Female | 23
क्या मैं एचसीजी स्तर के आधार पर 2 सप्ताह की गर्भवती हूँ?
मेरे एचसीजी स्तर ने कहा कि यह 335 है, जिसका अर्थ है कि मुझे 2 सप्ताह पूरे होने चाहिए, हालाँकि मेरा मासिक धर्म अभी भी 2-3 दिनों में आना बाकी है। स्कैन से कुछ पता नहीं चला। मेरी आखिरी माहवारी 16 अक्टूबर को थी। क्या मैं प्रेग्नेंट हो सकती हूं ?
Answered on 23rd May '24
आपके एचसीजी स्तर के आधार पर, आप गर्भवती हो सकती हैं... हालाँकि, स्कैन में अभी तक कुछ भी नहीं दिखा है... आपकी आखिरी माहवारी 16 अक्टूबर को थी, इसलिए यह संभव है कि आप 2 सप्ताह से कुछ अधिक की गर्भवती हों... आपको कुछ और दिन इंतजार करना चाहिए और एक और परीक्षण कराना चाहिए... यदि यह सकारात्मक है, तो अपने डॉक्टर के साथ अपॉइंटमेंट लें।
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सामाजिक प्रसूति एवं स्त्री रोग विशेषज्ञ
Answered on 23rd May '24
आपका एचसीजी स्तर 335 इंगित करता है कि आप गर्भवती हो सकती हैं, हालाँकि इसकी पुष्टि नहीं हुई है। चूँकि अल्ट्रासाउंड पर अभी तक कुछ भी दिखाई नहीं दे रहा है, इसलिए प्रतीक्षा करने और देखने की सलाह दी जाती है। ऐसे मौके आते हैं जब गर्भधारण हुए बिना ही एचसीजी का स्तर बढ़ जाता है। आप जिन लक्षणों का अनुभव कर रहे हैं, वे गर्भावस्था के अलावा किसी अन्य कारण जैसे तनाव या हार्मोनल परिवर्तन के कारण हो सकते हैं। अपने संकेतों पर नज़र रखें और दूसरा परीक्षण करने से पहले थोड़ी देर प्रतीक्षा करें। यदि आप चिंतित हैं, तो संपर्क करेंप्रसूतिशास्रीजो आगे सलाह दे सकता है.
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Questions & Answers on "Gynecologyy" (3792)
Past mastrubate my labia upper lips one side spreate clitoris hood but no symptoms like pain or bleeding bcz in past i mastrubate only upper lips finger not in vagina but my upper lips break spreate clitoris hood its dangerous for me and create problems during sex ???but still There is no oil or bleeding while urinating while walking my clitoris color is white like powdery Even if it is cleaned, it will not be clean. If you touch it, you feel a little pain.
Female | 23
Looks like there is some irritation going on in your clitoral hood because of the past masturbation you did. This can often occur when the method is used too vigorously. The white color may be an indication of some irritation. As a solution, you should consider using a gentle, unscented wash to help you keep the area clean and dry. Besides wearing loose-fitting clothes, try avoiding contact with the area as much as possible. If the pain doesn't go away, it's recommended to consult a gynecologist for the right treatment.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I missed my period abt for more than a month now about 3 weeks ago I had sex, but the male did not go inside me at all but did rub himself against me I was wearing underwear but he wasn't but he never shot out semen. I took a pregnancy yesterday Jun 4th about 3 days before my period starts and came out negative. I have been experiencing light cramping but more discharge than usual this week but ever since I had "sex" I have been having more discharge than usual. But in the month of April I had my period just not in May which I was stressing sum what that month since I was arguing with my boyfriend.
Female | 17
Missing a period can be stressful, especially with recent sexual activity. Even though the chances of pregnancy in your situation are low, stress can also delay your period. Light cramping and increased discharge might be due to hormonal changes or stress. It's best to visit a gynecologist to get a proper evaluation and to discuss your symptoms.
