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Male | 34

Pourquoi mes selles sont-elles rares et incomplètes ?

Je suis un homme de 34 ans, je ne suis pas satisfait de mes selles ces derniers temps. Cela peut durer 2-3 jours ou juste un petit caca sort. J'ai pris des laxatifs hier soir (il y a 7 heures) et toujours rien. Quel pourrait être le problème ?

Dr Samrat Jankar

Gastro-entérologue chirurgical

Answered on 28th Aug '24

L’absence de selles pendant plusieurs jours ou la production de peu de selles peut être un signe de constipation. La constipation a de nombreuses raisons, comme le fait de ne pas manger suffisamment de fibres, de ne pas boire suffisamment d'eau et de ne pas faire d'exercice. Les laxatifs peuvent fonctionner pour vous, mais si votre problème persiste, essayez de boire plus d'eau, de manger des aliments riches en fibres comme les fruits et les légumes et de faire plus d'exercice. Si le problème persiste, il est préférable de consulter ungastro-entérologuepour plus d'aide.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterologyy" (1116)

Hi sir I am Amresh Jha 25 years old I am unable to weight gain I took cancellation a gestroloist he did endoscopy fir celic I have no symptoms but doctor confirm celiac deses endoscopy biopsy final report is atrophic mucosa i want to know what's means atrophic mucosa and I have a doubt I eat gutkha also it's a gluten issue or gutkha also effect small instentine

Male | 25

The­ "atrophic mucosa" means the lining of your gut is unhealthy. Eating gutkha can hurt your gut, but it doe­s not relate to gluten. With ce­liac disease, you may have diarrhe­a, weight loss, and feel tire­d. The fix is following a strict no-gluten diet. This me­ans avoiding foods with wheat, barley, and rye. By doing this, your gut can he­al up and you will feel bette­r overall.

Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

The patient was complaining of upper stomach discomfort, bloating and excessive gas. they decided to self-medicate with paracetamol and Metrogyl pills for one day. the patient went to the hospital 36 hours later. the doctors did tests, a total blood count, stool and urine test which all turned out negative. The physician said it might be indigestion. prescribed omeprazole, relcer gel and levofloxacin. its been 48 hours and the patient still has no relief from their symptoms. please advise

Female | 31

If the patient has not experienced relief from their symptoms after 48 hours of following the prescribed medications, it would be advisable for them to contact their physician for further evaluation. . In the meantime the patient can try avoiding trigger foods, eat smaller meals, stay hydrated, and manage stress. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I can't eat because of side effects of previous medicine

Male | 23

Fee­ling queasy after taking medicine­ can be tough. Meds sometime­s cause side effe­cts like no appetite, nause­a, or tummy ache. They can bother your stomach lining. Eat tiny bland me­als and pause betwee­n bites. Ginger tea may he­lp calm things too. If worried about meds, let your doctor know. The­y can guide what's best.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

morning azithromycin 500 mg and night flagyl 400 can take

Male | 44

You're probably going through an infection. Your doctor is probably targeting different kinds of bacteria using azithromycin 500 mg in the morning and Flagyl 400 mg at night. Do not stop taking the medications even if you start feeling better. Prolong the treatment to ensure complete eradication of the infection. If you have any concerns or notice any unusual side effects, it's important to let your doctor know.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Tubular lession illeocec junction means

Male | 29

At the junction between the small and large intestines, abnormal growth can occur, resembling a tube with an issue inside. This can cause stomach pain, changes in bowel movements, and sometimes bleeding. The cause is often inflammation or small growths (polyps). Treatment may involve surgery to remove the growth or medications to relieve symptoms.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Im wondering if Ulcerative Colitis can affect a man's sexual ability causing ED. Either that or is it possible for UC to cause low testosterone? Is this possible without me taking any medications?

Male | 28

A situation that inflames the colon, ulcerative colitis, can result in symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue. Even though inflammation and stress brought on by UC do not cause directly erectile dysfunction (ED) or low testosterone; they can have an impact on sexual health. The best way forward is to treat UC effectively while also finding ways of reducing stress.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Father Already has liver damage, his gaul bladders removed, also he's diabetic, what damage will regular alcohol do to him

Male | 59

Your dad has health proble­ms. Alcohol harms people with liver damage­, no gall bladder, and diabetes. Since­ your dad has these issues, drinking alcohol worse­ns things. His liver can get more damage­d. His blood sugar levels rise. Dige­stive system problems may occur. The­ best solution is simple. Your dad should avoid all alcohol complete­ly. This prevents more he­alth damage happening.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

My father complaining from food sticking in esophagus I have ct scan findings . CT Scan Chest Abdomen & Pelvis CE: PROTOCOL CT scan shows axial images of 5mm slices obtained from level of diaphragm up to the lower border of symphysis. pubis with I/V contrast. Reporting was done at the work station. CHEST FINDINGS: Multiple tiny ground glass nodules are seen in bilateral lower lobes predominantly on right. A small calcified nodule is noted in right upper lobe in peripheral sub pleural location likely old calcified granuloma. Enlarged calcified mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes are seen largest one measuring 1.4 cm in location. No evidence of pleural effusion seen on either side. Extensive atherosclerotic calcifications are seen in aorta and its branches. Imaged portions of heart appear unremarkable ABDOMEN AND PELVIS FINDINGS: The distal third of esophagus shows asymmetric increased circumferential wall thickening involving about 4.2cm of distal esophagus extending to the gastroesophageal junction, causing luminal narrowing. It is showing enhancement on post contrast images. The fat planes around the esophagus are preserved and there is no evidence of invasion into adjacent structures. A few (2 lymph nodes) prominent lymph nodes are seen in the distal peri esophageal location largest one measuring 7.3mm. Liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen appear unremarkable. Multiple fluid density cysts of variable sizes are seen in both kidneys; largest one in left kidney measure 2.6 x 2.3 cm in left upper pole and 1.2 x 1.2 cm in in right inter polar region. Both adrenal glands appear unremarkable. ■No significant ascites or lymphadenopathy noted. Imaged bowel structures appear unremarkable. Prostate and urinary bladder appear unremarkable. Imaged sections through bones and spine appear unremarkable. No evidence of definite lytic or sclerotic lesion noted. IMPRESSION: Status: Biopsy proven case of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Findings as detailed above are of asymmetric increased wall thickening involving about 4.2cm of distal esophagus and gastroesophageal junction, causing luminal narrowing however no evidence of proximal obstruction noted. intact fat planes around the esophagus with no evidence of invasion into adjacent structures. Two prominent lymph nodes in peri esophageal region. Multiple tiny nodules of ground glass haze in bilateral lower lobes.... highly suspicious for lung metastasis from esophageal primary. No evidence of bony or hepatic metastasis in current scan. Needs clinical correlation.

Male | 77

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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