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Male | 25

Am I Safe from STDs and HIV After Using Condoms?

I had sex with someone I don't know. And I used condoms for safety. But my mind is full of thought about getting STD and HIV. Still now I don't have any symptoms. Am I safe ?

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Using a condom for protection when having sex is good. Condoms are perfect at stopping STDs and HIV as long as they are applied correctly. No symptoms it is a great sign. Symptoms may include sores, discharge, or pain. If you want, get tested for peace of mind. You should always pay attention to your health.

3 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (874)

I have night fall issues..

Male | 25

Nightfall or wet dreams are normal for a teenage boy. This is your body's method of discharging the extra fluids. Symptoms include having an ejaculation during sleep without being in control. Causes can be hormones or sexual thoughts. To help, you might consider calming activities before bed and avoiding spicy food. 

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Me and my girlfriend wear wearing the underwear and I rub my penis without any ejaculation will she be pregnant pls tell me I'm in stree

Female | 17

Considering the circumstances, it is improbable that your girlfriend could become pregnant if there was no ejaculation. Nevertheless, it is good to realize that any genital contact has some risk involved. Therefore, if she starts experiencing any unusual signs like missing her periods or having abnormal bleeding; I advise you to go for a pregnancy test so that you can be sure about everything.

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

I am 18 yrs old boy and doing masturbation alot nd now I have doubts regarding my sexual performance as I'm facing PE. Suggest me some solution.

Male | 18

Masturbation is normal and healthy, but if it's concerning you, try to limit its frequency and engage in other activities like exercise or hobbies. Staying active can help reduce sexual tension. For personalized treatment and support, visit our clinic at F 36 Herbal Medicine and PRP Clinic, near Sahni Guest House, DB Gupta Market, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

Answered on 11th July '24

Dr. Izharul Hasan

Dr. Izharul Hasan

Is it normal to gain weight in left testis within a week which results in overhanging??

Male | 17

There can be many possibilities for the problem.. get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

premature ejaculation after quit 13 year masturbation's

Male | 31

premature EJACULATION after QUITTING MASTURBATION is COMMON.. It's temporary, and it may take time to adjust. Physical exercise can help, Kegel exercises are beneficial.. COMMUNICATE with your PARTNER, and don't rush sex.. CONSULT a MEDICAL expert if symptoms persist..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Hello, I had oral sex and after that I used a condom for vaginal sex. Is there a chance to get HIV from oral sex?

Male | 27

With HIV, which is the virus that causes AIDS, it is difficult to get it by having oral sex with someone. Some signs that someone might have HIV include feeling like you have the flu, being very tired, or having swelling in your glands. During vaginal intercourse, a condom should be used so as not to catch HIV. 

Answered on 19th Dec '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Does masturbation causes following problem? Will I face it if I've been frequently masturbating since 13 and now I'm 23 year old? I read this in some article that said - "The prostate is a gland located exactly in the neck of the bladder, it secretes a whitish and viscous liquid that serves as a vehicle for sperm. This gland normally completes its development by the age of 21. When a young man masturbates before completing his development (21 years), the prostate atrophies, causing prostatitis after the age of 40, which is the enlargement of this gland that prevents him from urinating and he has to use the probe to do so. Later they have to operate and remove this gland." Should I worry? Please tell me.

Male | 23

Excessive masturbation do cause many harmful problem... but worrying about it wouldn't help... 

Masturbation is a natural phenomenon. All men do this but as a natural principle… excess of everything is always bad, so you must try to control it.
Don't do it more than once or twice in a month.
Don't worry you can do that... just do not watch porn… Try not to be remain alone, don't read or view sexual literature, books, whatsApp & porn videos etc.
Avoid oily, more spicy, Chilly and junk foods.
Do exercise daily for one hr or yoga mainly Pranayam… Meditation… vajroli Mudra... Ashwini mudra. Start reading religious books.
Please note that now a days the main drawback and side effect of the masturbation is once you are addicted to masturbation mostly and always by watching porn… where you get different type of stories... relations... girls… body... and styles... etc.
Once u got married u don't get all those things with wife so u don't get aroused and you don't get proper erection.
Now a day's mostly patients comes to us with the complaint that they are not able to get erection with wife in the bed but they are getting erection in the bathroom while masturbation.
This is creating a lot of problem in their married life so my advice is to control it. If u are not able to do so then you must consult your family doctor, many times it's not possible to control without the help of your doctor.
You can take Chandra kala ras 1 tablet morning and night after food
Yastimadhu chuma 3gms morning and night with water
Sidhamakara dwaja 1 tablet morning and night after food.
Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don" get satisfactory results then you can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

