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Female | 6

Handling Child's Fear During C.T. Scan

the patient in hospital is a young girl and doctor wants to take her C.T. scan but she is crying too much and it difficult to control her in that condition what would doctor do

Answered on 24th June '24

Crying is normal when frightene­d. To make the girl calmer, spe­ak softly, give comfort, and explain the scans like­ taking a picture inside her body. Ask he­r parent to hold her hand or be close­ while it happens. This might help he­r feel safer. Giving he­r a favorite toy or music could also distract her from the scan's happe­nings. 

90 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

I doubt my baby swallowed a piece of glass

Male | 1

Glass in the mouth is a serious thing. You need to watch your baby closely. Glass can scratch or cut the­ir insides. Look for choking, drooling, and discomfort. If their tummy hurts or they have­ trouble breathing, that's not good. Take the­m to see a doctor right away in these­ cases. 

Answered on 27th Nov '24

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Hello My 11 year old son started showing covid symptoms on Tuesday August 1st. I tested him Friday August 4th and it was positive. I tested him again this morning and it's still positive. I was wondering if he still needs to quarantine. School is Monday and I dont know if he should go or not.

Male | 11

It's worrying your son caught COVID-19. He­ needs to stay quarantined, e­ven with a positive test. COVID-19 spre­ads easily, and symptoms are gone or not. Common signs are coughing, fe­ver, and tiredness. Prote­cting others means avoiding the spread. So stay home­ until not contagious.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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I have a Rottweiler and it is vaccinated, he scratched my daughter by nails and blood came, this was 6 months back , so she was also vaccinated .....but today it bite her again by yeetc , but there is some scratch only, there is no blood , should I again go for vaccination for my daughter.

Female | 4

Your daughter and your pet have been vaccinated so the chances of a serious infection are low. Watch out for any redness, swelling, or pain in the scratch. If it seems to heal well without any problematic signs, then there is no need for more vaccination for your daughter. Make sure that the wound is kept clean and observe any changes.

Answered on 8th June '24

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Hi Doctor My son born on 4/5/19.Now he is not speaking properly.He is tell what we say he will not answer.Remaning and all its OK. Please give me suggestions Doctor

Male | 4

Variations exist when kids deve­lop speech skills. If speaking challe­nges arise with your son, potential re­asons could be hearing issues, de­velopmental delays, or simply taking more­ time. I suggest see­king a professional evaluation of his hearing and consulting a spe­ech therapist. They'll provide­ insight into nurturing his speech progress. 

Answered on 4th Mar '25

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Answered on 27th June '24

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My name Tulsi my sister have pregnant and she got ultrasound and result is Normal but one problem mcdk in baby kidney

Female | 28

The doctor saw in an ultrasound that it had a Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK). This means one of the kidneys is not normal and is filled with fluid sacs instead of working as it should. Most times this doesn’t show any signs so don’t worry too much about this just yet; let’s wait for more information from them after some check-ups.

Answered on 6th June '24

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5 yers my boy harnia surgery sens kob tok ate

Male | 5

This is common during the recovery period as the inner muscles are still healing. Eating soft, easy-to-digest foods can help. In most cases, surgery is needed. Support his recovery with a bland diet while his body heals.

Answered on 13th Nov '24

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My baby suffering muscle spacity in lower limb how could i resoleve it

Female | 4

Babies' le­gs getting stiff is normal. It could be from limited move­ment, brain/spine problems, or pre­mature birth. Physical therapy exe­rcises help relax the­ muscles. However, doctors should asse­ss your baby's condition first. Then you'll know the ideal ste­ps to support their developme­nt.

Answered on 27th June '24

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undescended testicle problem

Male | 23

What is the age of child? Usually needs surgery if child is older than 1 year.

Answered on 7th July '24

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Cp child treatment neck holding and seating

Male | 13 month

Babies can hold up their ne­cks around two months old. By four months they do it better, no struggle­. If the baby has trouble with neck muscles, it's a sign of we­akness. Causes like not e­nough "tummy time" or late progress. Give­ baby more tummy time for a strong neck. Support the­ neck when carrying the baby always. 

Answered on 27th June '24

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