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Male | 24

Have I experienced kidney and sex organ issues since 2019?

hi I am thapelo In 2019 december I grew something like a brick the I 've been experiencing it untli now 2024 I went to hospital 2019 they gave me respidal till now nothing has removed and then in 2020 I suspect a kidney removed because it was on the left and then with the sex organs I could feel them I dnt know what to do my life is stuck need to get to university and finish off my studies need help.

1 Answer

Answered on 6th June '24

Several things might have caused the growth you noticed like a tumor or cyst. So you need to see a nephrologist who can properly evaluate what’s going on with your body and give a treatment plan to help ease these symptoms. 

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Questions & Answers on "Nephrology" (129)

My son suffering from dm 1 ,now ckd ,what may be solution

Male | 25

Diabetes type­ 1 and chronic kidney disease make­ a challenging combo. Kidneys can get damage­d by diabetes over time­. Look out for fatigue, swelling, and urinary troubles - the­se signal kidney problems. Controlling blood sugar le­vels and blood pressure he­lps protect the kidneys. Eating right and regular doctor visits matte­r a lot.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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My father is suffering from CKD stage V now my USG report is showing ADPKD MY question is i recently joined gym for my body transformation fat to fit for that goal i have to eat 2 grams per body weight of protein is it good for my kidney also i want to add creatine supplement can i add that supplement

Male | 24

The function of the kidneys worsens when you eat large amounts of protein, and the kidney problems become more severe. The extremely high rates of creatine supplements can make the kidneys unable to function properly. Before you start any regimen, consult with your doctor to figure out the best approach that is right for your body. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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medullary definition is maintained. Right kidney measures 10.2 X 3.5 cms. KIDNEY: Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, position and axis. Homogenous normal echogenecity is seen bilaterally. The cortico Left kidney measures 10.3 X 3.6 cms. Splitting of central echoes is seen in right kidney. No calculus is seen. URETERS: Right upper ureter is dilated. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. VESCICO URETERAL JUNCTIONS: Both vescico ureteral junctions are normal. URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is well distended. Its wall is not thickened. No intraluminal echogenic areas are seen. The prevoid volume measures 100 ml. Sonography report IMPRESSION: Findings suggestive of right sided hydronephrosis and right upper hydroureter. However, obstructive lesion could not be visualised. Follow up and further investigations are suggested to confirm the above findings.

Female | 20

The report suggests, however, that there seems to be a little issue with the right kidney and ureter. The right kidney is a little bit swollen (hydronephrosis) with fluid which is also a bit widened (hydroureter) in the upper ureter. This may be caused by something blocking the urine from the kidney to the bladder. The positive thing is, there are no stones that are causing the blockage. Further tests will help us in this matter, to know what's the cause of the problem. It's vital to do the follow-up tests, to find out exactly what's happening, and to get the proper treatment.

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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Kindney stone 3.6 mm Please tell me about description

Male | 30

A stone of 3.6 mm in size is akin to having a mini boulder in the kidney. Sometimes, they can even make you feel pain in the areas of your belly, side, or back. The rock-like substances can be caused by dehydration and certain foods. Drinking a lot of water will aid in the process of passing the stone. If it's too large, a doctor may help crush it into smaller pieces or take it out.

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

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Cardiac or diabetes and issues is proteinurea

Male | 67

If someone is having problems with their heart or diabetes and is also having protein in their urine, this may mean there could be damage to the kidneys. The signs of this illness are the puffiness of the body, the appearance of bubble-like urine, and the presence of hypertension. This can be caused by increased sugar levels or high blood pressure in the blood. Eat healthy, control your blood sugar, and take medication as directed.

Answered on 26th June '24

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My 13yrs old baby girl have( LCA) leber congenital her kidney not working properly so it's possible that this therepy cure kidney.

Female | 13

Lebe­r Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) is a rare gene­tic disease affecting the­ eyes. Sometime­s, it can also cause kidney issues. The­re's no therapy yet to cure­ LCA-affected kidneys. Talk to your daughte­r's doctor to manage her kidney health. The­y'll help with the right treatme­nt plan.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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