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Female | 20

Lifting Weights with Benign Breast Lumps: Safety Tips

Is it okay to lift weights if I have benign breast lumps?

Answered on 23rd May '24

You can lift weights if you have­ benign breast lumps. Be care­ful, though, and pay attention to how your body feels. Be­nign breast lumps usually aren't dangerous. The­y can happen because of hormone­ changes, fibrocystic changes, or cysts. Howeve­r, heavy lifting might make the lump are­a uncomfortable or painful. If that happens, stop lifting right away. Talk to your doctor for advice on what to do ne­xt.

63 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

can I get an MRI from top of my knees to my stomach?

Male | 24

Indeed you may get an MRI from top of your knees to the stomach. This MRI is referred to as abdomen and pelvis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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mera ek chhota bhai hai jo sunt nhi hai kuchh din kan drd dene ke bad wah sunna kam kr diya

Male | 17

Maybe your youngest brother is suffering from hearing loss. The pain in the ear might as well signal an issue. I recommend that you take your brother to an ENT specialist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. It is necessary to tackle it immediately to avoid any further harm to his hearing capability.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm having a premature white hairs

Male | 20

Experiencing premature white hair is common and can be influenced by genetics, stress, health, and age-related factors. Consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have 3 lymph nodes neck inner thigh

Male | 35

Having swollen or enlarged lymph nodes in different areas of your body, such as the neck and inner thigh, could be due to various reasons. kindly get it checked for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm female 47 year old, recreantly diagnosed with HPyori. I had to start my treatments for Pylori: my family doctor prescribe to me: Bismol 262mg x every six hours two tablets, Pantoprazole 40 mg - 1 TAB / 2 times daily, Tetracycline 250mg - 2 TAB / 4 times daily , Metronidazole 250mg - 2 TAB / 4 times daily. As that is a lot medication to be taken every 24 hrs. for 14 days, I am little bit confused for timing all of those medication. Allergy on Penicillin and Ibuprofen, Also I was today tested for Bismol and did not have any reaction, so my doctor told me that I am fine of taking Bismol as well. I am woondering if I can I take Bismol at the same time with Synthroid.

Female | 47

The medication that was prescribed to you for treatment of the H. pylori infection should be taken as recommended by your doctor. It is crucial to precisely follow the dose and time of medications for proper treatment. However, if you are unclear about the time of medication administration consult with your physician or pharmacist. On Bismol and Synthroid interactions, see an endocrinologist who can offer a comprehensive assessment as well as treatment plan.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I felt dizziness and suddenly my fingertips and lips turned red. I was feared by looking at my fingertips,my palm turned cold and was shivering so i doubted whether I'm dying. My bp level reached 130

Female | 18

Dizziness, red lips & fingertips, cold palm, shivering & fear BP:130. It's important to stay calm. These symptoms may indicate low oxygen. You may have hyperventilated or experienced anxiety. Sit down, breathe slowly, and sip water. If symptoms persist, seek medical help. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Rixol syrup এবং mebel ds tablet একসাথে খেলে কি প্রবলেম হবে?

Male | 18

There is a potential drug interaction between Rixol syrup and Mebel DS tablet when these two are administered together. It occasionally gives rise to symptoms such as discomfort of the stomach, nausea, and dizziness. It is best not to use them at the same time if this is not advised by a doctor. In the case when you notice any strange side effects after taking both of them, you should immediately stop and contact your physician for directions.

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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I always feel weakness. If I do anything or not . I didn't use any medicine our anything else plz tell me why I feel weakness

Female | 20

This may be a sign of illness. Inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep and failure to drink enough water can cause fatigue. Other causes could be an underlying thyroid problem or low levels of certain nutrients such as iron. Eat well, rest and keep hydrated; if these do not work then seek medical attention immediately.

Answered on 29th May '24

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What the solution of headache

Male | 19

Headache­s are head pains caused by stre­ss, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Exce­ss screen time contribute­s too. Fortunately, resting, hydrating, and scree­n breaks offer relie­f. However, consult a doctor if it persists or worse­ns. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My wife is suffering with low hemoglobin, RBC , WBC & patlets count gone on decreasing .She has sufferd with viral fever for 15 days, viral fever came to normal but counts were not increasing.she has treated 20 days in KIMS, hyderabad hospital. Kims doctors told that after few days gradually counts will increase. What is her problem upto now doctors did not diagnosis, Two or three days doctors are transmitting sdp and prbc and WBC injections.I'm taken second opinion he told that there is a problem in bone marrow.without daignoses if we take bone marrow treatment does patient get any side effects.she is suffering from legs pain and swalling in legs aslo and she is becoming weak. Please what is her problem give me the clarity

Female | 36

she needs detailed hematological evaluation.and depending on all the reports, diagnosis can be made 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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suffered chicken guneya 2 months treatment & relieved again symptoms of chickenguneya been observed.

Male | 25

It is possible that a second episode can occur if you are still weak. The indications comprise fever, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, nausea, and rash. The primary source is getting bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. Instead, to aid in easing the conditions, it is necessary to slow down, drink enough fluids, and use painkillers. In case the symptoms are getting worse, or last for a longer time, please get medical treatment. 

Answered on 25th Oct '24

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I am a 25 year old male and I have headache, sore throat, body pain and fever since yesterday. I have taken azinthromyacin antibiotics. But nothing yet. What could be the problem?

Male | 25

Based on what you have told me like a headache, a sore throat, muscle aches, and a fever it sounds like you might have flu, a viral infection. Antibiotics such as azithromycin won’t help because antibiotics kill bacteria not viruses; therefore they will do nothing for you if this is influenza. The only things to do for now are rest in bed all day with clear liquids (water) to drink while taking painkillers such as aspirin so that one can sleep comfortably through these unpleasant symptoms but should any of them become severe or last more than a week then please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Answered on 11th July '24

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I was consulting a sangoma(witchdoctor) who gave me something to drink over a course of four months. Now i cant feel the effects of my medication or any other drugs for that matter. What could have been in the drink and how do I counter it?

Male | 20

The beverage you had from the traditional healer might have had substances that blocked your body from taking in or reacting to drugs. Sometimes specific plants or chemicals can do this. The things you are going through like not being affected by medication could be because of this blockage. I suggest you stop taking the beverage at once and go to see a doctor. They will be able to examine you and give you the right treatment.

Answered on 28th May '24

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I watched some video thay says everybody can take malityvitemin and omega 3 tablet one capsule pre day it's good or bad for health

Male | 25

Taking a multivitamin and omega 3 supplement may have health benefits for some but you need to talk to your doctor for personalized advice based on your specific nutritional needs and health conditions. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I got scratched by a stary cat recently in January and I ended up getting ARV Shots, got my last shot on 16th of February. Today I got scratched by the same cat again, do I need to get ARV again?

Female | 33

In January and Fe­bruary, you had ARV shots already. You might not need the­m this time, but watch out. Look for fever, he­adache, or swollen glands - any unusual signs. If you notice the­se symptoms, see a doctor right away to ge­t checked. 

Answered on 28th Aug '24

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