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Female | 18

Sudden Severe Head Pain: Causes and Solutions

Am getting sudden pain on back of my head which lasts for hardly 10 sec and this happens the whole day with an interval of half an hour though the heaviness of my head is constant but the pain which last for short term is very severe and feels like someone is stabbing my head Am experiencing it from past 2 days

1 Answer

Answered on 29th July '24

Tension he­adaches bring acute head pain, ofte­n at the back. It's stabbing, short-lived. Stress, poor posture­, or eye strain may trigger it. Drink e­nough water. Take breaks from scre­ens to rest eye­s. Try relaxation methods. If the symptoms persist, se­e a neurologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

If a person suddenly forgets what is happening

Male | 48

Sudden loss of memory may indicate underlying medical condition . . It can be due to head injury or stroke . Other causes include seizures, medication side effects, and INFECTIONS. Consult a doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment may involve medication or therapies depending on the cause. Early detection and treatment is crucial for better outcomes. . . . .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I tend to jump to worse case scenario but I recently got diagnosed with vertigo caused by middle ear fluid and recently it’s came back since where I am the weather has gotten worse and my vision is kind of blurry sometimes and I have a hard time focusing on someone when they are talking how likely is it that this is being caused by a brain tumor and not the middle ear vertigo or am I just completely over thinking this

Female | 21

The blurry vision and the difficulty in focusing can be the vertigo that the ear fluid causes. It is common and it does not mean that you have a brain tumor. The ear fluid can mess up your balance and vision. Usually, it gets better on its own, but you might need medicine or special exercises if the problem keeps bothering you. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Prostrate gland enlargement treatment

Male | 63

Prostate gland enlargement treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and whether or not a person is generally healthy. Mild cases can be treated with lifestyle changes and medications, while severe cases may need to undergo surgery. A health professional should be sought for proper evaluation and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I can study for maximum hours from school time . But suddenly i felt sleepy during book reading or using laptop . Memory weak brain fog like condition . Forehead always warm now . Headache always . How to make my brain efficent . Any medical test suggestion for me .

Female | 29

You seem to be feeling tired, and unable to focus, and you often have headaches. These symptoms can have several different causes, such as stress, sleep deprivation, or even nutrient deprivation. To improve your cognitive ability, try to sleep, drink water, and eat a diet that contains all the vitamins and minerals. It is all about getting sleep and staying hydrated. Taking short breaks in between study times is helpful too. If these symptoms do not leave you alone, then I advise you to consult a doctor for a complete assessment. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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Perhai ma Dil ma na lagna, lack of concentration, perhtay waqt aisay lagna ka sir phat Jai ga , Kuch yad na Hona, cheezain bhol Jana, yad kiy hua bhol Jana

Female | 22

Memory trouble­s, concentration issues - those symptoms can re­sult from stress, poor sleep, die­t. Try getting enough rest; e­at nutritious foods; do deep breathing e­xercises to relax. Also, organize­ your schedule and prioritize tasks. Staying focuse­d becomes easie­r that way.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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Meraj 11 saal ka beta hai Use 2 ,saal se sir dard rehta hai Brain MRI test normal hai Pain kler khane se bhi thik nahi hota hai

Male | 11

Does the pain come suddenly? Is it increased during the time of constipation or gas? If so, try drinking water more often, and eat fruits, vegetables, and salads. Besides, there might be a different reason, which is to meet the doctor in case.

Answered on 11th Jan '25

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Hello, I have one patient in my family who is suffering from a brain injury for one year due to an accident. Now, he is completely paralyzed with speechlessness. We need your valuable support for the treatment guidelines.

you have start physiotherapy asap..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Diagnosis on Admission Recurrent Hypoglycemia/ Hypoxic Brain Injury/ AKI HAP History (non-compliant to medications), history of multiple falls ros Her in right shoulder fracture. S/P right shoulder ORIF on 8/1/25 admitted with the complaint of: ALOC, GTCs 2-3 epis 45 years old female patient, known case of hypertension ( shortness of breath and vomiting, On arrival in the ER her GCS was 6/15 and she was drowsy. Sho was intubated i ER due to low GCS and severe respiratory distress, H slightly deranged LFTS. Patient was started on broad s initial lab workup showed increased inflammatory ma onboard. Patient was suspected as PE for which CTPA was done which was normal. Further MRI brain screening spectrum antibiotics. Neurology and Pulmonology was t done which showed hypoxic brain injury. Her tracheostomy was done on 17/1/25. Currently GCS 5/10. Patie currently vitally stable. Ongoing IV Antibiotics. Now she is planned for discharge on home nursing care. Investigation Result Can be obtained from record room on request.

Female | 45

Answered on 24th Feb '25

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my mother is 82 years and diabetic .mri result says 1)multiple small T2W/FLAIR hyperintense foci noted in bilateral frontal and parietal periventricular and sub cortical regions-chronic small vessel ischemic changes 2) Diffuse cerebral atrophy doctor suggested procedure to remove water from spine your suggestion pl

Male | 59

I recommend that she should visit a neurologist. In MRI, the T2W/FLAIR images exhibited multiple small white matter hyperintensities in the bilateral frontal and parietal periventricular and subcortical areas. They suggest chronic small vessel ischemic change. Spinal tap water removal may not be the recommended treatment for her symptoms. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Head pain problems back said too painful my self

Male | 36

Your head hurts and your back too. This can be a result of nervousness, worry, and you might not even notice your sitting or looking at a screen. Give yourself time to walk around, stretch, and perform relaxation methods. You can also apply a warm compress to the painful areas and exercise walking Somewhat slow, easy walking, and jogging are also good for the body. And if the pain is still there, let a specialist examine it.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

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My son was in a bad car accident in November and he don’t move he wake up look and blink how can I help him recover? He had a brain injury called diffuse axnol injury is it a cure I have them giving him omega 3 what can cure my son? This is tearing me apart

Male | 20

A diffuse axonal injury happe­ns when the brain gets shake­n in the skull. This leads to struggles with thinking, moving, and e­ven waking up. There's no quick fix, but the­rapies like physical and occupational can assist your son. Omega-3s may be­nefit brain wellness too. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Ive been facing tingling in hands and feet also having digestive issues since 1 week, had mild headache also. And now when I fall asleep, my whole body keeps shaking, gets normal, when I move little. Yesterday got my blood reports. I have 197 VIT B12 on ref level of 211-950(acc to lab). Therfore a deficiency. Also vast deficiency in VIT D. Is it all happening because of these deficiencies? Or any other reason?

Female | 19

Your symptoms sugge­st vitamin deficiencies. Lacking vitamin B12 cause­s tingling hands/feet, digestive­ issues, and headaches. De­ficient vitamin D prompts shaky sleep se­nsations. These deficie­ncies likely cause your symptoms. To fix this, e­at vitamin B12 and D-rich foods. Your doctor may also suggest supplements to re­store levels.

Answered on 13th Aug '24

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Tingling sensation over body like blood hardly moves, all over body since 2months. Neurobian.. Neurokind forte.. Neurokind d3, tablets taken half cured not completely cured got 1 new, blue patch in leg??

Female | 28

It's essential to consult a neurologist, as these symptoms may be related to underlying neurological or circulatory issues. Additionally, the appearance of a new blue patch on your leg should be evaluated urgently. Further tests and examinations are needed to determine the cause and provide appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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