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Male | 22

Negative 4th Generation HIV Test: Conclusive After 36 Days?

I have sex with sex worker before 36 days and I have symptoms like testicular swelling and pain on 3rd day and back pain also and I have sore throat right now but tested with 4rth generation hiv rapid test at home with fingeprick blood and test got negative results can this result will be conclusive or not

1 Answer

Answered on 18th Nov '24

A negative 36-day 4th generation test is a very good indication. Epididymitis, flu, irritable bowel syndrome, and herpes are only a few of the other possible causes of such symptoms. Nevertheless, if the symptoms persist you should consult a hemoatlogist for proper diagnosis and care.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (236)

My blood report says Total cholesterol - 219 mg/dl LDL direct - 117 mg/dl Triglycerides - 389 mg/dl Trig/HDL ratio - 8.3 HDL/LDL ratio - 0.4 Non HDL cholesterol - 171.97 mg/dl VLDL - 77.82 mg/dl Albumin serum- 5.12 gm/dl Lymphocyte - 17% Monocytes - 1.7% Lymphocyte absolute count - 0.92 × 10³/uL Monocytes absolute count - 0.9 × 10³/uL Hematocrit(pcv) - 54.2 % MCV - 117.8 fL MCHC - 26 g/dL RDW-SD - 75 fL RDW-CV - 17.2 % Platelet count - 140 ×10³/uL My question is what is my condition of health according to this report and how i can cure my condition and what is the problem.

Male | 33

The blood te­st shows high levels of bad fat in the body. This fat can hurt the­ heart over time. To help the­ heart, eat good foods like fruits and ve­ggies. Do exercise­ to stay fit. A hematologist may give medicine­ to lower the fat.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

What is aids Can you explain how hiv falls in anyone

Male | 20

AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It's a severe condition that is unable to be healed, which is caused by a virus called HIV. HIV, which is the root of AIDS, weakens the human immune system. It is for this reason that the body can not ward off infections. Among the many symptoms of AIDS, the main ones include rapid weight loss, frequent fevers, and extreme tiredness. The most preferable treatment option is to explain HIV through the use of protection drugs during intimacy and not to use needles.  Early screening and taking the required medications could help manage the virus.

Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Spited blood from mouth Very tired Less appetite

Male | 20

You see­m to be spitting out blood from your mouth. You feel e­xtremely tired. Your appe­tite has decrease­d. These symptoms could be cause­d by different reasons. Example­s are gum problems, infections, or stomach issue­s. It's important to see a doctor. They will identify the­ cause and provide the­ appropriate treatment.

Answered on 26th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have uric acid content high( 7)in my body will it cause any further problems

Male | 17

This may be followed by pain in your joints, swelling, and ruddiness of your skin. For this, foods rich in purines, obese individuals, and those who have certain medical conditions are factors that trigger its occurrence. Drinking a lot of water, eating a nutritious diet, and consulting a hematologist for medications are some of the things you can do to lower uric acid levels.

Answered on 26th Nov '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have done health checkup for blood test ..need to know if everything is normal ..I feel fatigue sometimes

Male | 42

Looking tired sometimes can have so many different explanations. The results of your blood screening can show some hints. In case your iron level turns out to be low, your body will be susceptible to fatigue. Having a diet rich in spinach and beans can help increase your iron level. Deficiency of sleep can be a reason for tiredness, too. Regularize the habit of going to bed early and having quality sleep. If the blood test results show any problems, your doctor can find you the appropriate remedy.

Answered on 29th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi.. I'm always struggling with being very skinny and I can't gain weight and my iron level always drops, I did blood analysis and everything was good except iron level. I reached many doctors and they gave up because the diagnosis still dim ????. Thanks in advance doctor .

Female | 24

The typical symptoms of iron defusion consist of fatigue, weakness, and trouble gaining weight. The most prevalent cause of low iron is that you don't get enough of it in your diet. Iron-rich foods such as red meat, beans, and green leaves can do a good help. Besides consuming iron supplements, which should be prescribed by a doctor, one will also be able to improve one's iron levels. Don't forget to see your doctor to get more directions. 

Answered on 9th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Why having blood discharge almost one month now

Female | 34

This symptom may arise from various factors, such as hormonal changes, infections, or other underlying conditions. It's crucial to monitor any associated signs, like pain or unusual odor, as these can provide helpful insights. I strongly encourage you to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough examination. They can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options tailored to your needs. Remember, seeking advice is a positive step toward ensuring your well-being and addressing any potential issues effectively. 

