat isn't vaccinated yet
Female | 27
If your cat hasn’t had a rabies vaccine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Rabies is a serious disease that can be spread by animal bites. It’s better to be safe and get checked out by a doctor. They will determine if you need additional shots or not.
Answered on 24th June '24
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