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Male | 48

What To Do For Severe Headache ?

I am 48 years old male...I have severe headache from tomorrow morning. I have taken some pain killers but feel no relief.what could I do now.

1 Answer

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Headaches are one of the most common health problems, and they can be brought about by stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, and so on. Now that the medications you consumed are no longer effective, how about if you would like to use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, drinking water, or applying a cold compress to your head? 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Hello, I have one patient in my family who is suffering from a brain injury for one year due to an accident. Now, he is completely paralyzed with speechlessness. We need your valuable support for the treatment guidelines.

you have start physiotherapy asap..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 67 old man with eary stage of Parkinson . I need effective medication and natural therapy or a secured surgery to end Parkinson completely.

Male | 67

Parkinson's disease­ affects movement from brain ce­lls misfiring. Early signs are shakes, stiffness, walking trouble­. A cure hasn't been found ye­t, but medication can relieve­ symptoms. Physical activity and nutritious food also help manage the condition. If it worse­ns, surgery might be an option. Although it's difficult, stay hopeful and liste­n to your doctor for optimal treatment.

Answered on 8th Sept '24

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I'm from the country and all waste water accumulates in a septic tank. My parents don't usually call that truck home to dump the contents, they take care of it by dumping all the liquid in their own garden on a corn crop. Indeed, we do not actually eat the corn, but we do eat the rest of the nearby plants. But the birds they have, and from which we consume the eggs, consume some of that corn. I am very concerned about my physical health, especially my brain, and my fear is that I may have ingested substances from detergents/toothpaste over time, such as fluoride, which I know is neurotoxic, or other strong substances, etc. . . The usual analyzes always turned out fine for me. I drew their attention to these things and they told me that there are other people who do the same thing and apparently nothing happened. Should I worry/do something about it? I'm thinking that maybe those substances in the detergents and everything that gets there affect the nervous system, the brain. The plants in the garden show no signs of damage, probably because the detergents contain substances similar to fertilizers. Also, I'm wondering if from the feces, if some guest is infected with some parasite, and they then end up on the soil, can I also get them through the plants and affect components of my SN? Does all this accumulate in them? I can't stop eating food/eggs from home because I just started college, I have 6 more years until I can choose what and when to eat, have my own salary. I was thinking that for my own peace of mind, I would have a brain MRI this year to make sure everything is ok, as well as the usual urine test, which he can arrange for from the GP. Do you think it's okay?

Male | 18

While it's natural to worry, it's unlikely that the small amount of substances from detergents or toothpaste in the water would cause significant harm to your brain. Eating the food grown in the garden is generally safe, as plants can filter out harmful substances. It's encouraging to know that your health reports are okay. Getting a brain MRI and urine test for peace of mind is a proactive step, and it's okay to do. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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Muje ratko nid nhi aati hai Pesle 2 3 chal se Muje kuch acha nhi lagata Me subhe me irritated feel karta hu

પુરુષ | 26

It seems like you are having problems with falling asleep at night. Some common signs of insomnia are difficulty in sleeping, feeling exhausted during the day, and not being interested in things. It can result from stress, a harmful lifestyle, or some other reasons. Try to keep your room dark, stay away from screens before sleeping, and come up with a relaxing bedtime routine that will help you sleep better.

Answered on 21st Nov '24

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One more question my ears are ringing it's been 2 months to my accident and having a slight hearing loss in left ear it will go away or not ?

Male | 23

Ringing in the ears and deafness after an accident can result from injury to the tiny hairs in the inner ear. This might occur if there is an abrupt loud noise or trauma. It is necessary to consult with an audiologist. They will be able to determine what would be most helpful for your situation in terms of hearing improvement methods. Do not be afraid because there are treatments that can be used for you to be able to hear well again.

Answered on 29th May '24

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Severe headache and small bump in the right side of head

Male | 21

It may be a result of a recent head injury or tension headache, among other risks. The bump could be a consequence of the pain. One of the ways that can be helpful is to put a cold pack on top of the bump. Lie down afterward for a short rest. If this still doesn't go away, it is advisable to ask for a healthcare professional's opinion for your own safety.

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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My son 21 years old. Struggling with migrains. Have now started to feel pressure in forehead and dizzy. Have just now taken paracetamol 1 gram. Is it ok to take migraine medication he got from doctor last time now already? He is really scared to wake up and get it like last time. It was really bad with vomiting.

Male | 21

Weakness and sensitivity to light, as well as vomiting, may be the result of migraines. He is on paracetamol which is great, but he can also take the migraine medication his doctor prescribed if it is the case, even though it is soon after the paracetamol. It is important that the doctor’s guidance is adhered to and the medication is taken as instructed which will also help to prevent the next similar episode from happening.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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I have been facing severe pain in the veins of my neck

Male | 20

Poor posture, muscle tension, or stress can cause this. Do not sit still for too long and try some light neck exercises. Having a warm bath or using a hot water bottle might also be helpful. If you still feel pain after doing all these or it gets worse, we recommend that you consult with a healthcare professional immediately.

Answered on 11th June '24

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It's the middle of the night and I keep stretching my legs my arms and everything continuously and it's driving me crazy and I don't seem to fall asleep what's wrong with me??

Female | 15

You might be feeling the restless legs syndrome. It is a kind of disorder that can lead to you wanting to move your legs (or even hands) all the time, especially during the night. It can greatly affect the process of falling asleep. Restless legs syndrome is usually due to low iron, numerous medications, or other health conditions. Reaching the reason beneath it and then applying some life changes can help. Visit a health specialist for a personalized answer.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Treatment for parkinson disease

Male | 44

Treatment for Parkinson's disease focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This typically involves medication to increase dopamine levels, physical therapy to improve mobility, occupational therapy to enhance daily living skills, and speech therapy for speech and swallowing difficulties. 
In advanced cases, deep brain stimulation may be considered. Exercise and stress management, are also important. The treatment approach is normally tailored to each individual's needs and may require regular adjustments and monitoring.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello sometimes I have shuttering(not very serious one,but I still have it) when I am talking(,especially when I am nervous or tired, my friend once told me that she had same problem during her childhood and she took medicament( I do not know what it was)and then it went away itself, i am curious if there is some medicament which help me take this shuttering away forever?

Female | 24

You experience­ stuttering, where spe­aking smoothly feels difficult. Maybe you fe­el nervous or tired. For some­ people, stuttering improve­s on its own, especially children. Howe­ver, therapies, and te­chniques exist to support fluent spe­ech. Speech the­rapy is one option. It's crucial to discuss with a speech the­rapist or doctor to find the appropriate path for you.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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