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Female | 25

I did my pregnancy test and it is positive. I bought the unwanted abortion pills but How to take it? Should I swallow it or keep it under tongue?

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

The pills are to be taken orally with water

47 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4875)

I had unprotected sex on 13april, 2024 and took ipill within 1hr. My last period date was 22march and mensuration cycle is 24days but yet not getting my periods . But yesterday also I had an unprotected sex so should I repeat ipill again? Please suggest And how many day will i get my periods

Female | 30

After taking e­mergency contraception like­ the iPill, irregular periods are­ typical. Potential symptoms include nausea, he­adaches, and menstrual cycle change­s. Stress or hormone imbalances can also postpone­ your period. Taking another iPill immediate­ly is inadvisable. Allow your body time to adjust. Your period should arrive­ within the next few we­eks. If concerned, conside­r taking a pregnancy test.

Answered on 20th July '24

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I am an 18 year old female and a couple months ago I broke my virginity and we didn't use a condom, the second time I had sex with this person we used a condom but after the outside of my vergina starts to itch. It would itch every now and then but it wasn't bad. The third time I did it with this person we didn't use any condom and we did it in a spontaneous spot and after that the itching got worse. I don't know what to do could you please give me some advice on how to stop this. (please keep in mind that all 3 times was with the same person. Oh and by the way what I mean by the outside is the clit area)

Female | 18

Yeast infection might be why your clitoris itches. When the pH balance of your vagina changes—usually after having unprotected sex—this can occur. To relieve the itching, try using over-the-counter antifungal creams or ask for a prescription from a doctor. To avoid getting infections, always use condoms during sex.

Answered on 24th June '24

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Dr actually I take I pill after two days of intercourse after that I get my periods on 20 jan but my acutal period date is also between 18 to 20 and after that I also get spotting at 3 feb after 9 days of my periods , and now 18 feb is my periods date but I can't get my periods so what does is sign of pregnancy or it is normal

Female | 20

I suggest you to see your gynecologist for a proper diagnosis. Delayed periods may be a sign of pregnancy but other factors can cause the same effect such as stress, weight changes, or hormonal imbalance. Getting a medical opinion is crucial

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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How Can I make a false positive pregnancy in prega news?

Female | 20

Pregnancy tests should be able to detect the hormones that are produced while a woman is pregnant. False positives may become evident as a result of a number of factors, among the possible reasons include hormonal imbalances, using certain drugs, or having health issues such as ovarian cysts. If you have any unusual symptoms, for example, a skipped period or nausea, you should consult a doctor for a detailed examination. Through the tests, the doctors can give you the right treatment and guidance. Make sure living healthy is the first thing on your agenda and always look for a medical professional to guide you during the time when you need assurance and information tailored to your condition. Your health is our responsibility and a variety of approaches are already available to assist you.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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