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Female | 26

What causes lower stomach pain?

Hi what is the cause of lower stomach pain

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

Many reasons cause­ lower stomach ache. Gas, bloating, and constipation could lead to that. Or, it may be­ stomach flu. Watch for nausea, vomiting, diarrhea too. If pain persists, see­ a gastroenterologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

I am 16 year old and have been facing nausea and feeling of fullness after eating.I also feel heart burn once in a week and these increase when I am in public or have exams comming up. I have have these for 6 months .Is it possible to have these symptoms because of anxiety?please tell that I don't have something like functional dyspepsia

Male | 16

You mentioned numerous problems that have tortured you in the last 2-3 months - like nausea, fullness after a meal, and heartburn. That can be a sign of anxiety. However, you say that they tend to become aggravated during high-pressure situations such as exams that may lead to that. Anxieties can lead to digestion problems and anticorrelated symptoms. Do some techniques like deep breathing or walking to reduce the stress level. Smaller and more frequent meals can also be of help to avoid your pain. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Im wondering why I’m always fatigued and why after taking 120mg of Sudafed as well as drinking a whole pot of coffee, why my heart rate is only 60 beats per minute.

Male | 19

FATIGUE can be caused by many factors including stress and poor sleep.. Sudafed can cause low heart rate DESPITE caffeine consumption.. However, there may be underlying medical conditions causing FATIGUE and low heart rate.. It's best to CONSULT with a doctor to determine the CAUSE of your symptoms..

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

||han pasado 144h desde la ingesta de 9g de paracetamol junto a 20mg de polaramine, 200mg de bilaxten, 50mg de aerius, 40mg de fuoxetina, solo tiene sintomas como palpitaciones, taquicardia, insomnio, vomitos,mareo, vision retardada, pero que se fueron a las 13h de las ingesta, sexo de adolescente femenino, peso 66.3kg , altura 164cm, sin atencion medica desde la primera ingesta, sin ningun sintoma desde las 13h de ingesta, dia 4 a las 91h de la ingesta he estado sintiendo nauseas pero no he vomitado, tampoco he tenido dolor, ademas me he dado cuenta que he bajado de peso desde la ingesta, ahora son 2.7kg , antes de la ingesta pesaba 68kg ahora 66.3kg, el adolescente a tomado 11g de paracetamol a 95h de la primera ingesta solo siente una leve presión encima de la nariz, ligero dolor de cabeza, fatiga/letargo ,mareos y nauseas ligeras que desvanecieron a las 20h d la segunda ingesta, ahora solo siente un ligero mal estar en el abdomen, a 120h de la primera ingesta a tomado 9g de paracetamol, nausas, ligero malestar en el abdomen, diarrea, letargo, como saber que tiene insuficiencia hepatica aguda irreversible? o en cuanto tiempo lo desarrollara teniendo en cuenta su historial, el dolor y nauseas están empeorando||

Female | 16

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hii.. My father had done Bypass Surgery on 4th December 2021.But from today evening he is suffering from severe Gas and Acidity. Please help what to do..??

Male | 56

There could be many reasons for gas and acidity after bypass surgery, including diet changes, stress, medications, or surgery itself. Some of the symptoms can be bloating, burping, and heartburn. It is important that you advise him to take smaller meals, steer clear of spicy foods, stay upright after eating and ensure he takes sufficient water. In case none of this seems to help then do not hesitate to contact his physician immediately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Hello. Two weeks ago, during weight training, I had a sudden pain in my lower abdominal. It was so painful that I could not move. I thought it might be cramping, but it worsened every second and in addition, I did not have any period for almost 4 months. I am 15 years old. Though, earlier in the morning before I had this unexpected pain, I had a little spotting. I have then been to the emergency room, where after 3 hours my pain stopped. I have been suspected with a small cyst rupture, however, there was no evidence indicating that the cyst had ruptured. We have done both lab works and an ultrasound and everything was absoultly normal. It is also important to mention that I had a cyst a year ago, but then it disappeared as we did another ultrasound, but for the last year I did not check it. 3 days after my pain, I have done another ultrasound and everything was fine. Another thing to mention, during the day I was at the ER, I came home and I had straight blood when I peed. The next day everything was absolutely normal without any spotting neither red or brown, everything was clear. Since then I have been having pain when I am doing sports activities and when my lower abdomendan is touched. (both left and right side). However, in the last couple days I have been having servere pain in my upper left abdomonen. When I had that terrible pain, it was mainly on the left side. Currently I am having severe pain on my upper left side, and additionally I always have a pain of hunger that feels as my stomach is sore and burns. What is going on? Can it be related to a spleen? Gastritis? Maybe there was not cyst burst?

Female | 15

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have my ulcer episode,diarrhea and a fever

Male | 28

It is important to see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible. These symptoms might be meaningful of an infectious gastrointestinal disease of an ulcer exacerbation. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Stomach cancer operation successful but not be able to eat anything.

Male | 70

after A stomach cancer operation , it can be difficult to eat . This is because the stomach may need time to heal .. The patient may only be able to eat small amounts of food AT FIRST . It is Important to follow the doctor's advice on what to eat and how much. EATING FOODS high IN protein can help WITH healing ... The patient may need to eat more often but in smaller amounts. It is important to be patient and not rush the healing process.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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