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Male | 24

Pourquoi mon ami est-il délirant et a-t-il des problèmes de vision ?

Mon ami devient fou et dit des bêtises, et il ne voit pas bien, il délire, il appelle ma voiture bmw scooter.

1 Answer
Dr Sapna Jarwal

Psychologue conseil

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

Veuillez consulter un psychiatre pour identifier le problème.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Psychiatriy" (347)

Emotionless feeling less mental

Female | 22

Hi, it depends since how long this concern had been with you. It's important to understand the reason for this. We can definitely work on your emotions.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

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Im not sure but I think I had a eating disorder I'd go days on end with eating or even moving I'd just cry all day Im finally feeling better but I'm gaining to much weight and I have zero stamina I feel awful and I keep eating so much I feel fat, and now everyone is starting no notice how unfortunately it am and I can't do it anymore

Female | 19

See a psychologist or psychiatrist as soon as possible and get treated for any possible mental health issues that may be influencing your symptoms. In addition, go to a nutritionist or dietitian and have them compose a meal plan which will be a part of a healthy weight maintenance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I sent my friend to the hospital as she took Ativan and trazodone together will she be able to walk ok

Female | 26

Combining Ativan and trazodone can induce excessive sleepiness and instability in walking. As a result, a person may experience difficulties in walking and an increased likelihood of falling. There are some symptoms to be on the lookout for: extreme drowsiness, confusion, and dizziness. If your friend has taken these two medications together, it is crucial to stay with them and assist them in walking if necessary to avoid any accidents. Taking such combinations of medicines is not always advisable; hence you are advised to avoid it.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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Hello i had a panic attack yesterday and my hands and feet were going numb also my mouth so i went to the ER they did 2 syringes in my stomach of Aqua then they did one behind of diazepam i am a regular smoker and i wanted to smoke could i? If i cant should i buy a no nicotine pack?

Female | 16

The numbness of hands, feet, and mouth is the result of decreased blood flow in panic attacks. The effect of smoking on the body can make people suffer from panic attacks. Given the fact that you were prescribed diazepam at the ER, smoking might hurt it. Stay away from smoking as it is better for you. If you are in bad shape and have to, you can try a no-nicotine pack. 

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Hi, I got prescribed sertraline 50mg and wanted to start treatment. However, I took St John’s wort 3 days ago. Is this safe for me to start sertraline treatment tomorrow?

Female | 22

Se­rtraline helps with depre­ssion and anxiety. St. John's Wort is an herb that doesn't mix we­ll with sertraline. Togethe­r, they could cause serotonin syndrome­ - symptoms like confusion, fast heartbeat, and high blood pre­ssure. It's better to wait 2 we­eks after stopping St. John's Wort before­ starting sertraline. This preve­nts any issues from occurring.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Kya bipolar disorder mahine hai kuch din ya hafte tak man udaas karta hai kbhi bhut jyda rona bhi aata hai kbhi man shant rhta hai fir apne aap chidchidapan or akelapan udaasi or gussa rehta hai

Female | 23

YES, BIPOLAR DISORDER can cause mood swings. These may last days or weeks.. SYMPTOMS include sadness, crying, irritability, AND ANGER.. SEEK MEDICAL HELP for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I just quit smoking weed 3 days ago. Also just got prescribed venlafaxine for my anxiety. How long should i wait to start taking them?

Female | 20

The period of 7 days should pass after you have quit smoking weed. There should be a week's break between the two treatment regimens. Make sure to stay patient and let your body adapt to the medications. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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Doctor, my son-in-law needs a good family counsellor to bring back him to family life, he is depressed, anger, no understanding with wife etc., can you please do family counsel on behalf of us without telling our identity??

Male | 30

Please consult a therapist and discuss your issue. Yes family counseling helps.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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I've had this issue for a long time; the notion of having sex with my family members crosses my mind, and even though I know it's not ethically proper, I can't stop myself. Even the notion that the person with whom I want to have sex wants to have sex with me occurs to me. As a result, I've been into a lot of difficulty. I am always depressed.

Male | 30

As you said things are not ethically right, so it's always better to drop a task that will create problems in future and even difficulties in the family... 

counselling therapy is required.. 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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general psychology and mental health concerns

Male | 40

Please visit qualified psychiatrist and psychologist at

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

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I'm 23 years old, I'm facing anxiety disorders from past 5 years and taking antidepressants from last 4 years irregularly. But, still i get panic attacks and now the condition is that i feel a high pulse rate and then suddenly my left arm gets numb even somtimes my left leg and shoulder also feels the same and i also feel headache only in left side which is unbearable. What should i do?

Female | 23

The symptoms you're describing could be due to a panic attack, which can sometimes mimic a heart attack. It's important to address this issue promptly. Make sure you take your antidepressants consistently as prescribed and consult a mental health expert for the best way to manage your anxiety. Stress management techniques, like deep breathing exercises, can also help with these symptoms. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

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I visited a psychiatrist and he prescribed me these meds. Daxtin 20mg Daxtin 40mg Fluvoxamine 50mg Etilaam .25mg Explain these medicines from all perspective and help me get a pros and cons list

Male | 21

Here's some brief information about the medicines that your psychiatrist has recommended: 1. Daxtin 20mg and Daxtin 40mg: These are prescribed for depression. These drugs can help increase the serotonin and norepinephrine levels, improving your mood and energy. 2. Fluvoxamine 50mg: It's also great for depression and anxiety. It works better for sleep and decreases the level of anxiety. 3. Etilaam 0.25mg: It cures anxiety and panic attacks. Positive: Such products have the potential to alleviate depression, give you a good night's sleep, and anxiety at a manageable level. 

Negative: It might bring alongside other effects such as vomiting, giddiness, and drowsiness. In other words, these medications are intended to make you feel better, but they can also cause other health problems. Do not stop taking them on your own – always take them as your doctor has prescribed and notify them of any discrepancies in your condition!

Answered on 9th July '24

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I’ve been taking Cipralex and Fluanxole for a few years and about 5 months before I started having exaggerated startle response (myoclonus and blinking as a reaction to a sudden stimulus). Can it be caused by antidepressants? I’m very scared :(

Female | 27

Various factors can contribute to this reaction, such as stress or underlying medical conditions. If you're concerned, it's important to consult a doctor for accurate evaluation and guidance on your symptoms and medication. Never alter your medication regimen without medical advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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