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Male | 16

Am I suffering from IBS due to bloating?

I have been suffering from blaoting and constipation from past 1 to 2 years. When I bloats white sticky substance comes out . I don't know whether I am suffering from ibs or what. The reason was that I was not drinking water from 7 to 8 months. Pls help me doctor

Dr. Samrat Jankar

Surgical Gastroenterologist

Answered on 3rd June '24

You might have bloating and constipation, which are common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The white sticky stuff might be mucus, a condition that comes with IBS. Failure to drink enough water can worsen these signs. It is advisable to take more water, eat foods with high fiber content, and avoid triggers such as spicy or fatty foods. Moreover, stress management is crucial alongside regular exercise. Should they persist seek further diagnosis and advice from a gastroenterologist.

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Questions & Answers on "Gastroenterology" (1467)

I Got a bigger problem and need help! Prob famous of all words for you But Any medication otc or prescription taken only causes way more problems for me and I mean like heart stopping or beating bad type! Begins with burning in lower right abdomen in fake hernia area now known as lipoma after my scan! Then proceeds to my lower right area like a cigarette is being put out in area of lipoma! Then after seconds it turns into stomach pain, liver and pancreas aching all organs eventually basically begin to ache severely! Now the New symptom, when medication is taken it causes a super high blood pressure and my heart begins to start and stop and I verified this by home ekg, it just beats, then stops for secs then begins again beating and lasts hours and hours! Truly a defining moment! I do Take vitamins Daily for years and I won’t feel them at all! I screwed up and I Took some workout aminos and they set me on fire For days and days causing feet to burn and chest to have sparks shoot across it! Now tingles inside digestive system 247! But only when mutiiple amino acids are taken! Also side Note and anoyimg but I do urinate 50 times daily now with 1hr every hour at a time while trying to sleep! Had caused me Severe headaches now and lack of sleep is wearing me out! I Was up 11 days straight last month! Wish I was kidding, I have witnesses to testify?? had to be the most messed up thing I have gone thru! Blood work comes back within guidelines! No cancer and I’m truly shocked! Help, wearing thin looking to reset heart now with devices to see if it helps I am 45yrold male that is so desperate! Anyone? Help! Scans are clear except lipoma area and inflammation! Thought I had appendicitis but now with amino help it has subsided allot! Help! This is nuts!

Male | 45

It sounds like you're dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort . . Have you talked to your doctor about alternative treatments? It's good that your blood work looks NORMAL, but it's still important to keep monitoring your symptoms. Have you tried any lifestyle changes, such as changing your DIET or reducing STRESS? It's important to keep seeking medical advice and exploring all options available to you. . . . .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I am 20 and I have been experiencing excruciating pains in my stomach I need some tips on how to relieve the pain.

Female | 20

In some cases, stomach pain can be due to indigestion, inflammation of the stomach, or even a bug in your stomach. Skipping spicy or fat-heavy meals may assist you in this regard. Drinking ginger tea might also relieve you. Furthermore, the liquid intake should be very high.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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Which doctor should we prefer as my friend is having chest pain

Firsf rule out Cardiac causes. See a Cardiologist

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi i did an acho today can you give me more info on fatty liver disease

Female | 18

Fatty liver occurs whe­n excessive fat accumulate­s inside liver cells. Many individuals e­xperience no symptoms initially. Howe­ver, some may fee­l fatigued or upper abdominal discomfort. Contributing factors include high-fat, high-calorie­ diets, obesity, and exce­ssive alcohol consumption. Dietary modifications emphasizing nutrie­nt-dense whole foods, re­gular physical activity, and alcohol reduction can promote liver he­alth.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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i’m 16yo I’ve had the flu for 5 days now and my dr prescribed me with ibuprofen for my fever and headache but it caused me to develop an ulcer i got sudden stomach cramps like the type where you need to poo so i went to the bathroom my poo was red i did some research and i think it might be GI bleeding i’ve been to the bathroom 5 times since and every time there’s been blood every time i’m worried but my mom won’t take me to the hospital, she says we can go tomorrow

Female | 16

Red poop can be a symptom of bleeding in the digestive tract, which may be caused by the ulcer and ibuprofen. Stomach cramps and frequent visits to the bathroom are also the reasons for this. This requires immediate medical assistance for the diagnosis and treatment. It would be better if you refused to wait until tomorrow.

Answered on 21st Oct '24

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Answered on 30th Jan '25

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