Answered on 7th June '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Can I plan pregnancy with ventral hernia
Female | 36
Yes, it is possible to get pregnant with a ventral hernia. In that sense, it is important to see a general surgeon to discuss the extent of the hernia along with its severity before planning pregnancy. The surgeon may advise the patient to get surgery before pregnancy based on the size and position of the hernia, or closely monitor her during the pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I got thyroid during pregnancy doctor advised to take 50 mcg.my current tsh is 1.44 should I continue 50 mcg.or should I reduce it to 25 mcg
Female | 34
CONTINUE taking 50 mcg of thyroid medication during pregnancy as TSH levels may fluctuate during pregnancy!! Lowering medication may harm the baby. Consult with your DOCTOR before making any changes.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
Irritation in my vaginal area after urination which comes and goes with time sudden argue to urinate. Never sexually active
Female | 21
Consult a gynecologist These symptoms could be indicative of a urinary tract infection or another vaginal infection. In the meantime you can practice good hygiene and drink plenty of water to help alleviate discomfort.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
When is best to have intercourse to conceive with a 26days cycle my last period was September 26 to 28
Female | 23
Your ovulation model shows a 26-day cycle. The period between 26 and 28 of September is the best time for you to conceive around October 10-11. This is when you are most likely ovulating which means an egg is ready to meet sperm. Observing signs like increased vaginal discharge or gentle discomfort in your lower abdomen which is also called ovulation pain will help you in conceiving. Get the cycle record improved to track faulty periods, thus increasing the odds of successful fertilization.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I have pcod my age 34 iam under medication this month I ovulated through medication my endometrium size is 10.0 my weight is 64 my height is 5'3.what r the chances of pregnancy
Female | 34
Many factors impact the chances of your pregnancy and PCOD is one of them. But it does not mean that you cannot get pregnant if you have PCOD. I advise you to please consult a gynecologist for your issue. Based on proper evaluation and your individual condition, the doctor will suggest some treatments that can help increase the chances of your pregnancy.
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
One of my friends has taken MTP kit and she got huge period in 1st day for 5 hours and after that she get normal bleeding till third day and after that she is seeing some spot and having little clotting but its her 8th day and she is facing back pain and stomach pain and some times she is not able to control it. Please let us know till now long the period will last and suggest something
Female | 26
Period changes are quite normal. You might have heavier bleeding than usual or see blood clots. There could even be light bleeding or spotting that lasts for up to a week or more. In addition, backaches and stomach cramps will also be experienced during this time. To alleviate the pain, your friend can use a heating pad, take a warm bath, rest, and drink warm beverages such as tea. However, in case the pain becomes severe or if she gets concerned about anything else related to it, she should talk to her gynecologist for further assistance.
Answered on 16th July '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
I had sex and I had a tear on my vagina , around my vestibular fossa, I took antibiotics shots for 3 days to prevent any infection The tear doesn’t hurt anymore but would it ever heal like get glued back together ?
Female | 35
Such tears normally close all along the vaginal wall, the way a cut heals itself, they often will heal on their own unless there is a failure of the nearby anatomic structures to anchor it. The hammock fibers which support the anterior wall of the vagina might be stretched or torn leading to the cystocele. The vestibular fossa is a highly sensitive zone where you require healing time. See a gynecologist if you develop any signs of infection like redness, swelling, or discharge.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I have missed my periods for 4th day which are always regular . I had an unprotected sex with my partner also. Today I got thick a little stick vaginal discharge also ... does it mean that I am pregnant
Female | 17
A missing period, having unprotected sex, and thick vaginal discharge could mean pregnancy. Other common symptoms include sore breasts, tiredness, and needing to pee often. But these signs don't always mean pregnancy. It's best to take a pregnancy test to know for sure. If positive, see a gynecologist for advice.
Answered on 12th Sept '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Will I get pregnant even after getting contraceptive pill right after sex and ejaculation doesn't happen inside the vagina? I'm on my 6th day after periods end
Female | 24
When the contraceptive pill is taken correctly its effective in preventing pregnancy.. but there is still a small chance of pregnancy even if ejaculation doesn't occur inside the vagina. Take a test to confirm
Answered on 23rd May '24
Dr. Swapna Chekuri
Hi I'm 19 years old female an i got my periods thrice last month an also got started again this month the bleeding is too heavy I did went an show to the doctor she gave me some tablets to eat for 15 days it will be alright but it's not working at all I really don't understand what's going on with my body...
Female | 19
It seems like you are facing heavy bleeding during your period. This may occur for myriad reasons like hormonal imbalances, thyroid problems, or polycystic ovary syndrome. Your gynecologist will have prescribed the tablets that would help you to cope with your cycle, but if they are not effective, it is crucial to keep up with them. They might recommend more testing or changing the existing treatment plan to correct the core problem if there is one.
Answered on 15th July '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
Hello,i had sex with my partner 5 days after her ovulation period stopped and we used a condom,is there any chance my partner is pregnant still?
Male | 20
Using protection during intimacy is wise, as condoms provide a barrier against potential pregnancy. Since your partner was past their fertile window, the likelihood of conception is reduced. However, no method offers absolute certainty. A faint possibility remains. Should she exhibit signs such as a delayed menstrual cycle or queasiness, a pregnancy test can definitively confirm or allay concerns.
