Female | 19
What Precautions Should You Take If You Hit Your Head and Can't See a Doctor for Several Days?
I fainted on Sunday and believe I hit my head on the concrete. Ever since then I’ve had a headache and sensitivity to light. I tried to make an appointment with the doctor but they are booked until Friday. What precautious should I take

General Physician
Answered on 23rd May '24
In case you notice any worsening symptoms, including loss of consciousness; blurred vision, or vomiting seek medical help immediately. Because you hurt the head, this could be a symptom of concussion and will need going to see doctor as soon. It is advisable that you visit a neurologist for additional assessment and treatment alternatives.
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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)
For how long shoud i take multivitamins
Female | 43
Multivitamins can be used for some time like a fort that can meet the body's deficient nutrients. A physician or dietician appointment cannot be ignored to accurately calculate the multivitamin dosage and intake duration guided by the particular health condition.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have normal cold and cough and from 3 days sputum with blood coming from my nose and mouth both
Female | 17
This might be an indication of a serious problem, like pneumonia, tuberculosis, or lung cancer. Please make sure you visit a pulmonologist today for an appropriate diagnosis and treatment scheme.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have small hole inside ear ( upper side)
Female | 18
It seems that you have a torn eardrum, which can be due to several reasons including an infection or trauma. It is recommended for you to consult an ENT specialist who can diagnose your condition as well prescribe needed medication.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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If I accidentally swallowed cool lip pouch what would happen
Male | 38
Accidentally swallowing a cool lip pouch or similar small object is generally not a cause for major concern. Your body should naturally pass it through the digestive system.
Answered on 20th Oct '24
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Sir 3 4 din se Bukhar ha kbhi teaz ho jata ha or kbhi km.weakness buht hote ja re he ha.medicine le ha.Lekn smj nae are he.please guide me shukrea.
Female | 3
Such symptoms may be the result of an infection. Fever and weakness are common symptoms when people are fighting an infection. In addition to plenty of fluid and rest, you can consume Advil or Tylenol. If your symptoms continue or worsen, it's important to seek medical advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 26 and I am 5.2 feet in height. I wat to increase 2.5-3 inches of my height. is it possible? any medical treatment or supplement or medicine? please help me.
Male | 26
I must inform you that after the age of 18-20, the growth plates in your bones usually fuse, and your bones stop growing. So it's unlikely that you can increase your height by 2.5 to 3 inches through medical treatment, supplements, or medicines.
There is also a surgical procedure called Limb lengthening but its a complex one considered as a last resort for those with severe limb length discrepancies and comes with certain risks & complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have been having dull and achey pain in my chest. I can feel a pull when i lean my neck to the right. Should i see a doctor
Female | 48
You may be dealing with chest and neck discomfort. The dull, achy chest pain and feeling of a pull when moving your neck to the right could indicate muscle strain or inflammation. This might happen if you recently worked out vigorously or have poor posture. To ease the soreness, rest your body. Don't strain your neck. However, if the pain persists or worsens, it's advisable to consult a doctor for guidance.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi i have pain under left side of breast for a week now What can i use or take
Female | 37
It’s important to recognize that discomfort beneath the left breast can stem from various causes, including muscle strain, gastrointestinal issues, or even heart-related concerns. While rest and over-the-counter pain relievers may provide relief, it’s essential to listen to your body. If discomfort persists or worsens, please seek medical attention. A physician will be able to conduct a proper assessment and determine the underlying cause, ensuring the best care and guidance tailored to your needs.
Answered on 17th Feb '25
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My teenage boy aged 16 complaining of headaches and feels his brain is deteriorating, he doesn't socialize much, doesn't have a good friend circle. He himself wants some counseling.
Male | 16
IT'S important to take your son's complaints seriously . Chronic headaches, social withdrawal, and feelings of cognitive decline may indicate a medical issue . Schedule an appointment with a qualified medical professional , who can evaluate his symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment . In the meantime , encourage him to engage in healthy habit , such as regular exercise and good sleep habits . Seeking counseling can also be a helpful step in addressing any underlying emotional or psychological issues .
