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Female | 16

How can I grow taller at 16 years old?

I am 16 years old girl, my height is 4'9 how can i get taller? Any supplements or medicine suggestions? Please suggest one medicine because I have tried everything possible which can naturally make me taller..but it didn't really work

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

At 16, it's understandable to wish for a taller stature. Growth is influenced by genetics, nutrition, and overall health. While you might explore various options, it's vital to focus on a balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein, which support bone health. Unfortunately, there’s no specific medicine to guarantee an increase in height. I recommend consulting a healthcare professional who can guide you through personalized strategies and check your growth potential based on your unique situation. 

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Questions & Answers on "Auxology" (35)

I am 16 years old girl, my height is 4'9 how can i get taller? Any supplements or medicine suggestions? Please suggest one medicine because I have tried everything possible which can naturally make me taller..but it didn't really work

Female | 16

At 16, it's understandable to wish for a taller stature. Growth is influenced by genetics, nutrition, and overall health. While you might explore various options, it's vital to focus on a balanced diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein, which support bone health. Unfortunately, there’s no specific medicine to guarantee an increase in height. I recommend consulting a healthcare professional who can guide you through personalized strategies and check your growth potential based on your unique situation. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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Hight groth is slow is hight is is not good

Male | 11

Slower growth can be influenced by genetics, nutrition, or hormonal issues, and it’s essential to observe any other accompanying symptoms, like fatigue or changes in appetite. If you have concerns about height, a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are crucial. It's always wise to connect with a healthcare professional to discuss these observations; they can provide reassurance and evaluate any underlying factors accurately. 

Answered on 27th Jan '25

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I'm 23 year old, iam a woman,I couldn't able to gain weight my weight is only 39 kg ,I want to gain weight what should I do or which medicine should I take so that I can gain weight, please prescribed me a good medicine to gain weight.

Female | 23

One reason for your challenges in gaining weight might be a high metabolism, stress, a bad diet, or a health issue. It is ideal to visit a doctor to determine the root of the problem. They will suggest a dietitian, who would be able to help you find ways to consume healthy foods that will help you in increasing your weight on a gradual basis. Medicines are generally not recommended for weight maintenance. Rather than only thinking about weight goals, concentrate on the intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and protein which contribute to weight strengthening and may enhance it. Lean gaining should be looked at from a healthy perspective, and the best way forward is the help of health professionals.

Answered on 13th June '24

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Height increasing capsules for increasing capsules

Female | 15

Capsules improving health are still not a thing. The fundamentals of the height physical variables are inherited from genes, most of them given by the parents. Nutrition, exercise, and sleep, on the other hand, can positively influence your growth potential. While eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can be good factors of your full height potential.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I am 19 years old and I am just 4'9 feet I want grow my height more 4 inches can u tell how I can reach 4 inches plzzz

Female | 19

At 19 and 4'9, you can still grow some as your body is still developing. Genetics are the main factor in the height of a person, thus, if your parents are short, you will, too. Consuming a balanced diet containing calcium and protein can promote the proper development of bones. Besides good postures, and activities like stretching and yoga, physical exercise can also aid the proper development of your bone length. 

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

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I'm 19 about height growth need to talk

Male | 19

When you turn 19, the things that you eat and the genes of your parents are some things to be careful about because these factors are among the things that are influencing your growth in height. If height is a primary concern for you, you should first check whether your development is slow or not and if you are experiencing problems like feeling unusual among others. Make sure you eat, in a balanced way, food abundant with minerals and vitamins, as this is absolutely crucial for growth in a natural progression. On top of these, regular exercise and an ample sleep time are also key factors that are beneficial for good health. If you have a specific issue, I would rather advise you to talk to a doctor who will give you individualized pieces of advice and check for other causes. Certainly, the effort you have made in finding information is really commendable!

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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I am 16 year old I am only 5.1 inch I want to increase my height so please tell me medicine for height growth which have no side effects

Male | 16

Beginning 16 years old and 5.1 inches high, it's a common desire to want to grow more. It is mostly an inherited trait to a large extent, and therefore you don't require any special drugs to fix the problem of short height. Having a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly can support growth. To repeat, one needs to remember that adolescents grow at different rates. 


