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Male | 50

Pourquoi suis-je encore fatigué après un traitement contre l’hypertension ?

Avant-hier, une haute pression s'est produite admis à l'hôpital ils injectent des médicaments et contrôlent la pression après cela ils dorment fatigués ne se réveillent pas correctement je demande à manger mais ils ne se sont pas réveillés ils dorment seulement pourquoi que s'est-il passé comment faire ensuite ou combien jours, il peut arriver de récupérer

1 Answer

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Il est habituel d’éprouver des effets secondaires de fatigue et de somnolence après l’utilisation de tels médicaments. Mais s’ils ne parviennent pas à reprendre vie correctement, cela peut indiquer que le dosage du médicament doit être modifié. Les premiers jours peuvent être difficiles pour eux, mais ils commenceront ensuite à s’améliorer et à se sentir à nouveau normaux. Assurez-vous qu’ils dorment suffisamment et boivent beaucoup d’eau. Si les symptômes persistent ou s’aggravent, contactez votre médecin pour obtenir des instructions supplémentaires.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (709)

I am a 37 years old female. From the past few days I am feeling an ache inside the left side of my head at regular intervals. I also feel my head spinning and heavy quite often. Sometimes I feel cold and sometimes I sweat. I also feel my body weak quite often and sometimes feel I may fall. Sometimes I feel a pull on the backside of my head and that part paining, though it isn't a severe or constant pain. I am not able to tell this to my parents as they recently faced a huge tragedy and I don't get the courage to speak to them and give them more pain. Since the time I get up I look forward to going to sleep again as that's the only time I feel better and tension free. Is this a passing phase or serious health issue? Are these signs of brain inflammation/tumor? Will be grateful to you if you advice me what my next step should be.

Female | 37

As your symptoms indicate, you may be suffering from a migraine or tension headache. But one should not exclude the possibility of serious conditions. I suggest consulting a neurologist for further detailed diagnosis. While you wait, work on reducing your stress and have a good sleep at night. Recall that your health should be considered first and you might need medical attention if the situation requires so.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

T 21 down syndrome intermediate risk means in double marker test

Female | 38

An intermediate risk for Down syndrome in a double marker test means that there is a moderate chance the baby will have this condition. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that gives a person a physical, and mental delay. Symptoms can include lack of muscle strength, eyes that are slightly tilted, and slow development. More tests and counseling can be done with a doctor for more information and guidance.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Maigren ka elaj kya hai Or eski bjha se deth bhi hoti H kya

महिला | 23

Migraine can be managed with medications to relieve symptoms and prevent attacks. It's important to consult a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment tailored to your condition. Migraines rarely cause death, but severe cases may require medical attention to manage symptoms effectively.

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I’m taking one time dosage of 200mg of doxycycline as pep for possible exposure to sti. Iv heard that doxycycline causes cranial hypertension How likely is that to happen to me from one dosage

Male | 26

It is not very likely to get intracranial high blood pressure from a single 200mg dose of doxycycline. Intracranial high blood pressure is an uncommon side effect that may lead to headaches, changes in vision, and nausea. Adequate hydration can help in its prevention. Don’t forget to follow your provider’s instructions when taking this medicine and inform them about any worries you might have. 

Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

What to do in subdural hemorrhage

Male | 62

Subdural hemorrhage­ happens when blood collects be­tween your brain and skull. This usually follows a serious he­ad injury or fall. Symptoms include severe­ headaches, confusion, and difficulty walking. Affecte­d individuals require hospital testing for prope­r diagnosis. Treatment options involve me­dication or surgery to remove poole­d blood. Prompt medical attention preve­nts lasting brain damage. Such injuries must not be ignore­d, as complications may arise.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Good day! Sir/ma I do have this one sided headache regularly, I thought it was typhoid but I treated typhoid but it still persist, please I need help ?

Male | 26

While headaches can have various causes, including migraines, tension headaches, or sinus problems, it's important to rule out any underlying conditions. Consult a neurologist..; they may order additional tests or imaging if needed to determine the cause of your headaches.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 52 years old, male. I have a tremor only in my right hand for 4 years and it has been diagnosed as Parkinson's. Which therapy methods are suitable for me? Is stem cell therapy an option for me? I would like to receive advice. Best regard

Male | 52

Your Parkinson's tremor has caused a shaking hand on your right side as the doctor has identified. This can make you shiver, get stiff muscles, or have difficulty with your movements. Parkinson's treatment is the administration of drugs, physical therapy, and as a rule, in a small number of cases, also surgery. Even though research has been done regarding stem cell therapy it is not regularly practiced as a primary therapy for Parkinson's. Follow the prescribed therapies that your doctor gives you. 

Answered on 11th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My mother aged 79 is on the following medication For morning - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab calcuim and 1 tab metaprol 25 mg For night - 1 tab levepsy 500, 1 tab pregablin and 1 tab doxolin But by mistake today gave the night dose twice.... Will it effect her in any worried

Female | 79

Accide­ntally taking two doses of her night medication could make­ her feel sle­epy, unclear, or unbalanced. It's wise­ to watch over her and ensure­ she's alright. Remind her to re­lax and drink plenty of fluids. Should any odd signs appear, don't delay in se­eking medical guidance. Most like­ly, she'll be okay but kee­p observing her condition for now.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

I am 23 years old. I am feeling dizzy all of sudden. what should I do doctor.

Female | 23

Dizzine­ss strikes out of nowhere. Cause­s range from dehydration to blood sugar drops or eve­n ear infections. If hit with dizziness, sit or lie­ down, sip water slowly, and relax. Maybe munch on a snack if low blood sugar's suspe­cted. But persistent dizzine­ss warrants seeing a doctor; dete­rmine the real re­ason. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

My father has open by pass surgery 2014 but last one year suffering for am feeling dizzy. I have got treatment from PGI but I am keeping it checked. But some time after dizzy check with ent neurology Heart all test is normal bust But we are not able to find out why this dizziness is occurring? Age my father 75

Male | 75

Your dad is experiencing dizziness, even though his heart, ENT, and neurology tests were normal. For older adults, dizziness can be caused by many things, like inner ear issues or medication side effects. Discuss additional tests with his doctors to find the exact cause, so the right treatment can be given.

Answered on 13th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

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