Female | 55
Dois-je prendre des médicaments supplémentaires contre la MCTD et la myasthénie grave ?
Maintenant, c'est un cas de myasthénie grave qui a été diagnostiquée. Mi 2a et 2b également positifs. RNP/sm positif. RP155 POSITIF. je prends actuellement de la prednisone et de la pyridostigmine. Est-ce que cela va ou tout autre médicament doit être pris. CPK est 2272

Answered on 6th Sept '24
Vous gérez une situation complexe de maladie mixte du tissu conjonctif (MCTD) et de myasthénie grave. Les résultats de vos tests montrent des marqueurs positifs, ce qui signifie que votre système immunitaire attaque vos tissus sains. La combinaison de prednisone et de pyridostigmine aide à contrôler vos symptômes. Étant donné que vos niveaux de CPK sont élevés, cela peut être dû à des lésions musculaires. Votre médecin peut envisager d’ajuster vos médicaments ou d’en ajouter de nouveaux pour traiter l’inflammation et la faiblesse musculaire. Il est important de rester en contact étroit avec votreneurologuepour des contrôles réguliers et pour discuter de tout nouveau symptôme ou problème.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (708)
Brian damage any help please for my mother
Female | 51
Your mom might have suffered a brain injury. This occurs due to falls, accidents, or any sudden head impact. Headaches, dizziness, confusion, and memory issues are common signs. Resting the brain and avoiding strenuous activities are crucial. If symptoms worsen rapidly, seek urgent medical help from a neurologist for proper diagnosis and treatment without delay.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Male | 22
Hand tremors at 22 years old are quite uncommon but can happen. Stress, high consumption of caffeine, and sleep deprivation that, in some cases, can even be exacerbated by demanding situations might all be implicated. Take a deep breath, cut down on coffee, and get some sleep. If the tremors become more frequent or more severe, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination to find out if other possible causes are present.
Answered on 30th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Hallo, ich bin 52 Jahre Mann . Ich habe seit 4 Jahren Tremor in der rechte Hand, bei mir ist Parkinson diagnostiziert. Welche Behandlungsmethode ist für mich relevant, kommt die Stammzellentherapie in Frage?.
Male | 52
The tremor in the right hand can be annoying. Parkinson's disease is usually a result of a lack of a chemical in the brain called dopamine. The main treatment usually consists of medications that help control dopamine deficiency. Promising stem cell therapy research is found, but it remains a non-standard Parkinson's Disease treatment. One must have a conversation with their neurologist to decide the best option compatible with the individual.
Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Why my headache is not going away? It’s a throbbing headache in the temple of my head.
Female | 25
The throbbing headache you've got is likely tension-related. Stress, fatigue, poor posture, or skipping meals can trigger these kinds of headaches. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Try relaxing with deep breaths or meditation too. If the headache won't quit, take a break. Rest in a calm, dark room for a bit.
Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Why I am having a headache and nousea
Female | 19
When head throbs and the stomach churns, it often has simple causes. Perhaps not enough water passed your lips. Or maybe a meal you ate stirred unpleasant reactions. Anxieties also bring those unpleasant companions knocking. Drink deeply from the well, and eat gently. But if discomforts persist, visit a neurologist.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Drowsiness sleepy weakness
Female | 60
Feeling drowsy, sleepy, and weak can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Please consult an expert to get yourself evaluated and treated..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
My family are on a trip to god's place and My brother got fits today like 3 times and he is behaving abnormal...what can we do?
Male | 30
Your brother may have had seizures, which are also called fits, and can make people behave strangely. There are many reasons why seizures occur – for instance, epilepsy or a high fever. If you see someone having a seizure, put them down gently on their side so that they don’t get hurt. Don’t try to hold his tongue or put anything in his mouth. Keep calm throughout this period then seek medical attention immediately after it is over. Finding out what caused him to convulse is important as well as getting him treated appropriately.
Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I think I have multiple sclerosis ihave remembering words and have a touching sensation in left leg pricking sensatiin in other parts of body
Male | 25
Multiple sclerosis is a condition that impacts the brain and spinal cord. You might experience numbness, tingling, balance issues. MS symptoms include word forgetfulness and walking troubles. Doctors aren't sure what causes it, but believe the immune system damages nerve coverings. Seeing a neurologist is crucial if you suspect MS for testing or treatment.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Recently my father diagnosed with diffused cerebral autrophy with chronic microangiopathic changes involving deep hemispheric white matter (fazekas Grade 2 white matter hyperintensities) Kindly suggest what to do ?
Male | 65
Currently there is no specific treatment for managing white matter lesions/hyperintensities. The goal is to treat the reason of the damage and cease the progression and worsening of the disease.
