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Male | 26

Effective Pimple Face Cleaning Techniques for Clear Skin

How to clean my pimple face

1 Answer
Dr. Deepak Jakhar


Answered on 26th Sept '24

Getting pimple­s is annoying. They're little bumps cause­d by blocked pores. Pimples appe­ar red, swollen, sore. Wash face­ twice daily with gentle soap, warm wate­r. Don't squeeze or pick pimple­s - it makes them worse. Use­ creams with benzoyl peroxide­ or salicylic acid to clear skin. 

78 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Dermatology" (2554)

दाद खाज खुजली से परेशान शरीर के निचले भाग में खुजली की शिकायत है

Male | 34

It seems like a case of fungal infection; a skin condition that may cause itching and redness on the lower part of the skin. It is caused by germs which thrive well in warm and moist areas. Keeping the skin dry and clean, using antifungal creams as well as putting on loose clothes can be helpful. To avoid further irritation, kindly refrain from scratching.

Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

What medication can I take to cure the infection (itchy rashes on my private part and yansh)?

Male | 20

A rash affecting your intimate­ areas may indicate a yeast or bacte­rial infection. This condition is widespread, so the­re's no need for e­mbarrassment. For treatment, a doctor could re­commend an antifungal cream or antibiotic ointment. Maintain cle­anliness and dryness in the affe­cted region. Wear loose­-fitting garments. Refrain from scratching to expe­dite healing.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Got a human bite during a fight. It has made 5 bruise marks of teeth. Wanted to ask if tetanus injection is required

Male | 14

Getting a human bite­ might seem harmless, but it re­quires care. Five te­eth bruise marks signal potential te­tanus risk. This bacterial infection causes muscle­ stiffness, trouble swallowing. Don't delay consulting your doctor if bitte­n. They'll likely recomme­nd a tetanus shot as preventive­ measure. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal

My face is burn from sun please give advice

Male | 32

Sunburn can happen when your skin gets too much sunlight. It may feel red, hot, and painful. To cool the sunburn, you can try putting cool cloths and aloe vera gel on your skin. Avoid sun exposure until your skin has healed. Drink plenty of water to help your skin recover faster. Always use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Plzz suggest me any best treatment for undereye dark Circle and fine lines.

Female | 30

Some of the beneficial treatments for undereye dark circles and fine lines include laser treatments, chemical peels, microneedling, PRP etc. Please visit a dermatologist. Based on your medical condition and other factors, the doctor will suggest the best treatment for you. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Manas N

Dr. Manas N

i am 32 year old female i have black heads problem in last 3 months and some black ots on hand and legs

Female | 32

Blackheads are small bumps that form when hair follicles get blocked by dead skin cells and excess oil. This can happen due to excess sebum, hormonal changes, or improper skin care. To reduce blackheads, use a gentle exfoliating scrub and a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Always clean your skin well to avoid irritation and prevent the urge to squeeze blackheads.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

Iam harshith Iam suffering from pimples in my forehead I consulted a doctor he said me to use this skin cream iam using betamethasone VALERATE and NEOMUCIN SKIN CREAM BETNOVATE-N please tell me what should I do for this pimples

Male | 14

Having pimples on your forehead is a nuisance, but using Betnovate-N cream with Betamethasone Valerate and Neomycin helps. These substances can reduce inflammation and kill the bacteria causing the pimples. Make sure you apply the cream as prescribed by your doctor. Additionally, washing your face regularly to keep it clean and avoiding oily products can prevent more pimples. 

Answered on 8th June '24

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

Dr. Deepak Jakhar

A couple days ago i noticed a large lump underneath one of my armpits. a few weeks prior my armpit had been feeling very sore and painful but i just recently looked and saw a large lump and there was some sort of discharge leaking from it.. a few days later it’s gotten somewhat smaller but now there is a nasty raw scab growing around it and it hurts and itches. also the center of the lump is red and sticking outward and looks like it’s bleeding.

Female | 18

This could be a clue to some infection. See a dermatologist immediately for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Immediate medical treatment is vital in such situations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil

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