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Male | 42

Effective Solutions for Erection Problems

I am suffering errection problems

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

ErEctile dysFUNction is common in MEN.. It can be caUSED by stress, anxiETY, or health conDITIONS.. LifESYtle changes can help, such as exERCISE and a HEALTHY diet.. MEdications are also availABLE, stem cell therapy for erection problem also available but TALK to your DOctor for advice..

63 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (1149)

Through RGU test found Radio opaque shadow in left pelvis ..extremely slow urine flow may take upto half an hour or more...seems like vaccum somewhere within ..even to excrete out one droplet from the tip takes effort ,,taken medicine like alphusin ..operation recommended ..anything apart from operation ??....2..Now have ED related problems also since nearly 2 years ..i beleive due to m**********n taken modula, zydalis for 1 month each ..then homoepathy 2-3 months , then ayurveda 4-5 months and and now tazzale 20 , duralast 30. can ed be reversed caused as a result of m**********n..?overall 0 energy ..0 sexual and pelvic energy currently TIA

Male | 27

You're having issue­s with slow urination and erectile dysfunction. The­ shadow in your pelvis might mean a blockage that slows your urine­ flow. An operation could fix the blockage proble­m. Your ED may relate to your mentione­d habit. Addressing these things is vital for ge­tting your energy and intimacy right again. You'll nee­d surgery for the blockage. For ED, changing life­style and getting help can offe­r solutions.

Answered on 1st Aug '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

My left side testis hard like a ball 6 days ago

Male | Pathar

If your left testis feels hard like a ball for 6 days, it's important to see a urologist. This could be a sign of an infection, cyst, or other condition that needs proper medical evaluation. 

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am 27 . My foreskin is closing up . I don’t know why

Male | 27

You may have phimosis, a condition where the foreskin cannot be retracted because it is too tight. However, you will need to consult a urologist for an evaluation and discussion of treatment options including steroid creams as well as circumcision. To avoid disturbance and possible complications, this condition should not be overlooked.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Can you recommend me a cream for phimosis?

Male | 26

Phimosis, on the other hand, is a medical condition when the foreskin cannot be easily pulled back over the head of the penis. Such problems may obscure the urine flow and cause discomfort as well. Treatment can include the application of a steroid cream which the doctor will prescribe. The treatment will not only help the foreskin become softer but will also allow for its easy retraction.

Answered on 14th Oct '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Hi, I am recovering from severe Hepatitis A. Underwent 3 sessions of plasma exchange and I am recovering well. Bilirubin has also gone down all the way to 4 and is still going down. INR is also around 1.25 from 3.5+ previously. Physically feeling much better. I got the disease before almost 3 and a half to 4 months. The only thing bothering me is that before 2 months or so I noticed a small rice-like lump in my scrotum left side. Slightly larger than rice. It seems separate from testicles. It is painless. Size hasn't increased in last 2 months. It can move slightly in all directions. Kindly consult if it is something I should worry about. Thanks

Male | 25

Let’s talk about the lump in your scrotum. It's good that it doesn’t cause you pain. It might be a benign condition called a hydrocele, which is a fluid-filled sac around the testis. Since it hasn't grown and isn't painful, there's no need to worry. However, it's still a good idea to mention it to your doctor during your next check-up.

Answered on 18th Sept '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I had sex with a girl after that I got a rash over my penile region and a small hole, thereafter consulted with urologist he tests for std panel, urine culture and RBC tests which comes negative after a week. So now I'm bit worried that to whom should I consult a urologist or dermatologist. Please need help..

Male | 28

You should consult a good urologist once more and take proper opinion. Also maintain proper hygiene.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

Dr. Pranjal Ninave

I have brown spots on the base of my penis

Male | 25

BROWN SPOTS on penis base could be: - Fordyce spots (harmless) - PPP (small bumps, harmless) - Genital warts (caused by HPV) - Melanoma (rare, but serious).. See a DOCTOR for proper diagnosis and treatment!

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Why my penis is moved to back from one month, one month bullet kick back incident happened to me injury to right leg feet, knee, and right groin area and pain at penis , now all problems cleared except penis is moved to back sometimes no pain what is it please explain

పురుషుడు | 37

Your description sounds like penile deviation may be present. If trauma occurs nearer to the groin that can change how your penis sits. When you mentioned the bullet kick back episode with injury on the right hand side, it could have caused things not aligning down there anymore. Because everything down there is still in the process of healing, your penis might have moved into a different position by itself. If there’s no pain occurring at this time, that’s good news. Wait for a while longer and observe if things get back on track naturally. In case they don’t or start feeling worse or any other symptoms develop, then it’s best to have them looked at closely by medical personnel.

Answered on 27th May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Hello! My name is Val, I am a 23-year-old male from Romania and recently I’ve been experiencing concerning developments of my symptoms in my private area. After recently being sexually active, my male organ has developed a lump under my first layers of skin in an uneven form, distributing itself horizontally. Recently, it started to itch at times and it has now turned into a dark blue / black color with a slight crust on the top layer of skin. After personal research, I’m inclined to believe these are symptoms of penile cancer, however I’m very unsure. Please help me.

Male | 23

 What you talk about may not be penile cancer at all. Other conditions can also be the reason for lumps or discoloration in the area. It might be an infection or a penile injury. However, you should see a doctor for the right diagnosis and treatment. Seek medical help ASAP for peace of mind and proper care. Don't delay.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am 54 age female i am suffering from typhoid, headache, diabetes,and urine infaction and i have used zifi and nimuslide medicine. I concern with general medicine

Female | 54

I understand your he­alth troubles. Typhoid, headaches, diabe­tes, urine infections cause­ discomfort. They may stem from infections or othe­r issues. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper treatme­nt. Adhere to the pre­scribed treatment plan. Re­st adequately. Consume ple­nty of water. Opt for nutritious foods. These simple­ measures aid recove­ry. 

Answered on 18th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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