Female | 18
यदि मैं बार-बार पेशाब करती हूँ और योनि में दर्द होता है तो क्या मैं गर्भवती हूँ?
मुझे बार-बार पेशाब आने का मन करता है। मुझे सेक्स किए हुए 5 दिन हो गए हैं और मेरी योनि में दर्द हो रहा है। क्या मैं गर्भवती हूँ?

सामाजिक प्रसूति एवं स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ
Answered on 4th Sept '24
यौन क्रिया के बाद बार-बार पेशाब करने की आवश्यकता महसूस होना आम बात है, लेकिन अगर 5 दिन हो गए हैं, तो गर्भावस्था परीक्षण अभी तक सटीक परिणाम नहीं दिखा सकता है। योनि में दर्द संक्रमण, कॉन्टैक्ट डर्मेटाइटिस जैसी जलन या अन्य कारकों के कारण हो सकता है। यदि आप सुरक्षा का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, तो गर्भावस्था या यौन संचारित संक्रमण का खतरा है। सुनिश्चित करने के लिए, गर्भावस्था परीक्षण कराने और अस्पताल जाने पर विचार करेंप्रसूतिशास्रीसंक्रमण या अन्य चिंताओं की जाँच करने के लिए।
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3803)
I had a friend, After abortion 16th July, she saw her period 17th July, when will be her next period
Female | 21
After your friend had her first period on July 17th, which was a month after the abortion that occurred on July 16th, her next period is most likely to come around 4-6 weeks later. Being moody, having a bloated stomach, and breast tenderness are some common symptoms before a period. If she notices that her period is late or has any peculiar symptoms, it would be wise to consult a gynecologist for more guidance.
Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am 32 years old I wanted to consult a gynecologist I have missed my periods and wanted to know when to take pregnancy test??
Female | 32
Remember that not having periods could happen for many different reasons, one of which is being pregnant. If you missed your period, it would be good to wait for at least a week after its due date before doing a pregnancy test. This gives enough time for the body to create the pregnancy hormone that the test detects. If the result shows positive, ensure to see a gynecologist for further advice.
Answered on 3rd June '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
मैं 60 year की महिला हू हमे 1year से ब्लड आ रहा है बच्चेदानी से मेरी एमआरआई में 36×38 का कैंसर है
महिला | 60
Your MRI findings indicate a possible uterine cancer having dimensions of 36×38. This type of cancer can result in irregular vaginal bleeding. One may experience lower abdominal pain, lower back pain, and bloating abdomen. The condition may be advancing in age, hereditary factors, or hormonal imbalances within the body system. Management of this disease may require surgical procedure, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy depending on what stage it is at. Therefore there is a need for a more detailed conversation with an oncologist.
Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
I am 16 years old girl and I suffered from my period problem As my period is very heavy and never go without medicines and some doctors said I am suffering from pcod but now also I am facing this problem
Female | 16
PCOD stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. Some signs of it are heavy flow during periods and trouble putting on or losing weight. Treatment can involve medications that make your cycle regular as well as changing what you eat and how often you exercise. Talk to a gynecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment plan
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Pregnancy mai kya kya problem face karne padti hai
Female | 24
Pregnant women may suffer from several issues like nausea in the morning, tiredness, fluctuations in mood, back pain, and difficult passage of stools. It is advisable to take constant appointments with a gynecologist or obstetrician and a thorough pregnancy monitoring.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
6 week pregnancy but don't want babu now.
Female | 22
I have realized that you are in about the 6-week stage of your pregnancy and don't want to have a baby now. Be sure to keep in mind that this is an individual factor and do not hesitate to consult a gynecologist or an obstetrician about it.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I'm 20 yrs old girl....mammne unwanted kit Li thi 34 dino ki pregnancy m...jiski bd mujhe bleeding to rhii lekin normal flow m bina clots k...to ky meri pregnancy terminate ho gyi ya nhi?
Female | 20
The fact that you are having a bleeding episode after the use of the kit can be an indication of the termination of pregnancy. If you notice that your bleeding is constant without any clots, then it may be an indication that the pregnancy has been terminated. It is better to visit a gynecologist for the right diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Did ultrasound scan at 17th week but no foetus was seen... So now any chance for pregnancy
Female | 23
During your 17-week ultrasound, no fetus was visible. This situation raises concerns, but don't panic immediately. An inaccurate pregnancy dating or potential miscarriage might explain the lack of a visible fetus. Discussing these findings with your gynecologist is crucial. They can advise the next steps and ensure you receive appropriate care.
Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Himali Patel
My last period date is April 25 and I have done my iui treatment on May 12 and today afternoon drops of brown discharge on my pads after 12 hours of time there is 4 time the discharge occurred in drops.... without any cramping.... please clear it is my period or implantation bleeding
Female | 29
You can have brown discharges for a variety of reasons. For example, it could be implantation bleeding which happens when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus. Just wait and see if it goes away but if there are other signs as well then reaching out to your gynecologist would not hurt especially if they worsen.
Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hi I have perid on 17 I took REGESTRONE 5mg for 3 days continuesly but today I show blood spotting. It my start period I want not for 2days
Female | 46
Spotting or some light bleeding while taking REGESTRONE is normal. Your body adjusts to the medication, so this can happen. Maybe your period will start within a couple of days. If worried or other unusual symptoms come up, discuss them with your gynecologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
Why is my urine Lh elevated during menstration. I just stopped bleeding and my cm was lotionany now sticky so something is not matching up I'm on cycle day 6
Female | 30
In women, increased LH in urine is expected during the menstruation period. LH is a hormone that assists in the release of eggs from the ovaries. Following the end of your monthly period, the LH levels might increase as a way of preparing for ovulation. There can be changes in the cervical mucus throughout the cycle. Having lotion-like discharge before getting the sticky one is typical.
Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
How many days after sex I can able to know that I'm a pregnant
Female | 21
After sex, it usually takes 1-2 weeks to tell if you’re pregnant but sometimes there are signs like nausea, tiredness, or changes in appetite which occur when a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the womb. To make sure though, take a home pregnancy test; it’s easy and will give you an answer.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi
What are the chances of pregnancy if ejaculation occurred outside the vagina but there is uncertainty regarding potential sperm contact afterward?
Female | 19
If you're unsure and concerned of pregnancy then it's important to consider getting tested or take a home pregnancy test.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
How long does sperm live in the anus?
Male | 18
Sperm require specific conditions to survive and move effectively. In the anus, which is part of the digestive system, the environment is not suitable for sperm survival.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
So my period started on february 14 and ended february 19.so I had unprotected sex 23 of February where my spouse release inside me and my ovulation day was 28 of February could I get pregnant and also had sex March 1 we’re he release inside inside me and my app say my period is to come on March 13 ..
Female | 31
sex during ovulation might result in a pregnancy. From your explanation, I can speculate a possibility that you are pregnant. I would like to propose that you make an appointment with a gynecologist and have further tests done for you to confirm.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Swapna Chekuri
I had sex few days back but now I am fecing vaginal infection (itching) etc. Please suggest
Female | 24
These symptoms are usually caused by infections. Visit your gynec to get personalized advice and they will prescribe medications, such as antifungal or antibiotic creams or oral medications, to help resolve the vaginal infection.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I am 31 year old. on 17 Jan there was my 4the iui.till now I have no implantation bleeding or cramps.is it necessary to have cramp and bleed to implant.please suggest
Other | 31
No, it’s not necessary to have implantation bleeding or cramps. If u have been on progesterone tabs in any form oral or vaginal u will not have either of them. You can also visit the Best Gynecologist in Mumbai for further information.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Shah
I missed my period and i took 6 preganacy test all are negative
Female | 19
If your test of 6 pregnancy showed negative results even after missing your period, you need to book an appointment with your gynecologist. A variety of factors lead to late periods such as hormonal irregularities, stress, and health problems.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hlo I get a lot of itching in my private part and I always feel like wet water. My 9th month will start from 11th August, what should I do?
Female | 22
You might have a yeast infection. It may be accompanied by itching and a wet sensation in the intimate areas. The natural imbalance of hormones during pregnancy makes the development of the condition frequent. For your convenience, opt for cotton underwear, avoid wearing tight clothes, and keep the area dry. Besides, you can apply anti-fungal drugs sold without a prescription in pharmacies. You also need to ensure your gynecologist is on board with it, as not all medications are safe during pregnancy while managing the condition.
Answered on 12th Aug '24

Dr. Himali Patel
I have irregular menstruation what should I do
Female | 21
Irregular menstruation, which refers to a period that does not come at the same time each month, is a very common phenomenon. The causes may vary from stress, hormonal imbalances, extreme weight changes, and some medical conditions. Keep a record of your periods, if you experience irregularities for a few months, it's better to visit a gynecologist.
Answered on 4th Sept '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel
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