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Female | 34

What's the relation between burps and fever

Answered on 23rd May '24

Burping and fever are generally not directly linked, but they can sometimes occur together due to certain conditions. Burping is the release of stomach gas through the mouth, often caused by factors like eating habits. Fever, on the other hand, is an elevated body temperature usually caused by infections or illnesses. 

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

2 year boy suffering motion loose

Male | 2

For loose motions ensure hydration by giving sips of ORS frequently. Provide easily digestible foods like rice or bananas etc. Its best if you show him to your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I do 40 days fasting having hypothyroidism and schizophrenia. I'm 71kg and 161.5 CM height

Female | 32

Fasting for an extended period of40 days can be challenging and may not be advisable for those with certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism and schizophrenia..Both of these conditions may require specific dietary considerations, medications, and careful management. Fasting for an extended period could potentially impact your health negatively, especially if you have any medical conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can a 17 years old take vitamin c tablet?

Female | 17

Yes, a 17-year-old can take Vitamin C tablets. Vitamin C plays a critical role in the body by keeping it healthy and boosting the immune system. If you easily get tired, prone to illnesses, or have wounds that take too long to heal, it might be an indication that you lack enough of this vitamin. You can meet your daily requirements of Vitamin C by taking tablets.

Answered on 30th May '24

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How can I lose weight fast

Male | 12

I suggest losing weight at an extreme pace as it is dangerous. Ideally, healthy weight loss happens at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Individual consultations with a licensed dietitian or a certified fitness instructor are reasonably suggested for expert advice and guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Received few grey brown soft tissue bits together measuring 0.2 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm

Male | 23

The grey-brown soft tissue bits you received are likely biopsy samples. It's important to get them examined by a pathologist to understand the nature of the tissue. I strongly recommend consulting a specialist, such as a general surgeon or a pathologist, who can review the results and guide you on the next steps for treatment.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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I drank midol and nigh quill will i be okay

Female | 19

Taking Midol and Nyquil togethe­r isn't good. Midol has acetaminophen for pain relie­f. Nyquil contains acetaminophen too. Too much acetaminophe­n can damage your liver. It may cause dizzine­ss or sleepiness. Drink wate­r to flush it out. Watch for nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain. Those are warning signs of ove­rdose. If you feel ill, se­e a doctor immediately. 

Answered on 19th Oct '24

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Hello sir,i want to know before 3 months a dog bite me and i take 3 injections and doesn't take 2 more injections,and after 3 months a new dog bite me what I do please suggest me

Male | 26

Dogs have the potential of infecting you if they bite. Bitten twice by dogs is a matter of concern. When you miss some injections, this could indicate that you are not fully protected. Infections may cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in the bite area. You must visit your doctor to get a proper evaluation and treatment, which may include additional vaccinations to avert complications.

Answered on 9th July '24

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I currently have a cold sore on both my lips and inside my mouth, causing significant pain. Additionally, I am experiencing a sore throat and have trouble swallowing due to the pain that arises whenever I try to eat or drink. On top of that, I am running a fever.

Female | 20

These symptoms could be due to cold sores, oral ulcers, viral infections, strep throat, or dehydration. Given the severity of the symptoms, seeking medical attention is necessary. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I was consulting a sangoma(witchdoctor) who gave me something to drink over a course of four months. Now i cant feel the effects of my medication or any other drugs for that matter. What could have been in the drink and how do I counter it?

Male | 20

The beverage you had from the traditional healer might have had substances that blocked your body from taking in or reacting to drugs. Sometimes specific plants or chemicals can do this. The things you are going through like not being affected by medication could be because of this blockage. I suggest you stop taking the beverage at once and go to see a doctor. They will be able to examine you and give you the right treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

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Hi there actually my child has chewed 20 multivitamins gummies mistakenly is there any concern

Male | 3

Yes, it is a matter of concern. Because some of these vitamins and minerals contained in the gummies might have negative effects in higher doses, for instance iron. Take your child to a pediatrician as soon as possible, they will do the initial evaluation and give the appropriate treatments.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Best treatment and care for Foot corn. Patient age 45 & sugar patient, Male

Male | 45

The BEST treatment for foot corn in a 45-year-old male with diabetes is to wear comfortable shoes with soft insoles.. Always keep the feet clean and moisturized to prevent FURTHER corns.. AVOID self-treatment or using corn plasters, as it may cause skin DAMAGE.. Consult a podiatrist for PROPER treatment..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I experience hot flashes, dizziness and body weakness too often

Female | 24

Consultation with a healthcare provider is necessary to establish the etiology. A gynecologist can be of assistance with the menopausal symptoms while a general physician can determine other conditions causing those signs.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a dry cough tightness in my chest and stuffy nose I was around my step son who was sick over the weekend and i think i may have gotten what he as

Female | 37

By looking at your symptoms one can say that the tentative diagnosis is a common cold or flu that you possibly got from the stepson. Therefore, you should see a general practitioner to make the correct diagnosis and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can oral herpes cause lymph nodes in groin to be swollen ? I’ve had my first outbreak about two weeks ago and just noticed two swollen lymph nodes on each side of my groin

Male | 27

Yes, oral herpes can potentially lead to swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. Lymph nodes can become enlarged and tender as part of the body's immune response to infection such as viral infections like herpes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am a Bangladeshi and need to have a proper physical checkup at your hospital. Would you please let me know the procedure and what packages you do have.

Female | 37

We offer different services that are included in the blood test package, imaging studies, and physical examinations that are personalized to your requirements. The medical professionals will analyze your results and provide you with the recommended treatment after the checkup. Being regular health assessment enthusiasts can safeguard people from illness and ensure their health, I would, therefore, advise you to make an appointment without any delay. Your wellness is at the very top of our list of things we care the most about, and we are here to support you all the way.

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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Left artery enlarged (heart failure) Kidney failure Septicaemia detected in blood work Diabetic High blood pressure What are the next steps following this diagnosis

Female | 70

It is important to seek immediate medical attention from a cardiologist for the enlarged left artery, heart failure, and nephrologist for kidney failure. Each condition needs specific treatment and management plans designed by the respective specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My hiv antibodies 1 and 2 test is non reactive after 1month of exposure how much safe i am now

Male | 21

A positive sign in the result of the 1 and 2 HIV antibodies test after 1 month of exposure is that your test is negative. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand that HIV can take even up to 3 months to become visible at a test.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Fever to me pls consult me doctors

Female | 21

Fever is a common sign that your body is fighting off an infection or illness. Symptoms may include sweating, chills, headaches, or body aches. It can arise from various causes, including viral infections, bacterial infections, or even inflammatory conditions. To manage it, ensure you stay hydrated, rest appropriately, and consider over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen to reduce discomfort. However, if symptoms persist for over a few days, or if you experience severe pain, difficulty breathing, or persistent vomiting, it’s important to seek medical assistance. A healthcare professional can provide personalized care and determine the underlying cause effectively.

Answered on 15th Jan '25

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