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What are your suggestions on treatment options in Pune/Mumbai for progressed stomach cancer which has metastasized to the liver and lymph nodes near the stomach?

Sir, I am a 30 yrs old Indian Army soldier presently treated in Pune Command Hospital and have stomach cancer. I had gone through Laprotomy operation (found GIST of High Grade in Histopath) on 30 Nov 2018 and post op PET scan revealed certain other tumours in 1 segment of liver, multiple mesentric lymph nodes in Stomach after which I would be on chemotherapy treatment IMATINIB from 3 Jan 2019 for the same. But on 28 Jan 19 there was found Ascities (No Malignancy)for which the next CECT on 4 feb shows the disease progression even after the running drugs. Plz suggest the best treatment with your valuable opinion. Suggest any hospitals in Pune/ Mumbai.

3 Answers
Pankaj Kamble

Pankaj Kamble

Answered on 23rd May '24

Hello Sandeep! Regarding treatment, the doctor will check the slide and block of mutation tests and then decide the line of treatment for you. If you aren't satisfied with your treatment in Pune, I would suggest you come to Mumbai for further treatment. As your disease has progressed quite a lot, I would recommend you come down to Mumbai as soon as possible. I would suggest you go to a Government Hospital.

You will find numerous hospitals on our pages - Cancer Hospitals in Mumbai and Cancer Hospitals in Pune.

98 people found this helpful

Dr. Dr Deepa Bandgar

Sexologist (Homeopathy)

Answered on 23rd May '24

Homeopathic treatment is Best

37 people found this helpful

Dr. Mangesh Yadav

Laparoscopic Surgeon

Answered on 23rd May '24

noble Hospital Dr Mangesh Yadav 

59 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Cancer" (367)

Sir, I am a 30 yrs old Indian Army soldier presently treated in Pune Command Hospital and have stomach cancer. I had gone through Laprotomy operation (found GIST of High Grade in Histopath) on 30 Nov 2018 and post op PET scan revealed certain other tumours in 1 segment of liver, multiple mesentric lymph nodes in Stomach after which I would be on chemotherapy treatment IMATINIB from 3 Jan 2019 for the same. But on 28 Jan 19 there was found Ascities (No Malignancy)for which the next CECT on 4 feb shows the disease progression even after the running drugs. Plz suggest the best treatment with your valuable opinion. Suggest any hospitals in Pune/ Mumbai.

Homeopathic treatment is Best

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am from Jorhat and I was diagnosed with bowel cancer on 27th December. I had a colonoscopy and a CT scan, and the consultant wanted to have an endoscopy, which I have not done yet. But before that I would like to consult with another doctor.

Please forward all reports to me ,will guide you accordingly

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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আমার বাবার মেটাসেট ক্যান্সার। বাবার চিকিৎসা কি আছে।

Male | 56

মেটাস্টেটিক ক্যান্সার হল এক ধরনের জটিল রোগ যেখানে ক্যান্সার শরীরের অন্য অংশে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে। উপসর্গগুলোর মধ্যে সাধারণ ক্লান্তি, ওজন কমানো, এবং স্থানীয় ব্যথা অন্তর্ভুক্ত থাকতে পারে। চিকিৎসায় প্রচলিত পদ্ধতিগুলো যেমন কেমোথেরপি, রেডিয়েশন এবং ইমিউনথেরাপি রয়েছে। সঠিক প্রক্রিয়া নির্ধারণের জন্য রোগীর অবস্থা এবং স্বাস্থ্যের উপর ভিত্তি করে বিশেষজ্ঞ চিকিৎসক ভালোভাবে পর্যালোচনা করবেন। সর্বদা চিকিৎসকের সাথে আলোচনা করে পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করা উচিত, যাতে আপনি সঠিক নির্দেশনা এবং সমর্থন পেতে পারেন। আশা রাখি, আপনার বাবা ভাল হয়ে উঠবেন এবং প্রয়োজনীয় যত্ন পেতে পারবেন।

Answered on 12th Feb '25

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Hi, My father had suffered 4th stage of lung cancer. we identifed 2015 treated in Basavatarakam indo american cancer hospital in hyderabad.They started chemoteherapy around 16 sittings after they stopped.we dont have any issue 2018 december.Again continuosuly cough we are again consult doctor they are given 2 chemo sittings after they can review by CT Scan they said no use for chemo and stopped the treatment.Give me any suggetions for me there is any alternative treatment.

Hello, please attach your detail reports -
a)Liver function test
b)CRP & CBC 
c)PET scan

Hope that helps,
Dr sahoo (9937393521)

Answered on 23rd May '24

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If I have a mastectomy do I need chemo?

Female | 33

That will depend on the cancer's type, how advanced it is, and if it has spread. Ask your medical team they will suggest the best treatment plan based on your specific situation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Sir , Do u perform colonoscopy

Female | 47

Greetings from Rid of Pain Physiotherapy
my first advice is don't go for surgery at first. go for Physiotherapy, get some best results.Because after surgery also u need physiotherapy. better u try it on priority basis.  u will get result definitely, but if don't get then choose surgical maneuver only

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am seeking a hospital that may treat leukaemia which has spread to a tumor in the stomach region causing extreme pain

Tata hospital in Mumbai 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 35 years old female and my stomach was bloated for 2 days then I consulted doctor who gave drips then told for a ct scan then they told its cancer other told its all spread and its stage 4 many told us not to get biopsy as it will make it more spread now the report came that cea is 0.5 and ldh is 276

Female | 35

Bloating can arise from various factors, including digestive issues or hormonal changes. The elevated LDH and the CEA levels are significant, but it's crucial to interpret these in the context of your overall health and symptoms. Consult your physician for a comprehensive evaluation and discuss the necessity of a biopsy based on your specific situation. It's essential to have a supportive team guiding your care. Remember, communication with your healthcare provider is key to navigating this journey effectively. 

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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Hello Dr my daughter is 4 yrs old she suffering from lymphoma notes wha to do now

Female | 4

Your daughter has lymphoma. This is a kind of cance­r that affects the body's germ fighte­rs. Some signs are swollen lymph node­s, weight loss without trying, and feeling ve­ry tired. We don't know exactly what cause­s lymphoma, but things like infections or changes in ge­nes may play a part. There are­ treatments like che­mo, radiation, and sometimes surgery. Doctors will make­ a special treatment plan for your daughter. It's important to work closely with he­r medical team.

Answered on 24th June '24

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I am from Bangladesh and my mother has got stage II stomach cancer. Can you advise me treatment and suggest some of the best cancer hospitals in India?

depending on the imaging findings we can decide on the treatment
staging laparoscopic followed by chemotherapy and then surgery would be the plan. can contact us at Fortis hospital banerghatta , Bangalore for further assistance

Answered on 23rd May '24

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