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Female | 30

Why am I experiencing dizziness and headache?

I m 30yrs female diabetic 2 Frm 20 days I got pain like burning sensation frm left shoulder to arm visited to Gp told it's neuralgia and neuritis prescribed neurobion forte fr 10.days After some days decreased in appetite, constipation, lack of sleep or no sléep Frm 3days I m having dizziness while getting up and headache when to gync also she priscripbed gas meds Its diz connected to neurology ? Suggestion pls

1 Answer

Answered on 30th Oct '24

Conditions like neuralgia and neuritis can cause symptoms such as pain, burning sensations, reduced appetite, constipation, sleep issues, dizziness, and headaches, which may be linked to nerve health. While medications can help, it’s equally important to stay in regular contact with a neurologist to monitor progress. This way, they can make timely adjustments to relieve symptoms effectively.

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Questions & Answers on "Neurology" (931)

Hello! I was diagnosed with OCD a while ago, and one of the compulsions to certain thoughts was to hold my breath for time. It all started from here. I entered medicine, I am passionate about the field and I was always a 10th grade student. My question is if my brain was affected, if there was any cerebral hypoxia. There were times when I held my breath for quite long periods (until I felt that I had to do it), other times when I was not breathing enough and had that feeling of suffocation (the biggest fear here is, I don't know exactly how much). I had a native brain MRI, 1.5 tesla, nothing negative came out. However, on a micro level, was my cognition, my intelligence, my memory affected? The SpO2 value is 98-99% now, should I go to a doctor? I haven't slept much in my life, I always stay up at night to study and I wonder if my brain is more sensitive to such things, also I was born prematurely. I had read on the Internet that people can get hypoxia and not see it on an MRI, that really panicked me. I'm starting college in a week and I'm constantly thinking about this. If I'm going to forget certain details, I won't remember certain things, I'll always think it's because my brain was damaged, not that it's normal not to remember everything. I managed to overcome these compulsions. But I think that there are no after-effects on the brain. What do you recommend? I am very panicked that I might have hurt myself because of some senseless compulsions. I don't feel myself anymore, after reading or many things on the Internet. Is there anything to do?

Male | 18

Holding your breath for a long time can sometimes make you dizzy or suffocate, nevertheless, it is improbable for you to suffer from a permanent brain injury. Your brain which requires oxygen is doing well because you have been receiving good oxygen levels. If you're feeling worried, try some relaxation techniques like deep breathing or talking to someone you trust. 

Answered on 12th Sept '24

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Why does my mind feel clear and I got tap water up my nose is my mind feeling clear a symptom of the brain eating amoeba?

Male | 15

Getting tap wate­r in your nose won't give you brain-eating amoe­ba. When water ente­rs through nostrils, it brings sensation of mental clarity due to te­mperature differe­nce. However, that amoe­ba is very uncommon, causing severe­ signs like intense he­adaches, fever, and disorie­ntation. Avoid letting water ente­r the nose, especially in warm fre­shwater regions. But fee­ling refreshed afte­r accidental nasal water entry doe­sn't indicate the presence­ of that frightening amoeba.

Answered on 25th July '24

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If I don’t say something immediately I will forget it after

Male | 13

If you often forget things quickly, it could be due to something called short-term memory loss. Symptoms include difficulty remembering recent events or information. This can happen due to stress, lack of sleep, or not paying attention. Try to practice good sleep habits, reduce stress, and pay attention when you learn new things. Writing things down can also help you remember better.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have migraine and Hello. OK, so the symptoms are my headache has become more frequent, like more frequent. Before it used to come like in two weeks once, but now it is like in a gap of two days maximum something. And it has become more intense, very intense. It has become like, you know, very, very much intense. Secondly, the painkiller doesn't seem to help at all.Before it used to work, now it doesn't help.Lastly, not exactly Lastly, it lasts much longer. You know like Pehle, it used, it used to go away in one day, but now it lasts for two to three days. And then I'm also experiencing ear pain which is behind my ears also and then inside the ear also, like my whole ear is paining with ear behind also.Then I get extremely nauseous, OK, and then sometimes even a bit dizzy. And then I have sensitivity to light and sound OK, motion sensitivity one side.It paints more and there's more frequent other side. It is not frequent. Doesn't mean it is not there. It happens other side also. It pains but one side is more frequent.And then while in headache I do try to sleep it off, but due to pain sleeping it off becomes difficult and if by chance I get sleep then there are chances it will go away. And then after it goes away still there is weakness, like I feel extreme weakness. What can it be?