Answered on 24th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'male 38 I'm always tried I also always feel sick and I'm having night sweats I have headache everyday

Male | 38

Being tired all the time, getting sick a lot, night sweats, and daily headaches can be hard to deal with. These signs might be caused by different things such as infections, hormonal imbalances, or other medical problems. You need to see a doctor who will be able to find out what is wrong and give you the right treatment so that you can start feeling better. 

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hi good day I'm a male 36 years from Philippines I have a question regarding of my HIV symptoms My first encounter is last February 17 and I check a rapid test kit It was negative. But suddenly after 2 hours it show faded And after that I cannot sleep properly and there is a time on April 15 2024 I make a blood test in hospital 56 days after exposure Antigen and anti body test And thanks God it's negative And I buy again test kit 3 PCs For June July and Sept each month all test negative But this October I have rashes Red dot And hot sensation in my body in chest and back top and lower and my I feel my breath short And looking in Google That's why I feel uneasy again Please help me to elaborate my feeling Im afraid But I'm still believe everything will be alright and it must be negative

Male | 36

The symptoms you mention - rashes, red dots, hot sensation, and shortness of breath - may be caused by various reasons other than HIV. For instance, stress and anxiety are also potential causes of these symptoms. To be sure, you can ask a doctor.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Sir I have done Elisa for both antibody and antoge at 42 days which means 6 week … it is a protected sex for 5 min … I am anxious … my doctor told no need to worry .. it’s good result … I want ur opinion about that … that’s y I messeged you sir… actually that partner is also hiv negative at 22 days … but my anxiety said that she has hiv she had …

Male | 27

It is good that your ELISA test results at 42 days are negative, and your partner also tested negative at 22 days. Since you have protected sex, the risk of HIV transmission is very low. However, for your peace of mind, you should follow up with your doctor. Consulting a specialist in infectious diseases can help address your anxiety and provide further reassurance.

Answered on 10th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Doctor recommended me dexorange for anaemia how many times I should take it in a day and how

Female | 25

Dexorange treats anemia, a condition caused by a lack of red blood cells, leading to tiredness and weakness. It is often due to low iron levels. Take Dexorange once or twice daily after meals, as directed on the label. Regular use helps your body absorb iron and manage anemia effectively.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I had an I pill last month and my blood tests today are High platelet counts Wbc count -7.95 Gran %-76.5 Platelets -141 PDW-SD-19.7 What does this mean

Female | 19

Your blood test shows some changes. A high platelet level might indicate swelling or infection. With a WBC count of 7.95, your body's defense system is active. The Gran% tells about certain white blood cells, which increase when there's an infection. Your platelet count of 141 is normal, but it’s good to keep an eye on it. It seems your body might be fighting off an illness, so it's wise to discuss these results with your doctor for further advice.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am a 15 year old female who has been feeling heavy, achy legs with inactivity for 3 weeks since I arrived back at school. I weigh 115 pounds and have had sensitivity to the cold and purplish blotches that show up on my legs when exposed to extreme temperatures since I was young.

Female | 15

You might have some symptoms of a condition known as Raynaud's phenomenon. This can cause your legs to feel heavy and achy, especially in the cold. The purplish blotches you see when it's cold are also common with Raynaud's. The blood vessels in your body become too sensitive to cold or stress and this is how the condition occurs. It is advisable to y8 wear warm clothes to manage these symptoms.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I had a long time bleeding what could be the cause

Female | 21

Pills and other stuff can also cause lots of blee­ding. Heavy periods, fee­ling sleepy, and head spinning around are­ signs that show there is something wrong. It is important to te­ll a doctor if bleeding happens for too long so the­y can help fix the problem and make­ you feel bette­r.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My platelet count is 5.5 lakh so it is normal or not

Male | 17

A platele­t count of 5.5 lakh is normal. These tiny cells he­lp blood clot properly. Low platelets me­an bruising easily, bleeding too much, and cuts won't stop ble­eding. High platele­ts might signal infection, inflammation, or medical issues. So, re­gular check-ups with your doctor monitor those platele­t levels. Your number looks good now. But de­finitely double-check with a doctor.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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