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Female | 19

क्या Body Ringworm होने पर क्या करें?

मुझे त्वचा की समस्या है मेरी बॉडी रिंग वर्म नाम का फंगल इन्फेक्शन हो गया है और बहुत सारे दाने भी हो गए हैं हम बहुत परेशान हैं कृपया मेरी मदद करें

1 Answer

Answered on 8th Jan '25

रिंगवर्म एक सामान्य फंगल संक्रमण है, जो त्वचा पर लाल, खुजलीदार चकत्ते या दानों के रूप में प्रकट होता है। ये संक्रमण त्वचा की नमी और गर्मी वाले स्थानों में बढ़ता है। इसके उपचार के लिए एंटीफंगल क्रीम या मलहम का उपयोग करें, जो आपको नजदीकी फार्मेसी पर मिल सकता है। साथ ही, प्रभावित क्षेत्र को सूखा और साफ रखें। अगर समस्या बढ़ती है या ठीक नहीं होती, तो पेशेवर dermatologist से संपर्क करना आवश्यक है। 

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Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2536)

I'm 28 years and suffering from PCOD. I have thick hair in chin, neck and chest. I usually use the epilator to remove the hairs but after 7-10 days, it regrows back. Can you please suggest ways to rid of it permanently?

Female | 28

• Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is caused due to production of immature or partially mature eggs by the ovaries in response to poor lifestyle, obesity, stress and hormonal balance.

• Excessive hair growth in the face, chest and back is associated with imbalance in the male hormone called Testosterone. Other symptoms associated include menstrual irregularity, acne, obesity and insulin resistance.

• Treating the underlying condition which is PCOD will help you get rid of the excessive hair growth.

• Medicine such as Clomifene is recommended for treatment as it encourages monthly release of egg from the ovaries and Metformin is prescribed to reduce the insulin resistance.


Lifestyle changes include:

Dietary Changes –

  Optimum diet includes a range of foods from many food categories, including healthy carbohydrates like vegetables and fruits, lean meats like chicken, fish, and high fibre grains.  

 Foods with a low glycemic index enable the body to release insulin slowly and gradually, allowing your body to utilise food as energy rather than store it as fat. Fiber-rich foods also aid with blood sugar regulation.

 Avoid refined carbohydrates, which are found in processed meals such as white flour, rice, potatoes, and sugar. Sugary beverages, such as soda and juice, should also be avoided.

Maintain Healthy weight –  

 Weight loss should be about half to 1 kg per week for 6 months, with the other method based on the amount of weight lost.

 Avoid crash diets since they deprive your body of essential vitamins, carbs, proteins, and minerals.

 When you go on a crash diet, your body will actually destroy muscle tissue to supply enough energy for your brain to operate.

Exercise regularly –

 Aids in the fight against obesity by burning calories and increasing muscle mass, both of which reduce insulin resistance. Exercise can also help decrease cholesterol and other hormone levels, such as testosterone.

 Physical activity is also vital. Moderate amounts of physical exercise for 30 to 45 minutes per day, 3 to 5 days per week, should be encouraged at first.

Consult your Gynecologists for starting with your treatment and take the aid of a nutritionist in order to design a customized diet plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Sayalee Karve

Dr. Sayalee Karve

Hard spot rashes on male sex organ and pubic area

Male | 20

It is necessary to see a dermatologist for the rashes. These rashes could be an indication that you have sexually transmitted infections like genital warts or herpes. Do not self-diagnosing or treating at home because it could aggravate the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

I have hollow eye problem and increasing day by day. I am 22 but looks like 45 plus

Male | 22

You may have­ sunken eye socke­ts and dark circles. Many things can cause this. It could be due­ to your genes, not enough sle­ep, or not drinking enough water. To make­ it better, be sure­ to get plenty of rest and drink lots of wate­r. You can also try using an eye cream to add moisture­ to the area. Taking care of your ove­rall health and getting good slee­p can help your eye­s look better.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

I'm 27 year old, having acne issue for 2 years, consulted with skin specialist however no improvement problem is same, it's seems like small bumbs on face, what should I do ?

Female | 27

Acne is multi-factorial problem, hormonal disease in most of the patients, diet, exercise, hygiene, grooming practices play important visiting dermatologist and taking treatment is one option and maintain treatment for long time because if you are getting any improvement with the treatment then continue it otherwise dermatologist will change it. there are few things that has to be taken care. One thing not to apply hair oil, avoid having dandruff or use anti-dandruff shampoos weekly on the scalp, using face washes that have salicylic acid or glycolic acid. Avoid using thick greasy moisturizers or cream on the face. Use only creams that are gel based or water based. Drink plenty of water, avoid fat or cheesy diet, exercise 10-15 mins of the day. Topical steroids have to be avoided. Topical antibiotics like Clindamycin are useful. Oral Antibiotics or retinoids are advised.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Hello doctor , a cold sore under nose has left dark mark what to do regarding it

Female | 26

You have a dark mark left after a cold sore under your nose. A herpes simplex virus causes a cold sore. The sore is a part of the healing process, but it can leave behind a dark spot. This is the usual case. To help it fade, you can try using a cream with ingredients like vitamin C or kojic acid. Sunscreen use is always the first and essential skincare routine. With time, it should get better. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

A few days ago I noticed a bump on my head and I thought I just hit my head. After a couple days it started to get a bit bigger and I noticed that it was a pimple on my scalp. I popped the pimple and removed all the pus and it started to bleed for a little bit but it shortly went away. I went to take a look at it today and I noticed a small circular bald spot about 1 cm in diameter where the pimple used to be. When touching the area with my hand I noticed that the hair in that area is really sensitive and can fall out if I rummage my hand through that area. Is this a concern or is this something normal?

Male | 21

A small circular bald spot on the scalp after popping a pimple is not uncommon, but if the area is sensitive and hair is falling out, please see a dermatologist to rule out infection or other underlying conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Montelukast sodium and fexofenadine hydrochloride is this tablet for skin allergy

Female | 45

Yes, Montelukast sodium and fexofenadine hydrochloride are two of the medications used to cure skin allergies. Skin allergy patients usually get symptoms like itching, redness, and rashes. They perform this role by impeding the action of those substances on the parasympathetic nervous system. Consult an allergist before starting these medications for your skin allergies.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Hi Team, This is regarding to my mother who age is 55. She got burning feet from so many years and nowadays she is getting on the hands as well. Just want to know what is the reason and is there any oilment or tablet to cure her problem.

Female | 55

Without a proper evaluation and diagnosis, it is difficult to understand the cause of the problem. I suggest taking your mother to a right doctor. Based on your mother's medical history and certain evaluations, he will be able to know the cause of burning feet and hands and can suggest an appropriate treatment. Hope this proved helpful. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Manas N

Dr. Manas N

Ate small piece of crab. Suddenly she got itching in her throat, eyes got swollen. Her age is 64

Female | 64

She might be allergic to crabs. Sometimes, our bodies come back to certain foods in the wrong way. Symptoms can be throat itching and eye swelling. In this case, she must not eat crab and other shellfish. In case of severe symptoms, she should go to the hospital immediately. Allergies can be life-threatening, so it's necessary to exercise caution.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Want best Fever lip blisters ointment. Don't want to eat medicine. I'm pregnant.

Female | 40

If you happen to have a high fever with lip blisters and during pregnancy you can't use medicine, rest easy. These come from a virus mostly. Try petroleum jelly ointments or aloe vera to help in wound healing and to keep the area moist. Also, press a cold pack a couple of times a day. Don't forget to drink lots of water and have enough sleep for the body to strengthen and overpower the virus.

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

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