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Female | 4

Could my child have Cortritritum?

A child with Cortritritum

Answered on 2nd July '24

Cortritritum is a condition where­ one feels tire­d. Mucus and sneezing occur freque­ntly. Allergens in the air cause­ this. Avoid these allerge­ns like dust, pollen. Using air filters he­lps.

89 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (555)

the patient in hospital is a young girl and doctor wants to take her C.T. scan but she is crying too much and it difficult to control her in that condition what would doctor do

Female | 6

Crying is normal when frightene­d. To make the girl calmer, spe­ak softly, give comfort, and explain the scans like­ taking a picture inside her body. Ask he­r parent to hold her hand or be close­ while it happens. This might help he­r feel safer. Giving he­r a favorite toy or music could also distract her from the scan's happe­nings. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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Hello, i was wondering if its normal to see babys heartbeat on neck while she is sleeping with her head turned sideways. Its not hard, but its visible. She is healthy and growing like she should. She is 8months.

Female | 8 months

It looks completely natural to see your daughter's heartbeat on her neck while she sleeps on her side. Sometimes, it's more evident in babies because of their thin skin and rapid heartbeat. As long as your baby is healthy, growing well, and not showing any other symptoms like fussiness or trouble breathing, there's usually no reason to worry. 

Answered on 11th Oct '24

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My baby is 21 months old. Doctor suggested to take echo for my baby and congenital ASD hole with size of 2.1cm was diagnosed. Will this hole gets closed automatically or any surgery needed for this?

Female | 2

Your baby's health situation se­ems concerning. The e­cho test finding a hole, an ASD, is worrisome. This hole­ doesn't always close naturally as babies grow up. Some­times, surgery become­s necessary to fix it. Watch for trouble bre­athing or poor growth as warning signs. Speak to your doctor about the ideal tre­atment path for your child.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Am I eating enough? I can't tell, I'm 5'3 14 year old female, I workout for like 20 mins a day, and this is what I eat: oatmeal, premier protein shake, yogurt w granola, banana with PB2, and dinner can be anything.

Female | 14

It's important to ensure you're getting enough nutrition, especially at your age and with regular exercise. Your diet seems balanced with oatmeal, yogurt, protein shakes, and fruits, but it's best to consult a nutritionist or dietitian for personalized advice. They can assess your specific needs and recommend adjustments if necessary.

Answered on 26th June '24

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What is cost of RCT for milk teeth? Child age 9 years Call me 9763315046 Pune

Female | 9


Answered on 23rd May '24

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My 5 year old epilepsy any treatment

Male | 5

Epilepsy can be challenging for children, with symptoms like shaking or blank stares. It could be due to genetic factors or underlying brain issues. Consulting a pediatric neurologist is crucial for diagnosis and management. Medications and sometimes special diets can effectively control seizures and improve quality of life.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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My baby boy is 1.1 year old. He swallowed a small wooden piece. Please kindly suggest me what to do.

Male | 1

If your little boy swallowed a small piece of wood and is not showing any symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, coughing, or choking, it can be assumed that he will pass it through his stool without any problems. Just make sure to check his poop to see that the piece comes out. Nonetheless, if he exhibits any signs of distress or if the piece does not pass within a few days, it is advisable to seek medical advice as early as possible.

Answered on 18th Oct '24

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Children doctor Sunday available

Male | 7

Our Smile Children Clinic is closed on Sunday. For any emergency problem, you should visit any hospital indoor facility having pediatrics casualty.

Answered on 6th Oct '24

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Every month my son is viral infected pls suggest to better for her..

Male | 5

If your son is frequently getting viral infections every month, it's important to consult a pediatrician. They can assess his immune system and overall health to determine if there are underlying causes or preventive measures that can be taken. A pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases can provide tailored advice and treatments to help strengthen his immunity and reduce the frequency of infections.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Sir good morning. I have a 6 year old son. At first he used to speak absolutely right but since last 7 months he started stammering. Sir I should do work

Male | 6

consult with pediatric surgeon to look for tongue tie 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Baby's nature is very aggressive and angry....what should I do.???

Female | 2

If your baby acts aggressive or angry ofte­n, it may relate to hunger, fatigue­, or illness. Soothe your upset baby by fe­eding, changing, and cuddling them. Establish calm surroundings and routines to e­ase their emotions. Patie­nce and attentivene­ss are important.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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10 day baby sir ke upar talu ful raha hai

Male | 10 day

It is important to have your 10-day-old baby examined by a pediatrician or a pediatric neurologist to determine the cause of the swelling on the head. They can assess if it's due to a normal variation or needs further evaluation and provide appropriate guidance based on the findings.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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