Iam suffering sexual problems like low energy, sudden ejaculation and low eraction

Male | 30

Experiencing difficulties such as reduced energy, premature ejaculation, and erectile concerns can often be linked to stress, hormonal imbalances, or lifestyle factors. It’s essential to recognize that many individuals face similar challenges. To improve your situation, focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress-relief techniques can be beneficial. Additionally, open communication with your partner can help ease anxiety. However, seeking advice from a healthcare professional is crucial, as they can offer tailored guidance and explore underlying issues. Remember, addressing these matters can lead to positive outcomes and improved well-being.

Answered on 10th Feb '25

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Sex problem sex problem sex problem

Male | 27

Sexual problems are common and treatable Causes include physical and psychological factors Common physical issues include diabetes, hypertension, and HORMONAL imbalances Psychological reasons include anxiety, stress, depression, and RELATIONSHIP problems Seek medical advice if you're experiencing any sexual problems Counseling and medication can help Don't be afraid to talk to your partner and communicate openly Remember, sexual problems are common, but they're not the end of the world..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Is there any medication to treat erectile dysfunction as I'm not getting to hard?

Male | 47

An erection problem is the inability of a man to get and keep an erection during sexual activity. Such cases occur as a result of stress, health conditions, or some prescriptions. Medicines such as Viagra or Cialis can be used to resolve this issue. Before choosing any of them, it is necessary to receive a healthcare provider's opinion, conducting a medical examination. They can discover the appropriate remedy according to your condition.

Answered on 8th July '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Namaste sir ji मुझे शुगर की बीमारी है 2016 से मेरी age 36 है सेक्स करने में परेशानी होती है 2 मिनट से ज्यादा sex नहीं कर पाता और डिस्चार्ज हो जाता है जिससे मेरी वाइफ को मजा नहीं है मेरा लिंग भी बहुत छोटा है जिससे वाइफ को sex करने मजा नहीं आता है और ना वाइफ का सेक्स करने का मन नहीं होता क्या लिंग बड़ा मोटा हो सकता है क्या सभी बीमारी का इलाज हो सकता है कृपया उपाय बताएं मुजे शुगर की दवाई, और सेक्स से संबंधित सभी दवाई मिल सकती है क्या और कोन सी दवा है और कितना खर्च होगा दवा में कृपया उपाय बताएं 8076364985

Male | 35

Hello, your problem of erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation are most commonly occurring in all ages of men, fortunately these both have high recovery rates through ayurvedic medications.

I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation so that it takes fear out of you.

In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. In premature ejaculation men come out Very fast, men gets discharged either before penetration or immediately after penetration, they hardly get some strokes, so the female partner remains unsatisfied.

This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure,
Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive porn watching, nerves weakness,
Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders, Low testosterone, tension, stress etc.

These problems of erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation are very much treatable.
I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines.

Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night.

Take Capsule SHILAJIT one in the morning and one in the night,

Take tablet manmath Ras one in the morning and one in the night.

Take tablet Pushp dhanva Ras one in the morning and one in the night. And take tablet Sidh makardhwaj Vati with gold, one in the morning and one in the night after food.

All the above preferably with hot milk or with water

Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes.

Avoid junk food, oily and spicier food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.

Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 30 min a day. Start doing yoga, pranayama, meditation, Vajroli mudra. Ashwini mudra, kegel exercise for at least 30 min a day.

Start taking hot milk twice a day.

2-3 dates in the morning and in the night with milk.

Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.

If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good sexologist.

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.

My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

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