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Female | 25

Did I Experience a Complete Abortion after Taking Unwanted Pills?

I get pregnancy in september and in october i was diagonse and its postive and i got unwanted pills on 18 october and on 19 october in got periods for 1 week and with 2 clots and and i want to know its my complete abortion and i was analyse again on 7 november it was negative and i feel some symptoms like tiredness and back pain and white discharge

Answered on 23rd May '24

It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. While a negative test result is a positive sign, persistent symptoms should be discussed with your doctor to rule out any complications and ensure your well-being.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

Hello... I would like a suggestion about how to get rid adominal fat.. My weight is normal, less than 60 kg. The rest of my body has normal shape but my waist circumference is around 90. It looks completely out of place.. I eat healthy and I'm not sedentary.. In the past I was overweight. not a lot. i lost all the excess weight, i even weighed less than normal, around 48, ,50. But no matter how little i weighed, the abdomen was still big, it was smaller when i had that way, but anyway it wasnt normal for weighing little. Then i rached the right healthy weight for me but my abdomen never matched the rest. I dont take any pill that could cause this. I had vitamin d deficiency. I've heard it could cause abdominal fat too. What could I do to change this??

Female | 25

Abdominal fat is normally linked to several factors such as genes, lifestyle and hormones. It is important to get advice from an endocrinologist or nutritionist to help explain the underlying cause of your condition. They will recommend particular weight-loss strategies along with treatment that will suit your needs

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Assalamualaikum. I used gravitate injection from from four year in iv my all veins is hide and there no blood come out i mean it's clot . Doctor give me some advice because it made me very distrub. And im going to saudi . Im wory about my medical.

Male | 25

It appears that you have created complications concerning your veins as a result of chronic Gravinate injections. This can result in vein occlusion and other conditions. I would recommend you consult a vascular expert for an accurate assessment and management.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am a 23 year old female with many issues starting with not taking my chronic medication and a yeast infection loss of appetite due to my drug intake and now I have a sharp pain in my waist

Female | 23

Skipping chronic medication might trigger problems like a yeast infection. These can also be without appetite and cause pain in the flank. Ttake your meds as prescribed to avoid them. Taking plenty of water and consuming fiber-rich foods will make it easier. If you have pain even after doing so, talk to your healthcare provider. 

Answered on 12th July '24

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Smoker addictive for few years

Male | 17

Cigarette addiction is strong because of the nicotine that smokes contain. You may be irritable, anxious, and have strong urges to smoke when you try to quit smoking. This is quite natural as your body is used to nicotine. The best strategy for smoking cessation is the aid of family, friends, or even a support group. You could also consult a healthcare provider who would be able to provide you with techniques you could use to quit successfully. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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Hi doctor my fever started 6 days back. For 2 days i took PCM on 3rd day i started the below: Tab bioclar 500 one daily Tab doxolin 200 one twice daily Tab predmet 8 one twice daily Sy topex 2 tsf thrice daily Tab dolo for fever I have taken this for 4 days. I have no fever from 1.5 days. Shall i stop taking these medicine. Only issue at present is cough and lot of spasam in chest

Male | 33

Consult your doctor who prescribed the medications to discuss if it is appropriate to stop taking the medication or if any changes are necessary. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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My nephew is 4 yeara old, she suffering from fever from last 3 months, she is ok when she take medicine, but when she stop take medicine fever comes again

Female | 4

The child will need complete evaluation by history and physical examination to decide the reason for fever. If cause is still not evident, then we may need to perform some tests depending on results of clinical evaluation.

Answered on 7th July '24

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How to stop bleeding hemorrhoids on blood thinners?

Male | 33

Use stool softeners or fibre supplements

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I want to give paint killer to my son of 17yrs as an hour b4 he has taken paracetamol can I give him movera 15mg

Male | 17

Movera is a pain re­lieving medication. Howeve­r, taking both medications close togethe­r might not be safe. They can pote­ntially cause stomach problems like ulce­rs or bleeding if taken too close­. It's better to wait a few hours be­fore administering Movera. If he­'s still experiencing pain afte­r that, you could consider giving him Movera later. But it's always wise­ to consult a doctor be­fore combining different drugs. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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Sir, I had come to you for a consultation (on CGHS referral) in the month of april.i need another specialist consultation,but the referral is from CGHS Delhi branch.can we still come to you or do we need to find an specialist in Delhi only.Please advice.I tried to call MPCT hospital but couldn't get through

Female | 58

A CGHS Delhi referral for a specialist would make sure that your precious time is only spent on the specialist's area of expertise, so in this case, it means you should see a specialist in Delhi. The ideal way is the hassle-free one. Keeping things simple is your advice best taken in the process. Meanwhile, be cautious about any new symptoms or changes that you're witnessing and note them. Also, contacting CGHS Delhi should try to find out about the steps involved with the new doctor and MPCT hospital and get you the proper info. 

Answered on 4th Dec '24

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There is a lump under my right nipple

Male | 18

It can be gynecomastia which is the enlargement of breast tissue in males. Gynecomastia is usually benign and occurs due to hormonal imbalances or certain medications. consult your doctor for a physical examination and further tests like a biopsy to get an accurate diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I had scarlet fever and stoped taking antibiotics a week ago, now I am sick again. I have a fever and pain in my throat when i swallow. Could it be that my scarlet fever came back after a week?

Female | 17

You might have a throat infe­ction after scarlet feve­r. Fever and throat pain come from bacte­ria causing a new infection. Not scarlet fe­ver again, but a different one­. Drink fluids, rest well, and use throat loze­nges for pain relief. Se­e a doctor if symptoms persist or worsen. 

Answered on 26th June '24

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I accidentally took 2 antibiotic pills today. Cipro 750 mg. I am 120 lb.

Female | 23

It will cause more side effects, like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, if you take in two pills of Cipro 750 mg by accident. Consult with your physician if you experience severe side effects or symptoms. If you have some further doubts, see a gastroenterologist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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oday morning i given blood for test , when taking blood i am absolutely ok , after removed needle , i got heavy week ness and got vision dark and vomited for a minute , i drunk glass of water and feeling ok , and present also feeling week, please advise

Female | 30

You expe­rienced vasovagal response­ after donating blood. Your body reacted to stre­ss. Dizziness, weakness, vision issue­s, vomiting are normal symptoms. If we­akness persists, see­ doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother aged 43 is getting blood from her throat sometimes during nights when she sleep with AC and good night machine

Female | 43

Experiencing occasional blood from throat during sleep needs proper evaluation by a specialist. It could be due to dryness, nasal congestion, or throat irritation. In the meantime, keeping the air humidified and avoiding throat irritants may offer some relief.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I hwve suggested a dr. He said me ihave muscle pain in my chest i have lifted cyclinder before a monthbutitstill pain in middle of chest while lying and bending back

Male | 18

Based on your symptoms, it is possible for you to be having a chest muscle strain. It is advisable that you see a family doctor or a sports medicine expert for the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. Spend your time avoiding things that can worsen the pain in the interim. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can oral herpes cause lymph nodes in groin to be swollen ? I’ve had my first outbreak about two weeks ago and just noticed two swollen lymph nodes on each side of my groin

Male | 27

Yes, oral herpes can potentially lead to swollen lymph nodes in the groin area. Lymph nodes can become enlarged and tender as part of the body's immune response to infection such as viral infections like herpes.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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