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Female | 24

What should I do if I suspect Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

I am a 24 year old girl presenting all classic symptoms of hogdkins lymphoma, but im not sure what is the next step

1 Answer

Answered on 8th Oct '24

I know it is hard to have symptoms that seem like­ Hodgkin's lymphoma. This kind of cancer can make the lymph node­s swell up. It can make you fee­l very tired too. You might lose we­ight without trying. You might get sweaty at night. The be­st thing to do is see a doctor who treats cance­r. The doctor might need to do a te­st called a biopsy to know for sure if you have Hodgkin's lymphoma. The­ biopsy can help the doctor plan the right tre­atment for you. 

33 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Hello, I want to save money for my grandmothers stem cell therapy treatment on leukaemia, she is 70 years old, could you please let me know the estimate cost?

Please share her reports, so we can advise appropriately.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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PET-CT scan impression report shows. 1. Hypermetabolic spiculated mass in lower lobe of right lung. 2. Hypermetabolic right hilar and sub carinal lymph nodes. 3. Hypermetabolic nodule in left adrenal gland and hypodense lesion in left kidney 4. hypermetabolic multiple lytic sclerotic lesions in axial & appendicular skeleton. Lesion in proximal end of femur is susceptible for pathological fracture. which stage the cancer might be in.? How far the cancer has spread?

Male | 40

The findings from this PET-CT scan suggest the presence of multiple hypermetabolic (actively metabolizing) lesions in various parts of the body. This pattern of findings raises concerns about the possibility of metastatic cancer, meaning that cancer may have spread from its original site to other areas of the body. The exact stage and extent of cancer would require further evaluation by an oncologist from the best cancer hospital in India, including additional tests and imaging.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Female | 48

It is indeed a noble gesture. Please connect with us, so we may guide you further.

Answered on 26th June '24

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Sir, I am a 30 yrs old Indian Army soldier presently treated in Pune Command Hospital and have stomach cancer. I had gone through Laprotomy operation (found GIST of High Grade in Histopath) on 30 Nov 2018 and post op PET scan revealed certain other tumours in 1 segment of liver, multiple mesentric lymph nodes in Stomach after which I would be on chemotherapy treatment IMATINIB from 3 Jan 2019 for the same. But on 28 Jan 19 there was found Ascities (No Malignancy)for which the next CECT on 4 feb shows the disease progression even after the running drugs. Plz suggest the best treatment with your valuable opinion. Suggest any hospitals in Pune/ Mumbai.

Homeopathic treatment is Best

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I have stage 2 Breast cancer. Which is the best hospital for treatment? Please suggest a name of doctor also.

Female | 34

You can visit your nearest Surgica Oncologist. If you are in Mumbai you can connect with me. Dr Akash Dhuru (Surgical Oncologist)

Answered on 19th June '24

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Keeley Mums cancer has spread too far and has been deemed too aggressive for surgery. It started off in the breast and has spread to her brain, throat, lungs, liver and now also into her lymph nodes... She has been referred to oncology, who will look at her case and decide whether she is a fit for chemotherapy, and once they meet her they will decide if she is strong enough to go through it. IF mum is able to have the chemo, she will either be given a course of tablets to take, I believe they are one tablet a week. Or she will be given chemo via an IV and will have to go to once every three weeks for a few hours. If mum decides not to have chemo she will be referred to palliative care

Female | 67

If breast cancer advances to the brain, throat, lungs, liver, and lymph nodes, it is advanced cancer. Breast Cancer naturally develops in the cells of the human breast. But when cancer cells are balooned in size, it is called breast tumor. Chemotherapy treatment is regarded as one of the most popular therapies for advanced Breast Cancer. Chemotherapy can be done as an outpatient procedure if your mom can physically handle the treatment..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello Dr my daughter is 4 yrs old she suffering from lymphoma notes wha to do now

Female | 4

Your daughter has lymphoma. This is a kind of cance­r that affects the body's germ fighte­rs. Some signs are swollen lymph node­s, weight loss without trying, and feeling ve­ry tired. We don't know exactly what cause­s lymphoma, but things like infections or changes in ge­nes may play a part. There are­ treatments like che­mo, radiation, and sometimes surgery. Doctors will make­ a special treatment plan for your daughter. It's important to work closely with he­r medical team.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Can Gastrointestinal bleeding cause Colon cancer?

Gastrointestinal bleeding may be one of the symptoms of colon cancer. Consult an oncologist, who on examining the patient, may advise some tests like blood tests, stool test, colonoscopy and others, based on these test reports the doctor will come to a conclusion whether the patient is having colon cancer or not, and then will guide you to choose the best treatment suitable for the patient. Hope our answer helps you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is HPV the vaccine given for cervical cancer prevention?