Answered on 3rd July '24

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Hello right now I'm of age 17 about to turn 18 in July of this year 2024.... I'm currently the if 5foot7.. Is there any chances that I might grow more height? Or is it that my growth will stop after 18?

Male | 17

Around 18, most girls stop getting taller. Boys might kee­p growing until 21. However, each pe­rson is unique - you could grow more. A healthy die­t, sufficient sleep, and re­gular exercise can he­lp maximize growth potential. If worried about he­ight, discussing it with your doctor is wise.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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Height increase problem Height growth karne ke liye kuch upay

Male | 23

If you're worried about not growing taller, there are a few natural things you can try. A balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals is essential for your body to develop. Exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and practice good posture. Besides this, keep in mind that each person grows at their own speed, hence be patient and gentle to yourself.

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Sir I am 18 years old. My height is increased but my weight is not increase. I am the thinnest boy of my village. I eat lot of food but my weight is not increase what should I do

Male | 18

If you eat a lot but still can’t gain weight, maybe you have a high metabolism. But sometimes hyperthyroidism or other medical conditions can do that too. You should see a doctor to find out what’s going on. Then they can give you some advice and help with that. 

Answered on 7th Jan '25

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I am a 14 year old male and i am confused am i going through puberty or ended it because they say that when height is stopped growing ouberty ends and i am already 3 inches taller than my father at this age and when i started puberty around 12 my height was almost same as my father so how when is it going ti end? I have noticed little bit height growth in the past few months possibly 1 cm

Male | 14

Hello! It seems you’re worried about how tall you will get and when puberty will end. It’s natural to feel insecure. Puberty normally stops around 18 for boys when they’ve had all the major growth spurts that can make them taller than ever before. If you’ve only started noticing yourself growing in height lately then this might mean your body is still changing because of puberty. Keep eating well, sleeping enough and exercising so your growth can be supported!

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My age is 25 and I'm 4"11 inches. I want to increase my height what should I do ?

Female | 25

The desire to grow taller is quite common at your age. Genetics are the main determinants of your height, but let's talk about things you can control. To be healthy, consume a balanced diet full of nutrients, exercise regularly, for example, swimming or stretching, and make sure to have enough rest time.

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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how can i get longer in height i am 23 years old and i want to increase my height what can i do please help me

Male | 23

At 23 years old, it's unlikely you'll see a significant height increase since growth plates generally close after puberty. You should consult an endocrinologist to discuss any potential growth issues. Additionally, focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and good posture may help you make the most of your height.

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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I had done masturbation last week my weight is 50kg age is 18 and my height is short what to do to increase body weight and height

Male | 18

At your age, a good and regular diet mechanism is the most important in formulation and weight enhancement. Concentrate on eating foods that are good for you. This is a process that involves more than one part. Try eggs and lean meats apart from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Besides, working through the strength training process is crucial too. First, make sure you consume enough energy to carry out the activities. Bear in mind that the kind of bones you get also largely depends on the genes that you inherit from your parents, and it’s these healthy habits that will take you to your highest divide. 

Answered on 6th Jan '25

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Height related issue my height is 160 cm

Male | 18

Being 160 cm is regular for lots of pe­ople. But if it concerns you, we can discuss it. Your height may contribute if you have­ physical troubles like backaches or joint issue­s. Reme­mber, genes gre­atly influence how tall we grow. Eating nutritious foods, e­xercising regularly, and slee­ping enough can help maximize your he­ight potential. Seeing a doctor for a che­ck-up can provide more clarity if you're worrie­d.

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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Hight issue I m only 5 ft

Female | 21

It's common for people to have concerns about their height. You are 5 feet tall, according to your description. Possible causes of being short may include genetic factors, lack of essential nourishment, or such health problems as underdevelopment of individual organs. If you are in doubt about your condition, a visit to a healthcare provider could be quite enlightening. They may give you individualized advice and recommend, among other things, a dietary alteration or some further exploration.

Answered on 4th Nov '24

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Sir my name is ram and my height is 160cm and I want 170cm so it is possible Please tell me sir

Male | 21

Getting your height up to 170cm is not an easy process. Genetics is the main factor in determining human height. Following a healthy diet, enough rest if possible, and regular exercise are the ways of helping you to reach your genetic height potential. 

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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