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What is the cost of the treatment of moderately differentiated invasive squamous cell carcinoma in India after removal of the uterus?

Good day I would like to have a quotation for cancer treatment. The diagnostic obtained is Moderately Differentiated Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This treatment is for 59 years old woman, because of the diagnostic she already removed the uterus. Best Regards Rosa Saiete

2 Answers
Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Hello! In case of Moderately Differentiated Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma, the treatment options are Radiotherapy, Immunotherapy and Surgery. Given the fact that your mother is 59 years old, you can disregard immunotherapy as a treatment option. But still a proper quotation can only be made after deterministic tests like - MRI of the pelvis and CECT (Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography) Scan. Hope my answer helps you.

38 people found this helpful

Dr. Uday Nath Sahoo

Internal Medicine

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello, as per your clinical history is concerned, cost of treatment will be 2lakh 25000 only.
Dr sahoo 

98 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Can we give blood after 1 week of gfc treatment

Male | 21

You nee­d to wait before giving blood after GFC tre­atment. Your body requires time­ to recover; it lost cells during the­ procedure. Don't give blood too soon - at le­ast one week is be­st. That lets your body rebuild the blood ce­lls affected by treatme­nt. Donating blood earlier could make you tire­d or dizzy. Wait a week to be safe­ after GFC.

Answered on 25th July '24

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Hello, Recently my sister was diagnosed with stomach cancer.Cordailly request to tell me what should I do and where to get good treatment? Thank you

Female | 34

Kindly visit a surgical oncologist for the staging and relevant treatment. The centre for treatment depends on your location. You should visit a tertiary care cancer hospital if thats possible for you.

Answered on 5th June '24

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I'm a 52 year old woman recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and my doctor mentioned my estrogen levels are low. How does having low estrogen impact my breast cancer treatment and prognosis?

Female | 52

Please share your reports and book a consultation, so that we may be able to help you further

Answered on 26th June '24

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My husband was just diagnosed with AML Type 4. I am desperately seeking treatment for him. He is currently in hospital in Jamaica as he was admitted to start chemotherapy; however, that has been delayed due to him returning a positive Covid test. Please offer any advice/assistance. Thanks in advance.

Male | 41

you can come after the covid crisis is over.

once landed, she will be in safe hands

rest assured !!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am writing for my father's treatment. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in April 2018. He had gone through 6 cycles of of Alimta and carboplatin till October and then two cylces of Alimta only till December 2018. Up to October, he was doing great, had no side effects and his tumor size went down. After that he became very fatigued and also his tumor size increased significantly. In January 2019, Doctor put him on Docetaxel and so far he is doing good with no side effect. But, we would like to continue his treatment in your reputed hospital. I have attached his initial PET scan (April 2018) and recent PET scan (January 2019) along with few other CT scan. I appreciate if you could suggest me the doctor for his treatment and help me getting the appointments. Also, it would be very helpful if you can give me idea about the expenses. Since he will be coming from Bangladesh, it will take time to get visa and arrange rest of the stuff. Currently I am in Canada and planning to join him during his initial treatment at your hospital, preferably in March.

He will have to consult medical oncologist to make a treatment plan. everything will have to be looked into in detail before advising a plan. I suggest you to continue Docetaxel until that time. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I think i have skin cancer but i don’t know how to tell

Female | 14

If you suspect skin cancer, consult a dermatologist. Monitor any changes in moles or spots using the ABCDE rule. Take photos for documentation and avoid self diagnosis. A dermatologist can perform a thorough examination and potentially conduct a biopsy if necessary. Early detection is key for successful treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My sister has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer (started with tumor in rectum- polyps acrood colon and now we just the scans done and it has spread in pancreas, bones etc. I'm ready to go anywhere to get her treated. PLEASE HELP!!

Hello,please send these reports -

a)PET scan
b)Liver function test
c)CRP & CBC 

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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can lymphoma cause erectile dysfunction?

Male | 41

Lymphoma can cause erectile dysfunction in some cases. This may occur due to the cancer itself, or as a side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is important to discuss any sexual dysfunction with your doctor to determine the underlying cause and potential treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am looking for hepatocellukar carcinoma treatment for my father.please suggest the best hospital and doctor

Male | 62

Treatment for liver cancer varies with the stage of the disease. Please share his reports fir appropriate guidance.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Our relative is 60 year old. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer.Which will be the best hospital at reasonable rates in Delhi/NCR

Female | 60

I am working with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute (South Delhi), where we have suucessfully treated many breast cancer patients. Please consult foe advice.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is HPV the vaccine given for cervical cancer prevention?

Female | 10

Yes the HPV vaccine is indeed given for the prevention of cervical cancer. The vaccine helps protect against certain strains of HPV that are known to cause cervical cancer, as well as other types of cancer and genital warts. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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