Answered on 23rd May '24
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There is a lump under my right nipple
Male | 18
It can be gynecomastia which is the enlargement of breast tissue in males. Gynecomastia is usually benign and occurs due to hormonal imbalances or certain medications. consult your doctor for a physical examination and further tests like a biopsy to get an accurate diagnosis.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am suddenly sweating too much n half side ofy head aching a lot also my vision is getting blurred
Female | 19
Excessive sweating, headache and blurred vision may be symptoms of a medical emergency, and you need to get immediate medical attention. See a neurologist to check if these symptoms are caused by any neurological issues. Do not delay to go for medical care.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Is bengin lung tumor spread through kiss pr sexual intercourse
Male | 19
No, benign lung tumour cannot be transmitted through kissing or sexual intercourse. On the other hand, it should also be stressed that any abnormal lung signs and symptoms should undergo expert evaluation
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Fever above 103 & 104 from yesterday night. Consumed calpol but is not reduced.
Male | 61
A fever of 103 to 104 indicates an infection, such as the flu, a bacterial infection, or a urinary tract infection. Taking Calpol can help, but if it doesn't, you might need a different medication. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, rest, and stay cool. If the fever doesn't decrease, seek medical help.
Answered on 27th Aug '24
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There is pain in one side of the stomach and the stomach remains bloated and more gas is produced.
Male | 33
Undergo USG abdomen. Take omeprazole once a day for 7 days. Consult a general physician after usg and he will prescribe you the line of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Morning urine can it contains protein urine test and I see protein and rest day it is negativt why is that mean urine is more concentrated
Male | 24
This could probably occur because of the high concentration of the urine. In the morning, urine concentrate contains a higher concentration of proteins as compared to diluted samples that have been taken intermittently. The best thing to do is to see a nephrologist for proper assessment and management.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hi , I have this huge pain on top my head , with a weird sensation , i drank 5mg of Urbanol for stress , can I drink am Adcodol?
Female | 21
The sensation you're experiencing could be related to tension or stress, and it's important to approach this situation carefully. Mixing medications, even over-the-counter ones like Adcodol, with Urbanol can lead to unwanted effects, so it's best to avoid taking them together without professional guidance. I recommend you consult a physician for personalized advice. Ensuring you stay hydrated and finding a calming activity might help alleviate some discomfort.
Answered on 16th Feb '25
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My father got viral infection last month and lost 8 kgs weight...fever lasted for only 3 days and then after leg pain and swelling happened ...and suffered from constipation so dctr gave milk of magnesia to cure constipation...now constipation got relieved...is weight loss okay or we need to check with dct?
Male | 54
It's good that your father's constipation is better now. However, losing weight after a viral infection is expected as the body manages to defend against the infection. Mucous membrane pain and swelling might be due to the inflammation response of the body to the virus. Since the constipation is better and the fever is gone, it's okay. If the weight loss persists or if any new symptoms develop, see your doctor.
Answered on 8th Oct '24
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need tablets for fever and body psins
Male | 41
You seem to have caught a viral illness - the common cold or flu. Fever, body pains - these symptoms point to that. But don't worry, it'll pass. Over-the-counter meds like acetaminophen, ibuprofen can help. They reduce fever and ease body pains. Follow dosage instructions carefully. Also, rest up and drink lots of fluids.
Answered on 12th Sept '24
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One person more than 6 paracetamol tablet use one time what to do and any problem
Female | 35
Taking more than the prescribed dose of paracetamol can be one of the reasons why the liver is not functioning well and it can be very dangerous. The symptoms of an overdose might display rather quickly, some being nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion. Time is very important. If you suspect that an overdose has occurred, please consult a physician right away, as they can give you the much-needed care and treatment.
Answered on 3rd Jan '25
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Im 5 feet 7 inch tall and i want to gain at least 4 inchs is it possible
Male | 25
Gaining 4 inches in height after reaching adulthood is highly unlikely and practically impossible through natural means.. While there are surgical procedures like Limb lengthening that can increase height artificially, they are highly invasive, expensive, and carry significant risks, making them an unsuitable option for most people. Moreover, 4 inches of heught increase cannot be gauranteed.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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