Answered on 24th July '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
2.5 months missed period last period 25th March missed in april may and now its june Had unprotected sex on 29th April and 4th May Did 4 pregnancy test all negative no emergency pill taken having extreme hair loss from a year suggest something gained weight acne vaginal discharge white sticky its all time or most of the time wet as feels like i got periods but i did'nt felt a bit vomiting or heart burn i was taking ginger cumin ajwain water still no periods yes i do had irregular periods before i have low iron levels since childhood in april or may my lips side cracked in may had exams so slept 4 hrs feeling bloated gaining weight this month stopped taking stress still no periods not able to get sleep even if i switch the lights off at 12 i sleep at 2 my left knee is paining i dont know for what reason and very rare but two times my palms felt itchy or irritation it was just rubbing then after 20 mins it came back to normal are there chances of pregnancy? can i go to the gyno with my mom without issue? i will not be able to tell her about sex? will she get my blood test done ? will everything be alright?
Female | 23
Considering the prevailing symptoms you have, it is a good thing that you took pregnancy tests already. As a result of being negative, the probability of a pregnancy is low, but it does not mean that it can't happen. Your irregular menstrual periods, stressfulness, insomnia at night, and obesity, along with other symptoms can be due to hormonal imbalances, stress, or nutritional deficiencies. A visit to the gynecologist is a must. The gynecologist might suggest blood tests or other possible exams to identify the reason behind your missed periods and other symptoms.
Answered on 19th June '24
Dr. Himali Patel
can i get pregnant even i have intramural myoma
Female | 25
Myomas are non-cancerous growths inside the uterus wall. Having one doesn't necessarily prevent pregnancy. Although heavy periods or pelvic pain may occur, many women still conceive successfully. If struggling to get pregnant, medication or surgery could potentially help. However, each case differs, so consult a gynecologist for personalized guidance on improving fertility chances with a myoma present.
Answered on 12th Aug '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Last month I have suffered prolonged period bleeding was continued 15 days and I consult a doctor two bottle blood is transferred in my body and doctor give me a progesterone tablet to stop bleeding she gave me a progesterone tablet only for 5 days and after 5 days bleeding is start again I buy again progesterone tablet but I'm suffered a lot of abdominal pain . So what can I do
Female | 20
You have been experiencing great difficulties with excessive menstruation. Hormonal imbalances or other causes may contribute to this. The pain in your abdomen could be caused by the tablets you are taking. Make sure to share this information with a gynecologist during your next visit. They might change the treatment plan so that you start feeling better.
Answered on 15th July '24
Dr. Himali Patel
My hips inside pain sometimes and i fell pain outsides of vagina and i face drops after urine why☹️??no sticky or gelly only drops no pain .What do you think about my condition? and why is it am unmarried 23
Female | 23
You may be suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction. The issue can occur in people of different ages, not only married ones. The muscles around your hips and vagina may be stiff or weak, leading to the pain and drops after you pee. One way can be pelvic floor exercises or physical therapy. Keep your body fit and contact a gynecologist if you need more help.
Answered on 20th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
Can i take i pill in month 2 , 3 time ? Can i
Female | 19
The I pill is a type of emergency contraceptive that is only supposed to be used when necessary. Taking it often can lead to menstrual cycle issues, therefore, causing irregular bleeding, and hormonal imbalance. Regarding emergency contraception, the use of regular birth control methods should be the first option. If you often need emergency contraception, it may be best to consult a gynecologist about more effective long-term options.
Answered on 18th Sept '24
Dr. Himali Patel
I see white creamy discharge since after my ovulation, my belly feels uncomfortable, fatigue and I sleep more these days
Female | 21
You might have the symptoms of a common medical condition, yeast infection. This may be signified by your typically producing white creamy discharge. The pain and over-fatigue in your body can also be responsible for this effect. Of course, there are over-the-counter medications that you can buy at the pharmacy which are the most effective and usually quick remedies for the condition. Also, keep wearing lightweight and breathable clothes and avoid anything with a high sugar content to help your body fight the infection.
Answered on 21st June '24
Dr. Mohit Saraogi
I am 5 week and 5 days pregnant and today I am having discharge looks like old blood mixed with egg white and also noticing light brown discharge .and also having a light pain in one side of stomach in right side
Female | 30
Some things you're experiencing are typical in early pregnancy. Old blood mixed with egg-like, light brown discharge is normal. The mild right-sided stomach pain can result from ligaments stretching as your uterus grows. Drink plenty and rest. But if pain worsens or heavy bleeding occurs, contact your gynecologist immediately.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
Dr. Nisarg Patel
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What is the average cost of Gynecological treatment in Istanbul?
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