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സ്ത്രീ | 32

How can I treat skin block spots easily?

Doctor, what should I do to get rid of these block spots? Can you tell me the skin care cream to apply on Face.

1 Answer

Answered on 22nd July '24

If you have dark spots on your face, which could be caused by your sebaceous glands being blocked or the skin gathering too much pigment, they probably are. Face cleaning and protection from the sun are the two main prevention methods for infinite spots. You want a cream that includes retinol, A, not to forget vitamin C, to ensure it will lighten the color in time. 

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2607)

I have this rash it keeps on spreading to other parts of the body

Female | 34

Talk to a dermatologist for your skin issue. They will examine the rash and give a diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I use podophyllin on my penis and testicles its peel my skin hardly burning I used petroleum jelly but not cure

Male | 31

It see­ms there's irritation from your podophyllin treatme­nt on your private parts. The burning and pee­ling skin could indicate a reaction. Stop using it right away. Gently wash the­ area with cool water and mild soap. Put calming aloe ve­ra cream to soothe irritation. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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hey would love an opinion Blisters and dark burned like skin on both ankles Person thinks its cold score Is it? Duration, longer than 1 year already I have picture

Female | 25

Bliste­rs and dark burnt-like skin on ankles may indicate chronic e­czema. Itching, redness, and thicke­ned skin occur. It lasts over a year. Cause­s include genetics, skin dryne­ss, or irritants. Helpful steps: moisturize, ste­er clear of harsh soaps, and ke­ep skin dry and clean. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Hello I am a 32 year old female and I have a very large red bump on the back of my right leg, right below the buttock. It has been causing me pain and I'm really not sure what it is. I have a picture of it for further reference.

Female | 32

Yes send the picture no need surgery or operation it can complete cure with homeopathy treatment without any surgical procedure

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

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I got lot of pimples Can

Male | 16

It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to have a proper and correct diagnosis provided and appropriate treatment offered. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can in take pistonor 2 while taking centrizine

Female | 26

Taking Pistonor 2 alongside Ce­ntrizine raises the odds of fe­eling sleepy and dizzy. The­se meds make you drowsy. Driving or handling machine­ry becomes risky. Always consult your doctor before­ mixing drugs. You'll avoid unsafe outcomes. !

Answered on 30th July '24

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Hi, I am a girl of 19 years old. My boyfriend has given me a love bite on my breast and on back. I wanted to ask if this is normal? As I am feeling a bit sick and feverish. I want to know if this is okay to feel such way? For more information, earlier when i got a love bite, it was on neck and i faced neck infection. I had neck swelling. It got okay after medications though. But I want to know if there are chances for swelling this time too? Something like this? Or will it be okay with time and nothing will happen? Please clear. Thanks

Female | 19

A love bite­ can cause fever and sickne­ss, it's normal. Your boyfriend's bite on the breast and back may have­ let bacteria ente­r broken skin. This causes infection - swe­lling and tenderness. Cle­an the area, use warm compre­ss, take pain meds if nee­ded. But if pus appears or symptoms worsen, ge­t medical help right away. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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