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Female | 45

Could my symptoms indicate gastric cancer risk?

Hi, 45f, Caucasian. History family of cancer from father side (prostate) and liver (grandmother) Started developing GI symptoms 2 years ago. Main symptoms are pain/discomfort on the epigastric region, increased burping, nausea and loss of apetite and normal stools intercalated with mushy stools. Did several FBC, stool test for blood and HPylori, and US, all normal apart from uncomplicated gallstones. After being put on PPIs for 2 weeks I felt slightly better but the symptoms kept coming and going. Pushed for another GE appointment and had a Upper endoscopy done that revealed excessive bile in stomach and non working LES. Again was advised PPIs for 3 weeks and that's it. I keep on having on and off symptoms and had had another stool test that came back negative. I'm scared this is a gastric cancer, can you please advise? Thank you!

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 21st Oct '24

The symptoms you mentioned—such as pain, burping, nausea, and changes in appetite—can be caused by various conditions like gastritis or GERD. Excess bile in the stomach or a weak LES (lower esophageal sphincter) could be contributing to your discomfort. It's a relief that your tests have ruled out serious conditions like cancer. It’s important to monitor your symptoms and work with your doctor to manage them, possibly with medications like PPIs. Your gastroenterologist will continue to follow up if any issues persist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

Hello my name is Mohammad my mom died from colon cancer and my aunt father side died from lung cancer and recently I am having black ( I mean like really black) poop I haven’t had any iron supplements and I’m not having abdominal pain but I lost a lot of weight in 2-3 months I hardly ever go to ???? and when I go I have very stiff black poop I don’t have eagerness for food and I was very very harmed mentally for my moms lost that I almost had days taking 1.5 kg of ambient (15*10tablets*10gr) I am also studying dentistry so if you speak in medical terms I would probably understand.

Male | 23

Do not underestimate how black stool points to possible internal bleeding of your digestive system, nor your symptoms of losing weight and having no appetite. This points to the start of a severe health issue that would be more likely benign than malignant. Besides, it's best to go through the colon and intestine diagnostics first as well as some other medical tests.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have Lymph node in stomach. What it is?

Female | 30

A "lymph node in the­ stomach" often refers to a node­ close to that region, rather than within it. The­se small, bean-like structure­s aid our immunity. Swelling may stem from infections or othe­r issues. If you notice swelling the­re, it's wise to consult a doctor for proper asse­ssment and treatment.

Answered on 4th Sept '24

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Having stomach cramps, gurgling and diarrhea. Previous dr. gave medications on IBS, antibiotics All symptoms stop until the medicines are continued

Female | 16

There­ are chances you have Irritable­ Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. When stomach ache­s, rumbles, and diarrhea occur, that suggests gut se­nsitivity. Antibiotics sometimes trigger the­se by disrupting gut bacteria balance. To e­ase discomfort, consume mild foods like rice­, bananas, and toast in small portions. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. If problems pe­rsist, it's crucial to consult your doctor again.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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I wanted to ask why is there blood in my stool? I have had some blood in my poop before because of hemorrhoids, but I'm concerned now because this time it was more than just blood on the toilet paper, it was also on the toilet water and in the stool. When I did try to poop, it was hard and some part was sharp too, which is making me think that it was because of that, but I googled why and it made me overthink that I might have a serious problem.

Female | 15

Blood in stool can be caused by different causes like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, inflammatory bowel disease, infections, polyps. But, since there is also blood in the toilet water, so it will be prescient to consult a gastroenterologist immediately. They can do the physical examination, suggest tests, and give the required treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am diabetic since 10 years, recently my sugar level got high and i visited doctor he changed my medicine, and suggested me to change diet and morning walk which i did,this morning i came from morning walk had my breakfast but i vommited,

Female | 57

You are overwhelmed and things are running out of fuel for you after your morning walk and breakfast. The causes of fever infection can be a variety of things, such as being sick to the stomach, eating poisoned food, or the blood sugar level being high. This may be due to your high sugar levels lately. Ensure that you will be alright drinking water and hydrating yourself and that eating smaller lighter meals is the right idea. If vomiting persists, it is better to contact your doctor for more instructions.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

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I have had acid reflux for 3 years after a haitus hernia surgery can it go away coz am now on medication for 3 years

Male | 46

ACID REFLUX after hernia SURGERY can go away... MEDICATION helps..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have gastric ulcers which I have treated for more than three years

Male | 30

Chronic gastric ulcers require proper diagnosis and management to prevent complications. Treatment options may include medications to reduce stomach acid production, antibiotics if required, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Which hospital is the best hospital for stomach or Gastroenterology?

AIG Hyderabad in India. Mayo clinic in US.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I feel vomit and stomachache when eating Bp low an shiver at night Weakness Loss appetite

Male | 21

You might have a stomach bug. Fe­eling nauseous, abdominal pain, low blood pressure­, night chills, fatigue, or lack of appetite indicate­ this. A virus likely causes it. Rest, stay hydrate­d, eat plain foods like toast or crackers to se­ttle your stomach. If no improvement in a fe­w days, seek medical he­lp. 

Answered on 25th July '24

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