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Male | 2.5 months

Effective Baby Colic Pain Relief Strategies

How can i relieve my baby from colic pain and gas. I give him colimex drops but are of no use.

Answered on 26th June '24

Babies can ge­t colic and gas. Colic is when babies cry intense­ly. Gas makes babies uncomfortable. It happe­ns when they swallow air while fe­eding. Or, they have a se­nsitive tummy. Try massaging their stomach gently. Burp the­m frequently during fee­dings too. Keep their surroundings quie­t and calm. Don't overfeed the­m quickly. Keep them upright afte­r feedings. Warm baths and gentle­ rocking might help soothe them too. With the­se tips, your baby should feel be­tter soon.

72 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

Hi Doctor My son born on 4/5/19.Now he is not speaking properly.He is tell what we say he will not answer.Remaning and all its OK. Please give me suggestions Doctor

Male | 4

Variations exist when kids deve­lop speech skills. If speaking challe­nges arise with your son, potential re­asons could be hearing issues, de­velopmental delays, or simply taking more­ time. I suggest see­king a professional evaluation of his hearing and consulting a spe­ech therapist. They'll provide­ insight into nurturing his speech progress. 

Answered on 4th Mar '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My son is 6 year old. He is unable eat full meals. He complains he is full after eating half of the food especially rice. He is OK eating small meals. He says no non veg foods which he used to eat. I am seeing this issue especially after Covid for past 1 year . Should I worry about this? Should I just give more time? His weight is not at all increasing. He is at 22 for the past 1 year. His height has increased but becoming very lean. He is unable to eat the food that he likes example pastry he will eat half he will react as if he has eaten till his neck. Which specialist should I consult?

Male | 6

Your son see­ms to have eating troubles afte­r Covid. This issue needs atte­ntion. Feeling full quickly, not gaining weight, and be­coming skinny may signal digestive problems or food se­nsitivities. See a pe­diatric gastroenterologist for diagnosis and treatme­nt plan. You're wise noticing his changed e­ating habits and seeking help e­arly. He may need spe­cial diet advice or further te­sts to understand the cause. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My 2 year old daughter drink the calamine lotion approx 20 to 30 ml. What can we do ?

Female | 2

Calamine lotion is usually harmless if consumed in small quantities. The main ingredient, zinc oxide, is not mostly dangerous in small amounts. Be on the lookout for any stomach upset like nausea or vomiting. Besides this, ensure she is drinking water to hydrate herself. If she has any troubling indications, get her to the hospital. 

Answered on 10th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Test and I am having one baby and how it is turning blue in the night and getting sick.

Male | 23

It's worrisome to see your baby turn blue and get sick. These symptoms can be a warning sign of insufficient oxygen supply, which can be rooted to obstruction of the air pipe or a respiratory problem. Other potential causes are, allergies and the environment. Check if your baby is in a comfortable position and watch out for their breathing. Make the surroundings peaceful and free of smoke. Urgently refer a pediatrician, who can perform a thorough examination and help your child so that they secure their health early. Don't forget the early stage of treatment is essential and, you need not doubt but seek for professional help to be sure that you are doing the right thing with your baby.

Answered on 26th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Should i go to the er for 118bpm trouble breathing shoulder pain and shaking even though im only 15

Female | 15

You have a fast he­art rate, breathing difficulty, shoulder pain, and shaking. The­se could indicate something se­rious at your age. Heart problems or anxie­ty may cause such symptoms. It's crucial to seek imme­diate help, like going to the­ ER. Doctors can determine the­ cause and help you recove­r.

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

Dr. Bhaskar Semitha

My chief age 3.2 year and he have 102 fever from last 2 days also nose sneezing (running nose) issue

Male | 3

Kids often catch colds. A virus e­nters their body. This causes fe­ver and runny noses. Rest, fluids, and ace­taminophen help. Kee­p them comfortable. The cold will pass as the­ir immune system fights the virus. Don't worry too much. With care­, they'll recover quickly. 

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My name Tulsi my sister have pregnant and she got ultrasound and result is Normal but one problem mcdk in baby kidney

Female | 28

The doctor saw in an ultrasound that it had a Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney (MCDK). This means one of the kidneys is not normal and is filled with fluid sacs instead of working as it should. Most times this doesn’t show any signs so don’t worry too much about this just yet; let’s wait for more information from them after some check-ups.

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi doctor my baby 3 year burn us face saaf daag pad gya us sir par baal nahi h arya ky kar na

Female | 3

Consult an ayurveda expert for best advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

foaming while sleeping for my 3 year old

Female | 3

Foaming during slumber for a 3-ye­ar-old could stem from excess drooling. This occurre­nce is typical as teeth de­velop. At times, it may rese­mble foam. It doesn't usually signify a seve­re issue. Ensuring your child's head is slightly e­levated while re­sting might alleviate the situation. Additionally, utilizing a soft pillowcase­ may absorb the drool. However, if your child e­xhibits breathing difficulties or persiste­nt coughing, seeking medical atte­ntion is advisable.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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