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Female | 25

Can PCOS cause heavy periods and pain?

I have two queries . First that I have pcos and my USG shows right ovary bulky what is the treatment as I have heavy periods irregular and a lot of pain. Secondly does rubbing genitals when one person is naked and another is wearing nikker causes pregnancy. ?

1 Answer
Dr. Nisarg Patel

Social Obstetrics And Gynecologist

Answered on 12th Nov '24

For PCOS, an enlarged right ovary may cause heavy periods, irregular cycles, and pain. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms like regulating periods and reducing pain. Contraceptive pills, exercise, and medications can help address these issues. As for your second question, rubbing genitals without clothes generally doesn’t result in pregnancy, but it’s advisable to use protection to avoid any risks. If you continue to have concerns, consulting a gynecologist is recommended.

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Questions & Answers on "Gynaecology" (4863)

I had protected sex on February 8 and I took the i-pill. I got withdrawal bleeding after 5 days. Then I had protected sex on Feb 25 and also took the i-pill. But didn't get withdrawal bleeding till now.. Is it because I get pregnant?

Female | 22

The e­mergency contraceptive­ pill can disrupt menstrual cycles, resulting in de­layed or missed periods. Howe­ver, this does not definitive­ly indicate pregnancy. Stress and hormonal fluctuations can also contribute­ to such irregularities. If concerns pe­rsist, considering a pregnancy test may provide­ reassurance. It's important to note that the­se pills serve as e­mergency measure­s and should not be relied upon e­xcessively.

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Sexual pain and discomfort

Female | 21

Sexual PAIN and discomfort can be caused by many things . Some common causes include infections, skin conditions, and hormonal changes . Other causes may include trauma, nerve damage, or psychological factors . It's important to talk to your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions .. Also using lubrication and taking things SLOW during sexual activity can help reduce discomfort and PAIN . Communication with your partner is KEY . Don't be afraid to speak up about what feels good and what doesn't . And REMEMBER, it's okay to say no to anything that causes pain or discomfort .

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Uterus transplant after hysterectomy possible?

Female | 35

Yes its possible, but it is a relatively new procedure and success rates may vary

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm having spotting today..I had sex with my partner..but he didn't insert his penis...the semen was spread in doubt I took ginger and papaya leaf..I'm also a hypothyroidism it a sign of pregnancy...and if so is it safe to take i-pill

Female | 20

Women may experience light spotting after sex, especially if their period is approaching. This is normal and not always a sign of pregnancy. Irregular periods can also be caused by mental health issues linked to hypothyroidism. While ginger and papaya are commonly used herbs, they are not reliable for preventing pregnancy. If you're worried about pregnancy, you can consider taking an emergency pill like the i-pill. 

Answered on 30th Sept '24

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My periods have got delayed since 2 months ,I tried all kinds of home remedies but yet they don't work

Female | 20

I would recommend you go to a gynecologist for your laboratory tests that will help to identify the cause of your menstrual delay. Home remedies may not be that effective all the time and identifying the root cause of the health issue is important to avoid any further health complications. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am patient of pcos I want to know that if I conceive with pcos it will harm me or my baby during the pragnancy?

Female | 28

Having PCOS does not necessarily mean that you will experience harm or that your baby will be at risk during pregnancy. However some women with PCOS may have a slightly higher risk of certain complications such as gestational diabetes and preterm birth. So close monitoring and regular prenatal care are important..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am having a yellowish discharge

Female | 29

you should see a gynaecologist right away. The presence of a yellowish discharge could bear witness to an infection or inflammation in the reproductive system.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi my name is Patricia,im 40 years of age i just want to know i had my periods just for 2 days and im getting nauseous and dizziness,i did 3 pregnancy test it show very light second line but clinic show negative can i be pregnant

Female | 40

It's possible that you may be pregnant, but you shoulld confirm with a doctor. Sometimes a very faint line on a home pregnancy test can indicate early pregnancy, but it's best to have a medical professional confirm the results with a blood test or a more sensitive pregnancy test. Additionally, there can be other reasons why you're experiencing nausea and dizziness, so discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Can I be pregnant from grinding on a penis w nothing on and no condom but he was never inside of me and he never came?

Female | 18

A pregnancy may take place if the semen comes into any contact with the vaginal area, whether there is a penetration or ejaculation. It is imperative to have barrier protection while engaging in any type of sexual activity because this way you and your partner will be prevented from having unwanted pregnancies and from contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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