Female | 10

Yes the HPV vaccine is indeed given for the prevention of cervical cancer. The vaccine helps protect against certain strains of HPV that are known to cause cervical cancer, as well as other types of cancer and genital warts. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 35 years old female and my stomach was bloated for 2 days then I consulted doctor who gave drips then told for a ct scan then they told its cancer other told its all spread and its stage 4 many told us not to get biopsy as it will make it more spread now the report came that cea is 0.5 and ldh is 276

Female | 35

Bloating can arise from various factors, including digestive issues or hormonal changes. The elevated LDH and the CEA levels are significant, but it's crucial to interpret these in the context of your overall health and symptoms. Consult your physician for a comprehensive evaluation and discuss the necessity of a biopsy based on your specific situation. It's essential to have a supportive team guiding your care. Remember, communication with your healthcare provider is key to navigating this journey effectively. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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Hello, Recently my sister was diagnosed with stomach cancer.Cordailly request to tell me what should I do and where to get good treatment? Thank you

Female | 34

Kindly visit a surgical oncologist for the staging and relevant treatment. The centre for treatment depends on your location. You should visit a tertiary care cancer hospital if thats possible for you.

Answered on 5th June '24

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My father is suffering from cancer. He has esophagus stage 4 and lungs also affected . Now blockage are increasing and able to take liquids only. He is able to roam little bit. We are taking some ayurvedic medicine which are not working well. what are the options we have to treat him. Can we go chemotherapy to control disease.

Male | 74

Menstruation Disorders: Symptoms, Causes & More


Menstruation disorders – the menstrual cycle (menstruation) is a condition indicating a change in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. This disorder occurs in almost all women, the cause of their development can be both physiological and pathological disorders.  


Before treating menstruation disorders, it is important to undergo a series of examinations, the results of which will help the doctor determine the main etiological factor and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Causes of menstruation disorders

The main cause of menstrual irregularities is considered to be hormonal dysfunction in women, which entails an unstable manifestation of bleeding. This condition can be conditionally divided into 3 main groups:

Violation of menstruation in women after 40 years is most often associated with age- related changes in the reproductive system. At this age, the depletion of the ovarian follicular reserve occurs, and the frequency of anovulatory cycles increases.  Such changes in the female body are initially caused by irregular periods, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, then menopause.

In young girls, menstruation disorders is often associated with uneven maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary and ovarian systems. Less commonly, congenital or acquired syndromes, chromosomal disorders, or reproductive system abnormalities can be the cause. Regardless of the cause, the treatment of the failure of menstruation should be carried out under the guidance of a gynecologist.

Symptoms of menstruation disorders

Depending on the etiological factor, menstrual irregularities can manifest themselves in different ways, therefore, a classification of clinical manifestations has been derived in gynecology, including:

  • Algodismenorrhea – accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, nausea, headaches, menstruation failure
  • Dysmenorrhea – an unstable cycle, manifests itself sharply without accompanying symptoms
  • Hypermenorrhea – profuse flow of menstruation with a normal duration
  • Menorrhagia – the cycle lasts up to 12 days with profuse bleeding
  • Hypomenorrhea – scanty spotting
  • Polymenorrhea – the interval between menstruation is not more than 21 days
  • Oligomenorrhea – short periods with a duration of 1 – 2 days
  • Opsomenorrhea – rare discharge at intervals of 1 time in 3 months.

In addition to the main clinical signs, there may be other symptoms that worsen a woman’s well-being and quality of life:

  • Increased fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Decrease or increase in body weight
  • Pain in the lower back or lower abdomen of varying intensity
  • Nausea
  • Frequent headaches, migraines.

All of the above symptoms should not be ignored by the doctor, who, after the results of the examination, will be able to determine the cause, make the correct diagnosis, choose the necessary therapy, and give recommendations.

How and what to treat

When a woman has a menstrual disorder, the doctor will necessarily prescribe a number of instrumental and laboratory tests:

  • Ultrasound
  • Histological analysis
  • Colposcopy
  • Flora smear
  • Dad test
  • Analysis of blood, urine
  • Infectious screening.

The research results will help the doctor get a complete picture, determine the cause, and, if necessary, select drug therapy.

Treatment for menstrual irregularities directly depends on the cause, concomitant symptoms and characteristics of the patient’s body. If physiological reasons are the cause, it is enough to normalize the regime of the day and rest, monitor nutrition, and avoid physical and psychological stress.

When the cycle is disrupted due to infections, inflammatory processes of the ovaries, antibacterial drugs, uroseptics, hormonal drugs, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy are prescribed.  Herbal medicine is prescribed as an aid. The choice of any drug always remains with the attending physician, who will select the required dose and duration of administration.

To regulate menstruation, doctors often advise to follow a diet, to exclude contact with any provoking factors. If the failure of menstruation occurs due to damage to the cervix, the woman may be prescribed surgical treatment.

Treatment and Prevention Tips

In order to avoid menstrual irregularities, doctors in the field of gynecology recommend women and girls to monitor their health, not to self-medicate. Every woman must follow certain rules, as well as have the necessary information:

  • Girls’ periods should begin at the age of 10-14 years
  • Keep a menstrual calendar
  • Visit a gynecologist at least once every 6 months
  • Timely treat all gynecological diseases
  • Not to self-medicate, uncontrolled intake of medications
  • Balance the menu
  • Lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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