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Female | 42

Can epilepsy disappear with time?

Can epilepsy go away in time and a person with it no longer have that disease?

1 Answer

Answered on 10th June '24

Epilepsy is when a person has recurrent seizures. Sometimes this goes away on its own, especially in kids. Symptoms can range from convulsions or strange feelings to staring spells. Causes may be genetic or related to head injuries. Treatment usually includes medication but may involve surgery as well. Be sure to discuss ways of dealing with it with a neurologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

My headache is paining too much eyes are paining too much crying alot body shivering right chest pain body pain

Female | 19

This type of headache can cause pain not only in the head but also in the eyes and sometimes even in the chest. It is often accompanied by severe chills and body aches. Finding a quiet, dark place to rest can help. Drinking water and taking pain relievers like paracetamol can also provide relief.

Answered on 4th Oct '24

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Syed Rasool is my father, he has a mental problem, his memory is weak, he cannot walk again, and sometimes he has seizures and he had meningitis.

Male | 65

It sounds like he's dealing with multiple health challenges, including memory issues, difficulty walking, seizures, and a history of meningitis. Given this complex situation, it's crucial for him to receive proper medical attention and care.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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bacpan se problam hai lekin kal M.R.I karwaya tab pata chala hume beti ko brain tumar hai kya iska ilaj ho sakta hai

Female | 21

You should immediately consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon to know the brain tumor size and type. The treatment options will vary based on the location, size, and type of tumor, among others. Only the best doctor can design the most suitable treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What causes muscle and nerve pains in my legs thighs and arms that comes and goes with no fever

Female | 25

Fibromyalgia causes achy pains. The­se pains go away and come back without feve­r. Fibromyalgia hurts muscles and nerves in le­gs, thighs, and arms. It makes you feel tire­d too. Stress worsens fibromyalgia pains. Lack of slee­p and weather changes worse­n it also. Gentle exe­rcises and relaxation me­thods might help too. Getting enough sle­ep is important. Eating healthy foods can help fibromyalgia. Managing stre­ss levels might help as we­ll.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I’ve had a headache for the past five days. Usually behind the eyes and sometimes a stabbing pain behind the head.

Male | 19

This is a common type­ called a tension headache­. These types of he­adaches can cause pain behind your e­yes. They can also make you fe­el a stabbing pain at the back of your head. Stre­ss, bad posture, or lack of sleep ofte­n cause them. Try to relax and drink lots of wate­r. Do some easy neck stre­tches too. If the headache­s keep happening, talk to a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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माझे वय 65 वर्ष आहे मला मागील 2 वर्षांपासून गुडघेदुखी चा त्रास आहे मला चालायला पण त्रास होतो आणि चालत नसताना पण म्हणजे आराम करत असलो तरी खूप गुडघे दुखतात

पुरुष | 65

नी रेपलेसमेत छान राहील .. ऑपरेशन नंतर सर्वे नॉर्मल होते

Answered on 4th July '24

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My wife has been recently diagnosed by one of neurologist a retinal migraine issue, she faces migraines headache in 2 or 3 months once only. Now the doctor has suggested few medicines which I think is affecting her mental health. She is prescribed with propranolol 25mg daily twice, topiramate 20 mg daily twice Due to this she always feel sleepy, dizziness, harsh behaviours, mood swings, lack of appetite, lack of focus, lack of confidence, feels awkward cannot stay awake, cannot use mobile for long time, headache affects her head daily in the evening mostly. She is using these medicine since two weeks, before she doesn't have these issue. She only had a migraine and she once had a spot in her right eye which goes after a week. But she has a small lump behind her ear which doctor mentioned it as a swellon nerve. Kindly please suggest is she getting correct treatment because her Condition is getting worse day by day in terms of mental health. She has a family history of migraine her mother and sisters.

Female | 34

Propranolol and topiramate sometimes result in symptoms such as drowsiness, lightheadedness, mood changes, and an inability to concentrate. You or she must discuss this with the neurologist who prescribed these drugs because they could fix this issue by adjusting dosages or prescribing different medications that would be effective against migraines without affecting mental stability. If the lump located at the back of her ear is not yet diagnosed then it should also get checked into by the doctor to find out if there might be any connection with other signs.

Answered on 3rd June '24

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Day before yesterday high pressure happened admitted to the hospital they injection some medicine and control the pressure after that they are sleeping tired not wakeup properly I ask to eat but they have not wakeup up they sleep only why what happened how to do next or how many days it can happened to recover

Male | 50

It is usual to have the side effects of tiredness and drowsiness after use of such drugs. But if they are unable to come to life properly, it may be an indicator that the dosage of the medication needs to be modified. The first few days may be hard for them but then they will start to improve and feel normal again. Make sure they get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. If the symptoms continue or become more severe, get in touch with their doctor for further instructions.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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