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Male | 43

Can I get ayurvedic treatment for lung cancer in India?

Aranya Doloi

Aranya Doloi

Answered on 23rd May '24

Yes, ayurvedic treatment for lung cancer in India is available for both Indian and international patients. Ayurvedic centers like :

  • Rasayu Cancer Clinic,
  • Patanjali Yogpeeth,
  • Athulya Ayurvedic Medical Research Center

are among the few places that provide alternative and complementary treatment approaches to lung cancer. These centers have excellent treatment as well as the best lung cancer doctors.

Click here to see the full list of the best Ayurvedic cancer care centers in India. 

62 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I have some questions about weight loss I'm running into a roadblock and need some direction.

Male | 43

Several factors could contribute to weight loss­. Perhaps you're undere­ating or sedentary. An underlying condition might e­xist. Ensure you consume a balanced die­t rich in nutrients. Engage in regular physical activity. If struggle­s persist, consult a nutritionist. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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suffering from sore throat and pain taken medicine taxim o-cv-bd montair fx-od dolo 650-sos syp grellintus -tds

Male | 41

Your sore throat and pain likely ste­m from an infection or throat irritation. The medicine­s help fight infection, reduce­ pain, and control allergies that worsen throat issue­s. Complete the full me­dication course, rest your voice, and drink warm fluids abundantly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can drinking from a mildew water bottle make me sick

Male | 36

Drinking from a water bottle with mildew could potentially be harmful to your health. Mildew is a type of mold that grows in moist conditions and can lead to respiratory issues and allergies.
If you see mildew in your bottle, avoid drinking from it and clean it thoroughly with warm soapy water, a bleach solution, or vinegar solution. Make sure the bottle is completely dry before using it again.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Scorpion bite and garmi ati hai

Male | 24

Scorpion bites can happen during hot weather as they are more active in warm temperatures, and people might encounter them more frequently during this weather. If you get bitten by a scorpion, seek immediate medical attention as some scorpion species can have venom that may cause severe reactions and symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had bppv since last week from 18'th Feb 2024 diagnosed by a doctor and was prescribed vertin 10 mg took it for 5 days still had slight dizziness so he increased my doze to vertin 16 I have been taking it from past 2 days and now have no signs or symptoms of bppv should I continue taking vertin 16 ?

Female | 17

It is advised to consult your doctor before continuing any medication. Vertin 16 mg is a higher dose compared to Vertin 10 mg and should be taken only after consultation with a specialist. An ENT specialist has to be consulted for the same, which he will give a proper examination for and prescribe the medicine accordingly.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am Priya I couldn't not weight gain around 5years and I too much sleep and my hands sometimes shake and my legs too much pain

Female | 20

You need to do blood test . Visit clinic for physical examination.

Answered on 16th July '24

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I am 26 years old, Female. My left ribs is hurt and also my head ache hurts down to back of my neck. Sometimes I feel cold and feel like I'm sick even tough my temperature is normal. Also my sole hurts

Female | 26

Based on your symptoms, you might have a left rib injury and a tension headache. It can be because of the cold and sickness. Rib pain should be seen by an orthopedic doctor

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mom is having high and low fever since 3 days and the symptoms are fever chills nausea headache bodypain

Female | 45

Your mom's symptoms may re­sult from flu or bacterial infection. Rest, stay hydrated, and eat light me­als. If symptoms persist or worsen, see­k medical attention. This ensure­s proper care and recove­ry. High fevers with body aches ofte­n indicate illness requiring profe­ssional treatment. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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Is it okay to lift weights if I have benign breast lumps?

Female | 20

You can lift weights if you have­ benign breast lumps. Be care­ful, though, and pay attention to how your body feels. Be­nign breast lumps usually aren't dangerous. The­y can happen because of hormone­ changes, fibrocystic changes, or cysts. Howeve­r, heavy lifting might make the lump are­a uncomfortable or painful. If that happens, stop lifting right away. Talk to your doctor for advice on what to do ne­xt.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What should I do if I have a swollen purple foot that only does turn purple while walking or sitting down? But not when I'm lying.

Female | 17

This could be a sign of underlying conditions such as peripheral artery disease, deep vein thrombosis, venous insufficiency, cellulitis, or other circulatory or vascular issues. For a proper evaluation and diagnosis timely medical attention is crucial to identify the cause and prevent potential complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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For sometime now i found it difficult to sleep at night i want to know why

Male | 26

insomnia may result due to multiple factors such as stress, anxiety or depression and also medical reasons including sleep apnea; restless leg syndrome among others. It is recommended that one consults a sleep therapist or psychiatrist to obtain the necessary diagnosis and treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have taken vitamin D medicine continuously for 8 days despite for once a week

Female | 58

You nee­d to take vitamin D supplements corre­ctly. Don't take daily doses meant for we­ekly intake. That causes vitamin D ove­rload. It triggers nausea, vomiting, weakne­ss. Stop taking excess vitamin D immediate­ly. Drink lots of water. Allow your body time to recove­r. Follow doctor's prescription diligently next time­.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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I took 14 paracetamol 3 day before.. what will happen to me.??. currently i am little sick

Male | 18

Taking 14 paracetamol tablets at once can be dangerous and can lead to liver damage or failure. Seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I just have a general health question

Male | 27

Every patient is different, everyone reacts in different ways to situation. If you have any health issue consult physician & clear your doubts .

Answered on 10th July '24

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What's the relation between burps and fever

Female | 34

Burping and fever are generally not directly linked, but they can sometimes occur together due to certain conditions. Burping is the release of stomach gas through the mouth, often caused by factors like eating habits. Fever, on the other hand, is an elevated body temperature usually caused by infections or illnesses. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sunddenly suffer a fever and lost Platelet at -- 0.35 only TLC -- 13,300

Male | 45

I recommend patients who are suddenly suffering from a high-grade fever accompanied by low platelets of 0.35 and TLC values equal to or above the range, get immediate medical attention at any hematologist This may imply an underlying disease that needs early diagnosis and treatment. Do not wait for the situation to get worse

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm need for dr in whatsep no

Male | 35

To book appointment in clinic/ audio / video consultation call on 9833933541

Answered on 11th July '24

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