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Female | 21

Why do I have urethra pain?

I am 21 year old I disvirgin 3 days ago and i have urethra pain and i don't know what happened to me

1 Answer

Answered on 5th July '24

Irritation of the urethra can occur after intercourse. You may see common symptoms like a burning sensation or pain when urinating, the feeling of going to the toilet often, or cloudy urine. The cause of it might be a urinary tract infection (UTI), which is common. Drink lots of water and try to urinate frequently. If the pain stays on, a good option would be to go to a gynecologist to seek advice and treatment.

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Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1173)

I am also suffering from frequent & incomplete urination in the night, and have been diagnosed with BPH, wherein the urine comes out in a trickle, and I am unable to empty the bladder. This causes sleep deprivation. I am suffering this since long. In this case also I have tried many medicines, and now I am taking 1 tablet after breakfast and 1 in night. I have tested positive for prostate enlargement , and PSA tests are. negative. The last sonography test in February 2021, has shown prostate @40 gms Tablet Dynapres 0.4 1-0-0 Tablet Max Void 8 0-0-1

Male | 66

More detailed history and tests like Uroflowmetry and Ultrasound with Post void residual measurement will give accurate diagnosis. If it’s BPH only and not improving with medicines then might need a surgical treatment. There could be other reasons like urethral stricture or high bladder neck which is also dealt surgically.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 21 year old male from 3-4 days back i am having itching on penis now i can see bumps on glands and testicles so which type of doctor i have to see for medication

Male | 21

follow these herbal combination for complete cure :- sootshekhar ras 125 mg twice a day, gandhak rasayan avleh 10 gms twice a day, send your photos initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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Which kind doctor is the best for kidney tumor treatment,

Male | 46

follow these herbal combination for complete cure:- basant kusumakar ras 1 tablet twice a day, gulmkalanal avleh 10 gms twice a day, gokshuradi avleh 3 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your reports initially

Answered on 10th July '24

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This is Sadek.I am from Bangladesh and now 38 years in age.In profession, I am a teacher in a university.My height is 5.5 and weight is 68 kg.My penis is becoming small day by day.I am unable to perform even I am not getting interest in Sex.I had the extreme bad habit in masterbation since my childhood in the school hostel.Besides, I saw addicted in porn movies.Right now, I do not get any exitement for having sex.May I get appointment online? What can I do now?Please suggest me.

Male | 38

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, vrihad vangeshwar ras 1 tablet twice a day, vrihad kamchoonamani ras 1 tablet twice a day, kamdev avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with milk or juice or water, relief in 3-4 days and for complete cure take it for 60 days only, avoid spicy and oily food

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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I'm having varicocele on my right testicle is it safe to masturbate

Male | 19

Essentially, a varicocele occurs when the veins within the scrotum expand, causing them to fill with blood – but commonly without any symptoms. Some people might experience a kind of achy pain or heaviness. It is not harmful at all to masturbate when you have it. If the valves in the veins aren’t working properly this could lead to what causes them in most cases. 

Answered on 10th Oct '24

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So I was peeing alot and having discomfort and was then put on antibiotics for 3 days and used this stuff to make my urine turn orange. At the end I had felt shaky and and went to the ER and they checked my urine and it was clean then gave me some more of the stuff that turns my urine orange. I then felt better for like a week and a half and went back to my old habits of not really drinking water and only drinking energy drinks and i was taking a shower like every other day besides for one time ware i didnt take one for 3 days then had to go to the bathroom before going to bed 2x the the next night 5x so that same day I got to the docters again and he gave me 10 days of antibiotics and now I'm at the end of those and still shaking when I'm slightly cold but my urine has little to no discomfort and I'm no longer getting a feeling in my bladder (the feeling didn't hurt) the doctors first said it was a uti then urinitis or urithritis or something like that I just want another opinion and to make sure I'm ok

Male | 20

Based on your description of the symptoms, it might be that you had an acute urinary tract infection and antibiotics were used to treat it. Drinking plenty of water is needed and energy drinks should be avoided because dehydration can make UTI symptoms worse. If you are still shaking or experience other similar symptoms after the treatment, you should go to the doctor who prescribed the antibiotics to you or see a urologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Treatment for Hyper sensivity of penis galnce

Male | 25

An urologist or a dermatologist is a perfect choice for consulting to get medical assistance concerning the complications of penile glans sensitivity.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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