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Female | 22

Persistent Bartholin Cyst: Cause for Concern?

I am suffering from bartholin cyst and now it's been a couple of months the cyst is not disappearing properly and it's become tiny in size and doesn't not causing any pain and irritating so is it severe should I be concern

1 Answer
Dr. Mohit Saraogi


Answered on 8th Aug '24

Don't worry if your Bartholin cyst has shrunke­n and stopped aching. It indicates it's getting be­tter. These cysts can pe­rsist but often resolve naturally. Ke­ep the area cle­an and avoid excessive touching. Howe­ver, if pain or growth resumes, consult a gynecologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

Hi I had unprotected sex 20 April and I take I pill immediately after the I had starting bleeding continuously 4-5 days I had no periods since then

Female | Anushka Solanki

The bleeding that you encounter after having taken the emergency contraceptive pill is a common side effect. Furthermore, this pill operates by affecting your hormone levels which sometimes can bring about irregular bleeding. It is entirely normal that you become completely irregular after taking this pill. 

Answered on 3rd July '24

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Not having menstruation till age of 16 experiencing with little pain under abdominal cavoty

Female | 16

It is not rare for girls to have delayed menarches until the age of sixteen years. Although, having pain in the lower abdomen might be a red flag and will need to consult with any gynecologist. To have an overall reproductive health, it is essential that one gets proper diagnosis and treatment from the specialised doctors.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How many days does withdrawal bleeding last? It's been 10 days my bleeding is not stopping what should I do

Female | 25

Withdrawal bleeding typically lasts 3 to 7 days. If you have been experiencing bleeding for 10 days, it may be best to seek advice from a gynecologist. Prolonged bleeding could be influenced by several factors, including hormonal changes or other medical conditions. Symptoms to note include unusual heaviness or clotting. It’s important to stay hydrated and monitor your condition. If you feel any discomfort or have concerns, consulting with your doctor will provide you with personalized guidance and reassurance. 

Answered on 17th Jan '25

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Been feeling like I could be pregant. Had what seemed like a period but different to usually

Female | 33

A period that's unusual could be­ implantation bleeding. This occurs when a fe­rtilized egg attaches to your ute­rus lining. You may experience­ light spotting, cramps, and period changes. Try taking a pregnancy te­st to confirm. 

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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I am a 24 year old female I have been spotting with clear discharge since your last period which is for the past 7 days The discharge has a sticky clear jelly-like texture with strands of blood. I also have cramps, but the pain is not severe.

Female | 24

You might have ovulation ble­eding. This happens when your body le­ts out an egg. You might see a bit of blood or cle­ar sticky stuff. It is normal to have small cramps too. It will go away soon. Drink water and rest. You can put a warm thing on your be­lly if you need to. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Is it safe to take mtp kit if we found that the person is pregnant of one month

Female | 21

The decision to use a medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) kit should be made in consultation with your doctor. Any medication without proper medical supervision can be risky and may have adverse effects on health. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A negligible amount of precum might have come near vagina wall. Is it necessary to take ipills ?

Female | 20

The likelihood of pregnancy from precum alone is generally considered low. If you're concerned about the possibility of pregnancy, you may want to consider taking contraceptives.These pills are most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, preferably within the first 24-72 hours

Answered on 23rd May '24

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On May 12 I did pregnant test I have seen faint line again on May 16 I have seen very light faint line that too black colour now I am consive or not

Female | 22

A faint line on a pregnancy test can indicate a positive result, but it's crucial to follow the test's instructions for accurate interpretation. For reliable results, repeat the test using the first morning urine. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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