Depending on the reason of damage, the doctor will start you on blood pressure lowering or cholesterol lowering medicines.
In case you have a social habit such as smoking, then it is suggested to quit smoking at the earliest for preventing any further damage.
Consult a neurologist for further treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sayalee Karve
I am Ibrahim, 32 years old. I fell at work and completely lost consciousness
Male | 32
Losing consciousness can occur when the brain receives insufficient oxygen or blood supply. Perhaps you sustained a head injury after falling. Signs may include feeling lightheaded, weak, or even disoriented just before losing consciousness. You should see a doctor who will examine you and tell you what to do so you do not put yourself in any danger.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I am the patient of Nero my lift and right hands all time pain from 6 years
Male | 27
You might be having the pain due to the neuropathy. Therefore, I advise you to make an appointment with a neurologist who specializes in such conditions. They may recommend you some tests in order to deliver a diagnosis and a treatment plan that will help you in controlling your pain.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
The vein on the right side of my head has been twitching for a few days.
Female | 29
The twitchy vein on your head's right side could be caused by stress or lack of sleep. Too much caffeine might also make it happen. Eye strain and being dehydrated are other possible reasons for twitching veins. Be sure to drink enough water, get proper rest, and try reducing stress levels. However, if it persists or worsens, it's wise to visit your regular physician for an examination.
Answered on 16th July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I had surgery LEFT L4-5 HEMILAMINECTOMY & MICRODISCECTOMY My left foot dropped and after 3 months it has not improved and I feel weaker in my left leg. Is there something that can be done to improve this condition?
Male | 63
You should see your neurosurgeon who operated on you as soon as possible. Your history is suggestive of possible nerve injury, which should be thoroughly assessed by a specialist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Why do I feel like pins are poking on my skin and whenever I try to move it hurts badly
Female | 20
The sensation of pins and needles you experienced can be caused by nerve irritation, peripheral neuropathy, inflammatory conditions, or nerve-related conditions. You must consult with a neurologist for a proper evaluation and diagnosis to figure out the cause and treatment options.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
I experienced a fall from a chair backward and received a blow to the back right side of my head, behind the ears. There's a small swelling, but it's entirely painless, with no accompanying symptoms such as vomiting, headache, nausea, or confusion. It's been 40 days, and the swelling persists without any pain. What course of action would you recommend I take?
Male | 20
It's good that you don't have severe symptoms like headache, nausea, or confusion. However, since the swelling has persisted for 40 days, it's important to get it checked. I recommend visiting a neurologist to ensure there are no underlying issues.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Hi there I have being having severe memory loss, headaches which can be all over my head or at one side, vision problems
Female | 16
Based on the symptoms you have shared, I suggest you visit a neurologist as soon as possible. These symptoms can be early signs of a severe underlying disease that is heading for serious medical attention.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Hey, i have been using seroxat 20mg and rivotril 2 mg since march 2022 , I'm trying to stop it by reducing the amount by taking them one day and day off, but I'm feeling dizzy a lot and losing balance, how can i quit and how to reduce the effect of it.
Male | 26
Before making any changes to your medication, consult your doctor for advice. Suddenly stopping or reducing Seroxat and Rivotril can lead to withdrawal symptoms. . If you experience dizziness or balance issues during the process, inform your doctor right away.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Paralysis of legs due to Bone tb Treatment is going on(6months) Reports ESR test suggests that the infection is very low now
Male | 47
It is a gradual process, and it might take some time to observe meaningful results. But the low ESR test is a good sign, therefore meaning that infection has been controlled. I recommend a neurologist consultation to assess the nature and origin of paralysis which can be treated accordingly.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Hi! is epilepsy is cureable in the age of 20-25years old
Male | 22
Epilepsy causes seizures. They can be strong shakes or short blank spells. The reason could be genes or brain injuries. Epilepsy isn't cured, but medicine often helps. A neurologist helps find the right treatment. Seizures happen differently for each person. So working closely with a doctor is important.
Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
Hi Doctor ,my child 3.5 yrs weight 11.7kg is a known case of seizure of unknown cause since 5 months of age.Now she is on Soval chrono 350 mg per day..... seizure is under control......all investigation are normal like eeg,MRI and other blood test......is the treatment going on in right track? She has leg pain at night time.Her latest serum valproic acid level is 115 which is slightly in toxic level.what to do now please suggest.
Female | 3
It's good your child's seizures remain controlled, although the night leg pains and higher valproic acid levels need discussion. Night leg pains might signal low magnesium or calcium, so checking those could help explain it. To address the higher valproic acid level, adjusting that medication dose may resolve it. Follow up with your child's doctor about these symptoms and potential treatment changes. If any other concerns arise, don't hesitate to reach out to a neurologist for guidance.
Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney
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