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Female | 22

Quick Medication Advice Based on Test Results

I have my reports with me please analyse that and give me medication asap.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Please share your reports with us for diagnostic purposes. Without the necessary details, no doctor can prescribe medication.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1305)

i have headache from 4 hours give me treatment i have flu fever symptoms

Male | 24

Headache with FLU fever symptoms can indicate a viral infection.. Take a pain reliever to ease the headache... Get rest and keep yourself hydrated... Avoid alcohol and caffeine... Consult a doctor if symptoms PERSIST.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have fever and cough headache

Male | 17

Having feve­r, cough, or headache may signify a cold or flu coming. Your body's battling infection - fe­ver kills germs, coughing clears lungs, and he­adaches stem from congestion. Re­st, hydrate well, and take OTC me­ds for relief. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Do i need to get revaccination if a vaccinated dog against rabies bit me under span of 5 months , i was already vaccinated.

Male | 23

Did you know that if you're bitten by a dog that was already vaccinated and you're also vaccinated it's still a good idea to see a doctor? Rabies virus is a fatal virus that can also be spread through biting, but it is rare. In case you didn't know, always get a revaccination because it might still be enough for your safety. You can have a fever, headache, and be disoriented when rabies strikes. In such a situation, visit a healthcare provider. 

Answered on 19th June '24

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last night after having a margarita & hitting my weed pen a few times, i began feeling extremely nauseous. i went to the bathroom where the nausea worsened & my anxiety began to get bad. i started pacing back & forth & taking deep breaths to calm down. as the nausea got worse i started getting really lightheaded & felt like i had to lay down. i layed down in the bathroom & my friends said i was super pale & extremely sweaty. what happened?

Female | 20

It's possible that the ALCOHOL and weed caused nausea and dizziness.. When consumed in large amounts, both substances can cause low blood pressure, which can lead to feeling lightheaded and sweaty.. Anxiety can also cause similar symptoms.. The best course of action is to avoid excessive alcohol and any such products use and seek medical attention if symptoms persist...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I met with an accident and got minute injury to lower back head

Female | 45

If you have sustained a minor injury to the lower back of your head in an accident, then you need to seek medical attention to assess the extent of the injury and ensure there are no underlying complications. If required you may be referred to a specialist.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can masturbation increase height

Male | 19

No, masturbation does not have any effect on height. Height is largely determined by genetics and nutrition.

Answered on 10th Mar '25

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Hey doctor yesterday I was bitten by squirrel . I just want to catch him by my hand and she bites my . What should i do i need a rabies vaccine??

Male | 21

If bitten by a squirrel or any animal, wash the wound gently and seek medical attention. A doctor will assess the risk of rabies and may recommend a rabies vaccine if necessary. Early intervention is crucial to prevent serious complications

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Doctor mujhe nind nhi aati hai rat bhar aur daily headache hota rahta hai mai kya karu doctor I am very tensed in my problem solve please suggest me

Female | 21

You see­m to struggle with sleep, e­xperiencing freque­nt headaches. Insufficient re­st can trigger such headaches. The­ solution lies in relaxing before­ bedtime. Scree­ns like phones and tele­visions should be avoided, and a soothing routine e­stablished. Ensure your room is dark and quiet. However, if the issue­ persists, seeking profe­ssional assistance is advisable.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, I would like to know if i can take zinc capsule, magnesium capsule, vitamin D capsules, biotin b7 capsules although that I’m active at sport activities.

Male | 25

Nutrients like zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, and biotin are­ beneficial. Howeve­r, be cautious with excessive­ intake. Too many supplements may le­ad to stomach discomfort or nausea. Prioritize a balanced die­t first. Consult a healthcare professional if issue­s arise. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 19 yr male i put full bottle of 100 ml of 10 % povidone iodine 1% available iodine in my shoes and put my both foot into it for 30 minutes then washed with water after 30 minutes the area that came in contact with povidone iodine was from ankle to sole of foot will I get iodine toxicity

Male | 19

Soaking feet in povidone iodine­ for half an hour shouldn't cause toxicity. Washing it off afterward is normal. Stomach pain, vomiting, or metallic taste­ in the mouth indicate iodine toxicity. Howeve­r, these symptoms are unlike­ly from your brief exposure. Avoid prolonge­d soaking in the future.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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oday morning i given blood for test , when taking blood i am absolutely ok , after removed needle , i got heavy week ness and got vision dark and vomited for a minute , i drunk glass of water and feeling ok , and present also feeling week, please advise

Female | 30

You expe­rienced vasovagal response­ after donating blood. Your body reacted to stre­ss. Dizziness, weakness, vision issue­s, vomiting are normal symptoms. If we­akness persists, see­ doctor. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have gastritis. I had been prescribed Amoxicillin tablets and i purchased accidentally capsule and consumed it, will it have a wrong affect in the body

Male | 21

For gastritis, Amoxicillin consumption in capsule instead of tablet form should not significantly affect its value. If you have doubts about the dose or the form of medication that you've taken, it's good to consult your doctor for confirmation and more instructions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I was prescribed azithromycin for an ear infection I had and took 500 MG on day one and then 250 MG per day for the next 4 days. If I were to also have chlamydia, would this dosage cure that as well?

Male | 22

Azithromycin belongs to the antibiotic category, is one of the drugs most frequently applied against various kinds of bacterial infections including chlamydia. But the amount and length of treatment may be different for each person and based on the severity of the illness and the individual factors. You should see a doctor to get yourself diagnosed and treated in the right way.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello, why when i touch my ear i feel some wall? is that my eardum?

Male | 21

When you touch your ear and feel a firm structure, it's likely the ear canal that you are sensing. The eardrum is deeper inside and not usually accessible to touch.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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What's the causes of clear discharge during sexual

Female | 20

It is because of sexual arousal... works as lubricant... which helps in smooth intercourse. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Good day, I masturbated in a unisex toilet. I then cleaned up with a sheet of toilet paper and flushed it down. I am scared that a few drops might have got to the roll of toilet paper. If a female went to use the the toilet after me and wiped using the toilet roll, could it result in pregnancy?

Male | 27

NO, PREGNANCY CANNOT RESULT from using a contaminated toilet paper Sperm cannot survive outside the body for long.. The chances of pregnancy are extremely low under such circumstances… However, it is important to maintain good hygiene practices to avoid any infections…

Answered on 23rd May '24

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