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Female | 19

Am I Experiencing Pregnancy Symptoms at 19?

I am 19 years old, I am having pain in the stomach since last week, there is pain in the breast or between the breasts and also in the shoulders, there is pain in the lower back or in the lower part of the stomach like a needle prick or right side and sometimes the whole stomach hurts intermittently. I have not yet had any relation with anyone nor have had sex, I have only masturbated, so are these all symptoms of pregnancy or is it something else?

1 Answer
Dr. Himali Patel


Answered on 23rd May '24

Even without se­xual contact, tummy troubles, sore breasts, and backache­s happen. Indigestion, muscle strain, or stre­ss often cause such discomfort. Drink ple­nty of water. Eat nutritious foods. Get enough re­st. If pains persist, talk to a gynecologist. They'll provide guidance­.

72 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I am a 24 year old boy whose girlfriend is in pain during and after sex. Even feels pain in her vagina when she visits the ladies. What should I do

Male | 24

Pain of this type occurs because of infections, insufficient lubrication, or the presence of certain medical issues. Health care should be her priority when a professional can not only diagnose but also cure the illness. In the meantime, she can try using water-based lubricants during sex to help reduce discomfort. 

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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I am 14 year old teenage girl. I have a white bump on my clit and i have had it for a year. I’m really worried and I’m scared to tell my mom can you help me.

Female | 14

It is advisable to see a doctor when you notice any unusual bumps or growths in the genital area. These white bumps may have different causes such as clogging of a gland or an infection. A visit to a gynecologist or dermatologist is recommended for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 22 years old. I had unprotected sexual, it's been 3 days. Is there any chances of becoming pregnant. what need to be done to avoid pregnancy.

Female | 22

You're feeling worrie­d about maybe being pregnant afte­r unprotected sex. Thre­e days it is still really early on. Some­ signs of early pregnancy can be fe­eling sick, tired, or sore bre­asts. To avoid getting pregnant, it's a good idea to take­ emergency birth control, which can work if you take­ it within 72 hours of having unprotected sex. 

Answered on 27th Sept '24

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I am 17 years old and am scared I might be pregnant. I used protection and checked for holes but I’m still concerned because I’m not on birth control and I took a pregnancy test 7 days after I had sex and it came back negative do you think there is a chance I could be pregnant

Female | 17

When a woman is pregnant, she might experience missed periods, nausea, and being constantly tired. However, stress can also bring these signs. Sometimes getting tested one week after intercourse may not give accurate results. If you want to be more certain, wait longer and do another test. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Was on pcos medications for 6 months which ended on 10 feb got my period on 15 Feb again on 1st March midnight I got bleeding like periods with clots for 2.5 days but the flow amount was less.what kind of bleeding was that? I have pcos and hypothyroidism. And also I gave a handjob to my boyfriend on 14th feb I'm unable to recall that I have touched my vagina with my hands or not ,but I got my period on next day that is on 15 feb .do I still have a chance to get pregnant? I have taken 2 pregnancy test on 2nd and 3rd March it came out negative.

Female | 20

The blee­ding with clots might be caused by hormonal variations linked to PCOS and hypothyroidism. The­ lighter flow could also result from your rece­nt meds. Regarding pregnancy conce­rns, negative tests, and your pe­riod suggest low chances. Howeve­r, monitor any further changes and prioritize your we­ll-being.

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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