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Female | 28

Why do I have sharp right lower abdominal pain?

I have been experiencing sharp pain in my lower abdomen and around the navel area. Mostlly the pain is centered around my right pelvic are radiating towards my back (right side)

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 29th May '24

It seems like you may be dealing with something known as appendicitis wherein your appendix gets inflamed thereby resulting into pain Other signs and symptoms may include but not limited to: loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting and fever . If you think that you have appendicitis then it’s important that you immediately seek for medical attention as this can lead to a medical emergency . Generally, surgery is required in removing the inflamed organ hence relieving the pain .

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1421)

Am anand having breathing problem (aspiration )due to GERD for last week. Kindly prescribe tablets for this and food habit for gerd recovery. No pain in chest and abdomen, only breathing issue. Ecg normal.

Male | 37

GERD is a disorder that occurs when stomach acid comes back into the food pipe. The food pipe is what brings the food to the stomach. This can result in breathing problems as well. In this case, you can take antacids such as Tums or Rolaids to help with the acid. Avoid spicy, fatty, and acidic foods. Try to eat smaller meals and do not lie down right after eating. This can make you feel better.

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Sir I have been suffering from blaoting and constipation . I have probelm in intestine also as I always feel full I think constipated. When I bloats white sticky substance comes out . The reason was that I was not much aware of drinking water and was not drinking water from 7 to 8 months. I have been suffering from this problem from 1 to 2 years pls help me doctor

Male | 16

Not drinking enough water can lead to such problems. Make sure to drink lots of water and eat foods high in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. Also, try being more active – this can help your bowels move properly. Increasing your fluid intake, consuming more dietary roughage, and keeping on the go. Remember it’s always best to seek medical advice if things don’t improve.

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I have continuous hiccups from morning..can't control it

Male | 21

Hiccups are caused by a muscle under the lungs called the diaphragm getting agitated is the main reason behind it. This may be caused by the fact that you eat faster, are stressed, or swallow a lot of air. To deal with the hiccups, you can try holding your breath for a couple of seconds, then sipping cold water, or gently scaring yourself. If they persist for more than 48 hours, you should see a doctor.

Answered on 17th Oct '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I feel abdominal pain or discomfort so what medication can prescribed to me

Male | 28

If you are encountering nausea or indigestion, you should make an appointment with the gastroenterologist for proper diagnosis and therapy. Self-medication should not be an option as it can cover the actual reason for your discomfiture. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Potty k sath blood aata h

Male | 36

BLOOD in stool can be a sign of SERIOUS condition. Causes include HEMORRHOIDS, anal fissures, infections . CONSULT a DOCTOR immidiately

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

i have pain in abdomen .

Female | 25

Stomach pain is no fun. It might seem like a small issue, but it could indicate something serious. It could be just gas or something you ate that disagreed with you. Or maybe it's a bug going around. But don't ignore it—conditions like appendicitis require medical attention. Stay hydrated and eat bland foods. If the pain persists or worsens, see a doctor. While belly aches are common, some need treatment. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

I am having itching in my butthole i dont know why i am having it .

Male | 17

Itchiness in the anus can be annoying, and it can be because of many different factors. At times, it can happen because of not cleaning properly after using the toilet. Moreover, conditions such as piles, skin, agitations could be the culprits. Use mild, unscented wipes or a soothing cream to decrease the itching. In case there are no improvements, make a point to visit a healthcare provider.

Answered on 2nd July '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Having stomach cramps, gurgling and diarrhea. Previous dr. gave medications on IBS, antibiotics All symptoms stop until the medicines are continued

Female | 16

There­ are chances you have Irritable­ Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms. When stomach ache­s, rumbles, and diarrhea occur, that suggests gut se­nsitivity. Antibiotics sometimes trigger the­se by disrupting gut bacteria balance. To e­ase discomfort, consume mild foods like rice­, bananas, and toast in small portions. Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. If problems pe­rsist, it's crucial to consult your doctor again.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Dr. Samrat Jankar

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