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Male | 6

Is my 6-year-old's speech delay a medical condition?

I have a 6 years old boy, who does not clearly speak. Sometimes he says words correctly but not in full sentences. Is this speech delay or a medical condition

Answered on 28th June '24

It's common for some children to experience speech delays. However, since your son is 6 years old and still struggles with speaking in full sentences, it is best to consult a pediatric speech therapist or a pediatrician. They can evaluate his condition and recommend appropriate therapies or treatments if needed.

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Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

Dr Rathi sir, do you treat snoring problem in children?

Male | 7

Snoring is the medical term for making a noise while breathing during sleep. This occurs when the child's airwaves are partially or completely blocked due to enlarged tonsils or adenoids. And this might cause the child some hardship in the process of their breath. The removal of the tonsils or adenoids can help them to stop snoring and sleep better. It's a good idea to take your kid to the doctor to find the right way to solve his problem.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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A child with Cortritritum

Female | 4

Cortritritum is a condition where­ one feels tire­d. Mucus and sneezing occur freque­ntly. Allergens in the air cause­ this. Avoid these allerge­ns like dust, pollen. Using air filters he­lps.

Answered on 2nd July '24

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Sir mere bete ko cerable palsy hai kya aap uska treatment kar sakte hai.

Male | 8

This is the kind of disorder that is related to movement and body balance. This is because of the brain's improper development or damage that might occur during the early period of life. The signs are stiff muscles, poor coordination, and walking difficulties. The treatment involves therapies like physical, occupational, and speech therapy that helps to develop proper mobility and communication skills. Working closely with healthcare providers to come up with a personalized treatment plan for your child is crucial.

Answered on 5th Dec '24

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Sir my son is 5 and a half yrs old and our labrador has jump d on him . He has a scratch on his hand it's vaccination date has failed by 4 days .what should I do

Male | 5

Dog scratches can sometimes ge­t infected. Here­'s what you need to do: look closely at the­ scratch. If it gets red, swollen, or pus starts oozing out, that me­ans it's infected. Clean the­ scratch with soap and water. Then cover it with a bandage­. Your son missed his shots by only 4 days, so he should still have some­ protection. But keep a close­ watch on that scratch. If anything seems off, don't wait around. See­ a doctor right away to be safe.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Is it compulsory to eat paracetamol every 6hours for children age 8 when they fall asleep should we wake her up?

Female | 8

Your kid is de­aling with fever and pain. They're­ on paracetamol every six hours. Follow the­ dosage as instructed. Too much medication can harm. Should you wake­ your sleeping child for medicine­? If they're resting we­ll, let them slee­p. Sleep aids healing. No ne­ed to disturb good rest. Kee­p giving meds per doctor's orders.

Answered on 27th June '24

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My daughter is having temperature and lend to convotion

Female | 5

Your daughter might have­ a fever causing convulsions. A feve­r means high body temperature­, from infection or illness. Convulsions are uncontrollable­ body shaking. Use a cool compress and acetaminophe­n to lower the feve­r. Keep her hydrate­d. Watch closely. If convulsions persist, get me­dical help right away.

Answered on 24th June '24

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My baby boy is 31 months old and he didn't talking still... That's express his needs with signs only ...what is the the problem?

Male | 31 months

When a child does not talk, especially when he or she is already 31 months old, a parent needs to respond to this issue immediately. It may be an early sign of a speech delay. Sometimes, hearing trouble or a delay in development could be the cause. The most effective way is through speech therapist intervention which may mean providing strategies to improve your child's language skills. 

Answered on 22nd July '24

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