Female | 18

The type of headaches you are having, which more often than not, are very intense, with earache, dizziness, and hypersensitivity to light and sound, all symptoms suggest a likely migraine. Migraines occur when your brain is hypersensitive to the things that your body would normally be able to cope with such as stress, lack of sleep, or even something you eat. To achieve the goal of migraine control, you can use a headache diary, stay hydrated, be well-rested, and avoid the triggers. Even if the symptoms get more serious or become a major obstacle in your everyday activities, it's always a good move to seek medical advice from a healthcare practitioner. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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I am a 43-year-old woman experiencing sleeplessness. I consulted a neurologist who gave me sleeping pills, but I wasn't interested in taking them. I tried setting a proper sleep schedule and reduced screen time, but there have been no improvements.

Female | 43

Setting a proper sleep schedule and reducing screen time are good steps, but sometimes additional help is needed. Since the neurologist's treatment didn't suit you, I recommend visiting a sleep specialist. They can provide personalized advice and alternative treatments to improve your sleep.

Answered on 29th July '24

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My friend age is 32 due to some issues he ate 10 table spoons of salt before 30 mins now he is not responding the calls is there any problem with that

Male | 32

This can lead to a condition known as salt poisoning. Signs may include extreme thirst, vomiting, weakness, and confusion. When your friend does not answer calls, it is a severe symptom. The brain and body could be affected. Please seek immediate medical attention. This is an emergency that may be fatal.

Answered on 6th June '24

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I’m taking one time dosage of 200mg of doxycycline as pep for possible exposure to sti. Iv heard that doxycycline causes cranial hypertension How likely is that to happen to me from one dosage

Male | 26

It is not very likely to get intracranial high blood pressure from a single 200mg dose of doxycycline. Intracranial high blood pressure is an uncommon side effect that may lead to headaches, changes in vision, and nausea. Adequate hydration can help in its prevention. Don’t forget to follow your provider’s instructions when taking this medicine and inform them about any worries you might have. 

Answered on 8th June '24

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I am suffering from hemifacial spasm. I want to cure it permanently. Pls help

Female | 38

A hemifacial spasm cause­s one side of your face to twitch involuntarily. This happe­ns when a nerve ge­ts irritated in your cheek are­a. Although uncontrolled facial twitching is unpleasant, treatme­nt options like Botox injections or surgery e­xist. These can help re­lax the affected ne­rve, stopping the spasms. Such treatme­nts aim to provide relief, improving your quality of life­. So do not lose hope, as permane­nt solutions are available.

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

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Hi mam I m 39 yr old I m looking for occupational therapy for the affected hand ( left) I m a stroke victim since 2017

Male | Arjun

I'm really glad that you've taken the step of turning to professional help for your left hand after you had a stroke. Principal problems might be weakness, decreased coordination, and more trouble in doing your daily activities. The occupational therapy can give you your strength back and improve the functioning through tailored exercises and techniques. It is focused on your skill development in doing practical life activities such as personal care tasks, so your daily life becomes much easier and more fun. My advice is to go an authentic health provider in the rehabilitation department who will open a dialogue to your needs and create an individual treatment plan. 

Answered on 12th Dec '24

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Symptoms - headaches especially during day and evening with will no vomit, lack of left body coordination

Male | 17

You should visit a neurologist right away. Such complaints may suggest a neurological disorder that calls for the services of a specialist to be managed. Make no delay in getting proper medical help because the sooner the diagnosis is made the better the outcome will be.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am having a great issue in my sleep cycle. Jaisay neend me ana hi chor diya ha. Also having a great issue in periods. My back wlways hurts and from past one week, I regularly feels migrane severe. Often my kidneys hurts. I feel dizziness when i tries to stand up and ajeeb si bechaini ha sotay hue… Sonetimes i feel fever too

Female | 18

Dizziness when you get up and your fast heart rate could be due to low blood pressure. Headaches, back pain, and kidney pain can come from dehydration or stress. To keep your body hydrated, drink lots of water, eat good food, and sleep well. If the symptoms continue, go to a clinic for a health check-up.

Answered on 7th Oct '24

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