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Female | 51

Can Brain Damage Be Helped for My Mother?

Brian damage any help please for my mother

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

Your mom might have suffe­red a brain injury. This occurs due to falls, accidents, or any sudde­n head impact. Headaches, dizzine­ss, confusion, and memory issues are common signs. Re­sting the brain and avoiding strenuous activities are­ crucial. If symptoms worsen rapidly, seek urge­nt medical help from a neurologist for proper diagnosis and tre­atment without delay.

25 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Pressure headache mostly around eyes behind nose and cheekbones. Generally feeling like I have a band around my head. Gets worse when I am bending over.

Female | 35

You might have a sinus headache. Sinuses are spaces in your face that can get swollen and cause pain. Pressure can be made worse by bending over. Other symptoms can include a runny or stuffy nose. To feel better, you can try using a warm compress on your face, staying hydrated, and using over-the-counter pain relievers. If you feel this way all the time, it is best to go to a doctor to be sure.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

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Neurology and Spain problem

Male | 45

If you have neurological issues in addition to pain, stiffness or cramps in the muscles, then you should see a neurologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My daughter age7months and7day and issue is brain jhutke doctor advice for MRI test in report HIE so please suggest

Female | 7

Your daughter's MRI re­vealed HIE, meaning he­r brain lacked oxygen during birth. This condition, hypoxic-ischemic e­ncephalopathy, can lead to seizure­s, feeding difficulties, and de­velopmental delays. The­rapies and medications may help he­r brain recover. Regular che­ckups will monitor her progress closely. Though conce­rning, staying positive and following medical advice is crucial for he­r development.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I have sleep disorder, and an underlying diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis. Also, have Nasal septum slight deviation, and turbinate hypertrophy. Have not been able to sleep for more than an hour or 2, for past 3-4 months. Have been told to do Sleep study, but I have anxiety with putting cords or mask, so couldn't even do a Sleep study due to Nasal cannula requirement. Also, I feel difficulty breathing in flat position, and usually because of that fear, haven't laid flat in past 2-3 months. How should I go about solving this issue? Where to start?

Female | 77

It's normal to feel anxious about a sleep study. Your symptoms could be related to Myasthenia Gravis or a nasal issue, especially if you have trouble breathing when lying flat. Good sleep is vital for your health, so share your concerns with your healthcare team. They may suggest alternatives like home sleep tests or other ways to improve your sleep. Identifying the cause of your sleep problems is key to finding the right solution for you.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I feel like my head is always hot.While studying it feels like it's totally stuffed and I need to wash my head with cold water to relax and didn't have any memory about what I taught in previous day

Female | 18

You might be suffering from stress or fatigue. When you start getting a hot and closed head and you often find yourself in a state of amnesia it might be a sign that you are tired and your brain is asking for a rest. Take breaks while studying, drink plenty of water, and give your body enough rest. 

Answered on 14th June '24

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